Careful. :nono:
Let me interject a little "prize theory" here.
See, I'm not against PUA's. In fact, I'm all about it. I absolutely adore the concept of looting and plundering the women race. I won't jump up on a moral soapbox and preach, I've unleashed the fury and seriously ran through some women myself. Good times where had by all.
However, there will come a point where one steps back and says: "Wait a minute. Eww. She was a crummy lay, and I'm out $150 for the night. Uh... where's the
Now, perhaps my situation is unique, but, I've arrived at a place where I'm very weary. I'm very weary of being used. Used you ask? :yes:
It's odd that a MAN would use that very feminine expression, but it's true. See, I bounce women off the walls with only my little finger (I have no need to embellish, so please take my word and try to see the point). Nowadays, I've began to see the signals when women are "in love" with the (overall) feeling they have around me versus being "in love" with me.
Indeed, women will use a man as a walking dildo, this we know. I refuse to be that dildo anymore. This site has given me the gift of valuing myself over women. You want a dildo? Go buy a dildo. My skills are a gift. My wit is a gift. My charm is a gift, my good looks are a gift, my ****tail making skills are a gift, my grilling and cooking skills are a gift, my bedroom skills are a gift, my good hygeine is a gift... on and on until I just flat-out tell you: I'm a gift.
I'm a gift to give.
Oh... and I smell good.
Don't look down your nose at me for having a little discretion as to whom I give the gift. There are a couple things that come along with maturity; discretion is one of those things. Scrutiny is another. Call me shrewd, call me what you like, I'm empowered to give myself to whomever I deem fit.
I deem fit.
That being said, I'm not the damn Salvation Army. You want charity? Ask that dude over there to buy you a drink - "I aint the one". You want me to give you something? You had better bring some value to the table otherwise it's sucker bet. I'm not picking up women for the sake of getting my d!ck wet or just for the "thrill" of it. My FB's have demonstrated value, and I'll reciprocate. My d!ck has no problem getting wet. So... now what?
That's right, puzzy has no power over me anymore. PUA's on the other hand, like those you mentioned, are EMPLOYED by the puzzy.
Does that make them boss, or employee?
Now, GoL has a good point. PUA's are a great place to start. Learn the skills. Fine, great, bang women. Pick them up and use them as a recepticle: I'm all for it. Have a good time. Once you have your fill, back away from the buffet and look at your belly, that's all I'm saying.
No need to be greedy: save some for the AFC's! And no need to give charity where charity isn't worthy.
Bottom line: You are the prize. "Chasing women" just doesn't make any sense. People buy tickets for the lottery to win the prize. The prize doesn't just go around giving out winning tickets. Realize that every ticket you go handing out is a winner.
Now, whether or not a woman keeps that ticket or throws it away to play again is another story. That should be none of your concern. Go call the 800 number for the gambling hotline, I don't give a damn.
I'm over here;
selling tickets.