zerocelcius said:
I am not attacking you personally so please calm down.
I know, im just have to debate. And im not mad, im just defending my viewpoints.
I am only replying to the approach. I am only trying to help, but if you feel you don't need it than by all means forget I wrote anything. If this is working for you than do it.
Not only that but it can work for many other guys. I fail to see Mystery's logic of doing direct is bad, with his style...u try to demonstrate higher value...but u already are a DHV..u got nothing to prove. Why try to put up a front or a mask? Why not just be honest with who you are? She'll fall in love with the mask but not yourself.
However; it gives them all the power.
That is definitely false. Girls do the choosing no matter which method you do. They have the choice, but how is it giving them power if u go up to them and state ur interest? Thats power in itself...because u are going for what u want and do not care about getting rejected at all...which is the #1 fear of approaching. But this goes beyond just rejection.
The moment you make them know you are interested in them that much (body and eyes straight in & flat out saying "your beautiful") than you have no more power.
I would have to disagree with this, what you are doing is very powerful. Doing indirect actually puts them on a pedastal i would say much more, because ur "Trying to appear" that u aren't into them....which means...u are resorting to routines...which puts them on a u want to avoid rejection...rather than let it happen if it does...even if she wasn't interested at all in the first place.
You just told her that you put her on a pedestal and she can walk all over you. The only outcome of this approach is her knowing another guy thinks she is beautiful.
Which women absolutely want. They want to be reaffirmed that they are beautiful...even if its 100 guys...a very beautiful woman's worst fear is not believe that she is beautiful. Trust me, imagine a very hot girl never got approached, and never got told she was very attractive anymore...she would have low self asteem and freak out.....but to most of the guys who do it, they do it either half assed, lacking enthusiasm, or in a supplicating way. If you do it while being very self assured and charming....she'll melt, be shocked, and be urs.
I think your confidence is good, but it is very cut and dry. And the second line has to be good.
It should be simple, and cut and dry....i fail to understand whats cut and dry about it? It is just simple...thats all it needs to be. Also..about the second does it have to be good? U've done a big step u take it from there. Too many guys believe things have to always be good...but in just needs to be enough. Girls aren't that analytical. Also depends on how u say things, obviously.
But no matter what you say she knows you like her way to much.
How waaay too much? As long as ur not fawning over her. U've qualified her looks, the attitude is: "I find you beautiful and I choose you" Women want to be wanted for their looks...its why they try to look good....they want to be thought of lustfully. Which she wants but won't admit it. If your talking about some girls who act high maintenance/stuck up....they are usually like that because they'll get approached by either
A) Players who use corny pick up lines
B) Guys who fawn over them
C) Guy who try to seem like he's not hitting on her
D) A regular joe
Rarely if ever will a girl be approached direct by a suave, natural, honest guy. If ever.
Unless you fell head over heals for her than I would avoid this approach.
And who said this approach entailed you falling head over heals? Ur going up to her, revealing ur interest in a very self assured way(Ive repeated this already.) Then its her choice if she reciprocates or not. It always was, no matter what method you use. She's made the choice when she first lays eyes on u whether there is ANY possibility that u could meet up in the future. Anything else is to either reconfirm it or to block it.
I don't see it going any further than giving her all the power and close out all the other people in the group.
What power are you giving to her? You are powerful urself for being a man. How does she have all the power? All ur doing is revealing ur interest in a no waste time manner...and cutting through the chase. If she doesn't accept, there are many other women who would gladly accept. She did u a favor with rejection. Not all women are right for you, no matter how hot they are. Also, you do not have to acknowledge the group at first. Sure, its a good idea to atleast acknowledge them afterwards...but its not needed to go through the group first.
And when you leave there is only going to be negative hits on you (if in a group).
From my experience....they've talked about it...but oh so in a positive some instances...when i see one of their friends...they are smiling at me with a look of "I wish that happened to me".
Yes it takes balls to approach like this, but it doesn't take finesse and style.
You already have finesse and style. its the way u carry urself. It has to come off seductive and confident. Thats enough finesse and style. Anything else, i have to disagree..this doesn't have to be hard as other people make it.
It also doesn't leave you much room to maneuver or adapt. It also cuts out all possibility to neg hit, or exit with any face.
You are constantly maneuvering and adapting in the interaction. Neg hits are not needed in seduction, period. I would rather be playful and tease her naturally...rather than neg hitting. But you already have face, how can a ***** rejecting you cause u to lose face? I'd say ur face is still strong because she deep down has to respect you for what u did.
You square up with a good look to you, and gaze in to a HB8’s eyes. You walk directly up to her ignoring her friends. You say in a deep confident voice “Your Beautiful”! ….
…wait for it….
Her friends: “chuckle”
You turn Gaze in her friend’s eyes: “chuckle”
They all stop chuckling and just stare at you….
…wait for it…
You look back at HB8 and ask: “what’s your name”
Her friends grab her and say: “I have to tell you something in the bathroom”
Her Boyfriend and friends grab you drag you out back…
… Wait for it…
Beat the F’n Chit out of you…
That is ridiculous. Why would a bf honestly do that? All ur doing is approaching...u haven't touched her or anything. If a guy seriously did that, then something is wrong with him...he must be extremely jealous then. As long as u show that u respect that they are together...then nothing will happen. How often have u tried direct or are you basing this on someone else's experiences? That has never ever in my time with direct ever happened.
Most of the time, either the bf will not care(as he has trust in her) or just put his arm around her or just look u or hell even think its funny or be cool with it.
But in terms of girls laughing at u...Sure, a couple times girls have laughed...but it was in a positive way...they were in disbelief. They will look at u but its expected. One girl did ask, "Did someone bet you to say that?" Thats the closest thing to any thing like that. You don't have to acknowledge the group first..who said you had to?
OK I’m being drastic here but you have to see that a direct approach like that is like rushing head in against a heavy weight boxer and you just might get the same outcome.
That analogy right there is putting a girl on a pedastal. They are just girls. I'll say it again, u urself are powerful, because ur going for what u want without beating around the bush. Deep down girls like that but don't expect it. Who cares if u get rejected by her?
Could this approach work it might get you to one place better than the situation I just gave. IT could get her to think you’re confident. It will get you to the point that she knows you find her beautiful.
Which obviously u want her to know. Self assurance and her knowing that she's beautiful by an attractive guy is a turn on to her.
SO I ask again where do you go from here? Friend Zone! CHUMP Zone!
Its impossible to be in the friends zone with this approach the right way. She knows ur intentions and can either accept or reject. No other choice. Also, if u do it like a chump...then yes u can be in the friend's zone..but if u don't do it like a chump...then no. U can't be a chump with direct.
This approach will not win respect from her or her friends. And you lose all face.
Funny how i've gained more face from it and was seen a whole new light.
Use that same confidence to approach but just use other methods that don't give all your power away.
Have u honestly tried direct the right way? Because u have not explained to me how ur giving away power. Girls want to be complimented, but not to the point where its annoying or in an attempt to manipulated her into liking u(Conditional).