1.) Mystery once visited the Virgin Islands. They are now known solely as the islands.
2.) Women's clothes tear themselves off at the mere sight of Mystery.
3.) Mystery has slept with an infinite number of women... twice, yes including your mum.
4.) Contrary to popular belief, Erik Von Markovik's Power Levitation requires absolutely no gimmicks. The bottle levitates itself out of fear in the mere presence of Mystery.
5.) Mystery's sperm can penetrate 13 condoms, the birth control pill, a brick wall, and the 1975 Pittsburgh Steelers offensive line in order to impregnate a woman.
6.) Mystery is allowed to talk about Fight Club AND the Secret Society.
7.) 40,000 years ago, Mystery comprised all 50 people of the 50-person society.
8.) Mystery is the only person to simultaneously neg a woman, perform a freezeout, and disqualify himself during S2 and still succeed in full-closing her.
9.) In demonstrating peacock theory, Mystery once dressed up as a peacock and pulled more ass than ever before.
10.) Mystery is always 7 feet tall, with or without his New Rock Boots.
11.) A woman can dream about Mystery seducing her even when she has never heard of him before.
12.) Any attempt to AMOG Mystery will result in your ultimate seduction, except Mystery doesn't swing that way, *****.
13.) Mystery was born with black nails.
14.) Mystery is the only person to have ever bedded the previously-fictitious SHB20 and her twin sister.
15.) Mystery is the only person able to print the unprintable Venusian Arts Handbook. (No longer true. You are now able to buy the book in print.)
16.) Mystery once had an "off" day when sarging. He only got 13 number closes, 7 kiss closes, and 1 f-close... followed by the girl's friend coming by for a threesome.
17.) Ross Jeffries once opened an HB10 and got a doggy dinner bowl look in less than five minutes from the girl. Mystery scoffed, because Ross Jeffries actually had to talk to her to incite this response.
18.) There are three ways of doing things... the right way, the wrong way, and the Mystery Method way, which is the right way but with lots more sex. (Contributed by Eclectic)
19.) Before Mystery invented the word Pickup artist, it used to be called make-up artist.
20.) The 3 second rule was invented when Mystery's watch stopped at 3 sec.
21.) Mystery is Casanova.
22.) Before Mystery came to ASF, nobody was getting laid. Then Mystery put up a photo of a vagina and everyone nodded in awe.
23.) If it weren't for Mystery, Adam would never have "game" to sleep with Eve.
24.) If Mystery did not exist it would be necessary to invent Him.
25.) Mystery's soul patch comes from a woman's pubic hair.
26.) The fluffy hat does work. Once I enter a club and ALL the hats were attracted to me.
27.) Mystery was the first to use a can opener. He was also the fastest to open a can of tuna. Every other man was using their teeth back then.
28.) There are only 9 phases in the M3 model because Mystery couldn't count to 10.
29.) Bars and clubs were invented AFTER Mystery decided to bring students in-field.
30.) Chris Crocker will soon release a Youtube video titled "Leave Mystery Alone".
31.) The Mind of Mystery is 100% Mystery.
2.) Women's clothes tear themselves off at the mere sight of Mystery.
3.) Mystery has slept with an infinite number of women... twice, yes including your mum.
4.) Contrary to popular belief, Erik Von Markovik's Power Levitation requires absolutely no gimmicks. The bottle levitates itself out of fear in the mere presence of Mystery.
5.) Mystery's sperm can penetrate 13 condoms, the birth control pill, a brick wall, and the 1975 Pittsburgh Steelers offensive line in order to impregnate a woman.
6.) Mystery is allowed to talk about Fight Club AND the Secret Society.
7.) 40,000 years ago, Mystery comprised all 50 people of the 50-person society.
8.) Mystery is the only person to simultaneously neg a woman, perform a freezeout, and disqualify himself during S2 and still succeed in full-closing her.
9.) In demonstrating peacock theory, Mystery once dressed up as a peacock and pulled more ass than ever before.
10.) Mystery is always 7 feet tall, with or without his New Rock Boots.
11.) A woman can dream about Mystery seducing her even when she has never heard of him before.
12.) Any attempt to AMOG Mystery will result in your ultimate seduction, except Mystery doesn't swing that way, *****.
13.) Mystery was born with black nails.
14.) Mystery is the only person to have ever bedded the previously-fictitious SHB20 and her twin sister.
15.) Mystery is the only person able to print the unprintable Venusian Arts Handbook. (No longer true. You are now able to buy the book in print.)
16.) Mystery once had an "off" day when sarging. He only got 13 number closes, 7 kiss closes, and 1 f-close... followed by the girl's friend coming by for a threesome.
17.) Ross Jeffries once opened an HB10 and got a doggy dinner bowl look in less than five minutes from the girl. Mystery scoffed, because Ross Jeffries actually had to talk to her to incite this response.
18.) There are three ways of doing things... the right way, the wrong way, and the Mystery Method way, which is the right way but with lots more sex. (Contributed by Eclectic)
19.) Before Mystery invented the word Pickup artist, it used to be called make-up artist.
20.) The 3 second rule was invented when Mystery's watch stopped at 3 sec.
21.) Mystery is Casanova.
22.) Before Mystery came to ASF, nobody was getting laid. Then Mystery put up a photo of a vagina and everyone nodded in awe.
23.) If it weren't for Mystery, Adam would never have "game" to sleep with Eve.
24.) If Mystery did not exist it would be necessary to invent Him.
25.) Mystery's soul patch comes from a woman's pubic hair.
26.) The fluffy hat does work. Once I enter a club and ALL the hats were attracted to me.
27.) Mystery was the first to use a can opener. He was also the fastest to open a can of tuna. Every other man was using their teeth back then.
28.) There are only 9 phases in the M3 model because Mystery couldn't count to 10.
29.) Bars and clubs were invented AFTER Mystery decided to bring students in-field.
30.) Chris Crocker will soon release a Youtube video titled "Leave Mystery Alone".
31.) The Mind of Mystery is 100% Mystery.