MYSPACE - enough praising/shyttalking about it - heres the TRUTH


Don Juan
Jul 7, 2006
Reaction score
Westchester/Rockland NY
I am liking your no-BS posts lately,
but can we conclude if looks are not our best feature, we should not waist time with myspace ? also, you seem to have have been very successful on myspace, are you good looking ?


Jan 14, 2006
Reaction score
if ur not good looking, ull likely not have success on good looking to some, very hot to a few, average to some, and not very good looking to some - obv the ones who dont think im good looking dont reply with their sns, its simple
Jan 4, 2002
Reaction score
You can meet plenty of 21+ on Myspace. I'm not a big myspace person, but my friend (26) does it all the time. It all depends on the individual. Some 18 year old's won't meet anyone off the internet. Some will. Regardless of the age.

92 GSR-4

Don Juan
Jun 6, 2006
Reaction score
I posted this in the other thread...but this one seems to be the MAIN one. But check it out |

Check this out guys:

skip2mylou781, I read your response to my post in the other thread. I write a personalized message to every girl on myspace, not just a "hey your cute whats ur sn". You said to read this thread to see what I'm doing wrong...but I just realized you should read my stuff to see what your doing wrong, check it out:

1) Yes you contact WAY more girls than me. But I'm picky. I read their page and see if I really want to waste my time on them.

2) I get SN's all the time. Phone #'s even. Fewer than you by default, But what I SAID was that I haven't sealed a date in person yet. Girls are SCARED to meet someone from the internet!!!

3) based on your statistics compared to mine.. I have a much better success rate, in that a higher percentage of girls respond back to me than you.

4) LASTLY.. I made a "fake" myspace page myself of a lovely young lady my age, just like in the mystery forums. It's appauling. Im getting nothing but "hey sexy", "hey cutie", "wanna have some fun?", etc. and a guy sent me his phone number out of the blue and asked me to please call him. Oh and a married dude sent me a message saying he'll be here local in a few days.... I'm starting to delete **** left and right and this is only day 2 for my page... I can see why we need to say something that stands out!!

SN = SCREEN NAME for AIM, MSN, Yahoo, etc., AudiTy:cool: (By the way, its not a quattro Turbo is it??:whistle: )

skip2mylou781 don't think I'm flaming you, I think you are playing the numbers game pretty well. I just think if you personalize those messages, like I do, you will get a better response rate.


Senior Don Juan
May 7, 2003
Reaction score
92 GSR-4 said:
I posted this in the other thread...but this one seems to be the MAIN one. But check it out |

Check this out guys:

skip2mylou781, I read your response to my post in the other thread. I write a personalized message to every girl on myspace, not just a "hey your cute whats ur sn". You said to read this thread to see what I'm doing wrong...but I just realized you should read my stuff to see what your doing wrong, check it out:

1) Yes you contact WAY more girls than me. But I'm picky. I read their page and see if I really want to waste my time on them.

2) I get SN's all the time. Phone #'s even. Fewer than you by default, But what I SAID was that I haven't sealed a date in person yet. Girls are SCARED to meet someone from the internet!!!

3) based on your statistics compared to mine.. I have a much better success rate, in that a higher percentage of girls respond back to me than you.

4) LASTLY.. I made a "fake" myspace page myself of a lovely young lady my age, just like in the mystery forums. It's appauling. Im getting nothing but "hey sexy", "hey cutie", "wanna have some fun?", etc. and a guy sent me his phone number out of the blue and asked me to please call him. Oh and a married dude sent me a message saying he'll be here local in a few days.... I'm starting to delete **** left and right and this is only day 2 for my page... I can see why we need to say something that stands out!!

SN = SCREEN NAME for AIM, MSN, Yahoo, etc., AudiTy:cool: (By the way, its not a quattro Turbo is it??:whistle: )

skip2mylou781 don't think I'm flaming you, I think you are playing the numbers game pretty well. I just think if you personalize those messages, like I do, you will get a better response rate.
I'm going to have to agree with you on this one. I actually tried this stuff on other sites. The site I had the most success with is I have never met anyone online and I think the problem is girls think it's creepy to meet a guy they met online. I was going to meet up with two women on the internet in my life but when it came time to arrange a time/place they disappeared. Women are reluctant to meet guys in real life. They don't know the guy and don't trust him. I've had several women tell me this, and I also put up a fake profile of a woman up and I got a bunch of sissy guys emailing with a bunch of sissy comments I think would turn most women off. This was on I really don't know if I'm good looking or not. It seems like the only women that really pay attention to me are the best looking ones or the ones that think they're hot, and I notice it makes a difference if I got a haircut or not. I am tall though and that's not something that can help you online. Internet dating doesn't work for me.

92 GSR-4

Don Juan
Jun 6, 2006
Reaction score
rrrrr said:
I'm going to have to agree with you on this one. I actually tried this stuff on other sites. The site I had the most success with is I have never met anyone online and I think the problem is girls think it's creepy to meet a guy they met online. I was going to meet up with two women on the internet in my life but when it came time to arrange a time/place they disappeared. Women are reluctant to meet guys in real life. They don't know the guy and don't trust him. I've had several women tell me this, and I also put up a fake profile of a woman up and I got a bunch of sissy guys emailing with a bunch of sissy comments I think would turn most women off. This was on I really don't know if I'm good looking or not. It seems like the only women that really pay attention to me are the best looking ones or the ones that think they're hot, and I notice it makes a difference if I got a haircut or not. I am tall though and that's not something that can help you online. Internet dating doesn't work for me.
rrrrr, I've noticed that when I'm talking to them on AIM, they are usually very open and funny/crazy and we have a good convo. Then I usually tell them to fork over the phone #, and it turns into a totally different atmosphere. It's just not like getting one in real life. I can't look at her with that ****y smile that always makes them give it up. On the other hand, I have gotten numbers before..only to next them because they ***** foot around about meeting me. Are you getting the same kind of responses?

BTW I am 22 and would say I'm pretty decent looking, but definately no Brad Pitt, so I'm pretty sure my very high response rate is due to the fact I use personalized messages, not just a generic copy/paste..


Jan 14, 2006
Reaction score
i disagree, cuz i get girls # on AIM even if the convo isnt all cool and funny, even if its plain interview style, i almost always get the # but only as long as the girl had told me earlier that she thinks im really cute/hot....they r as shallow as guys
Jul 31, 2006
Reaction score
skip2mylou781 said:
i cant believe how many people jsut go back and forth and back and forth about it good? is it bad? is it keyboard jocking? is it sarging? is it gay? is it straight? is it cool? is it AFC??


theres only FIVE parts to it, once u get all of these, you wont ask another myspace question again:

1)meeting girls from myspace to hook up with/date is EASY but ONLY if they are ages 13 - 21 (i threw in 13 in case some of the younger pimps r reading this) - those are young, unscrewed untainted minds who arent all full of themselves and girls that age like doin crazy shyt like meetin hot guys off myspace, which brings me to #2......

2) IF UR NOT GOOD LOOKING, ULL HAVE ZERO SUCCESS ON MYSPACE - if u have a great pic but arent good looking in person and u get a hot chick to meet u, u will crash and burn on the 1st meeting anyway - u HAVE to look good, and the better u look, the more success ull hav on myspace - u need to put lotsa good pics up that show off ur looks cuz in the world of myspace, GIRLS JUDGE STRICTLY ON LOOKS

3) more on looks - if a girl thinks ur hot, u got a 100% chance of meeting her, girls like hot guys as muich as guys like hot girls

4)heres a simple chain in case u dunno how it works:

"ask for sn -> talk online a lil bit -> get # -> call and make plans -> chill -> gunwitch -> sex

5) its a NUMBERS GAME, forget about girls that dont reply, if u need to spam every single ****in girl askin for her sn, then do that!!!!! who the **** cares, as long as u get the sns, cuz then u can get #s and dates and so on.


as a reminder, if your over the age of 21 and u dont go for younger girls or ur not good looking or u dont have good pics of urself, then MYSPACE WILL NOT WORK FOR YOU

Amazing how it proves your not a DJ you can type to 100 females(some of them can be men acting as girls ;))Anyways but you will never approach 100 females in real life would you??lol some DJ you are,I have nothing against myspace but meeting women online is a risk,to yourself and the community dont trust the internet,its nothing but typed wordz on a computer screen.I would suggest approach girls in real life but 99% of you dont have guts ooh well.
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92 GSR-4

Don Juan
Jun 6, 2006
Reaction score
dreamx_not_afc said:
Amazing how it proves your not a DJ you can type to 100 females(some of them can be men acting as girls ;))Anyways but you will never approach 100 females in real life would you??lol some DJ you are,I have nothing against myspace but meeting women online is a risk,to yourself and the community dont trust the internet,its nothing but typed wordz on a computer screen.I would suggest approach girls in real life but 99% of you dont have guts ooh well.
Well I would have to agree and disagree.

I would agree if that was his only avenue.

I disagree becuase if I remember right, he said it's not his only avenue of meeting women. It may have been in another thread, but I remember skip saying that, and also he isn't spending too much time sending out mass messages... hence the reason they are really simple/shallow.. but hey he gets quantity!

I personally like myspace, but I think it's inprobable to be a successful DJ unless you figure a way to get the # ASAFP.


Don Juan
Jul 18, 2006
Reaction score
The only thing I dislike about myspace is that the vast majority of the girls on there leave next to nothing on their pages to get a decent opener from. Just like the ole' AOL days their pages are cluttered with sparkly things, useless pics of crappy rappers, booty girls, and "which Laguna Beach character are you" surveys. I'll next a girl based soley on seeing this.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 1, 2001
Reaction score
Don't worry about it
BULL**** Skip. I created a fake profile, I have a real one also, just to see what you said works. So far I I'med 40 girls and only 2 have responded so far, most of them probably don't even look at your profile because out of the last 20 i im'med (Hey cutie, what's your sn) I only got 3 views and 18 were read so Im calling your bull$hit, and YES, I am a good looking guy.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
Reaction score
92 GSR-4 said:
4) LASTLY.. I made a "fake" myspace page myself of a lovely young lady my age, just like in the mystery forums. It's appauling. Im getting nothing but "hey sexy", "hey cutie", "wanna have some fun?", etc. and a guy sent me his phone number out of the blue and asked me to please call him. Oh and a married dude sent me a message saying he'll be here local in a few days.... I'm starting to delete **** left and right and this is only day 2 for my page... I can see why we need to say something that stands out!!
On a huge spamfest like Myspace, you have a better shot at not getting automatically rejected if you hang out in a group or forum and click with a girl over some time, rather than spamming out PMs randomly. Think of the former as meeting a girl through her social circle and the latter as catcalling a girl on the street from your construction site.. :D

Yea, the latter does take more time, but I just don't imagine the former working very well at all.

And I will agree with the OP that looks will work more to your advantage on profile sites - in other words, they work best for good-looking guys who have learned how to take flattering pics.

92 GSR-4

Don Juan
Jun 6, 2006
Reaction score
wayword said:
On a huge spamfest like Myspace, you have a better shot at not getting automatically rejected if you hang out in a group or forum and click with a girl over some time, rather than spamming out PMs randomly. Think of the former as meeting a girl through her social circle and the latter as catcalling a girl on the street from your construction site.. :D

Wayword, thats a killer idea and I didn't even think of it. However, I stepped back and evaluated myself and realized that I'm really wasting my time. My game, face-to-face, really needs alot of work. Tonight I went shopping at the mall and I went to check out. There was a HB8 doing the cashier giving me some EC. Well, I made small talk, but was nervous...basically I choked on trying to DJ her. I think I need to get in the boot camp and fix this approaching anxeity, I'm tired of it.. ugh:box:


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
Reaction score
Yeah, I think myspace has made me even lazier in one respect about meeting women as it has been my only avenue lately. Ever since I was able to pull a few broads at the end of last year/beginning of this year, I've pretty much remained stationary, thinking I was on a roll and didn't even have to leave the house to get poon. I've just been contacting girls on there and in recent days, it seems like more effort than it's worth. I haven't been laid in 5 months and to make matters worse, I've isolated myself from social interaction in the flesh, hence making me even more awkward when I do meet girls in person for the first time. I've met plenty in the last 5 months and haven't gotten anywhere with any of them. I've sent quite a few messages/requests in the past week alone and have gotten mostly ignored. There is one hot chick on my list I sent a message to and she replied back with a pic. comment saying how nice she thought my message was/that I was cute. I replied, asking for her sn but she just read and didn't respond. Then I noticed her sn is on her profile. Anyway, it just seems like a tiresome avenue more and more all the time.


Master Don Juan
May 29, 2006
Reaction score
It's not just Myspace but online dating in general. If you're not good looking you won't get a pass. Infact let's just say that you will get 5-15% chance of even getting a response if you're average looking, and only a quarter of that 5-15% chance you will actually land a date. So to calculate further for the poor average guy like me and others you will get a 2-4% chance of getting any dates. You'd have better chance getting in an auto accident than landing a first date.


Jan 14, 2006
Reaction score
Hitman10000 said:
It's not just Myspace but online dating in general. If you're not good looking you won't get a pass. Infact let's just say that you will get 5-15% chance of even getting a response if you're average looking, and only a quarter of that 5-15% chance you will actually land a date. So to calculate further for the poor average guy like me and others you will get a 2-4% chance of getting any dates. You'd have better chance getting in an auto accident than landing a first date.

its not even BEING good lookings that counts, its instead PRESENTING urself as very good looking so the girl has a reason to wanna talk to u!

aka the way u dress, the way ur hair is done, if ur showin abs or w/e in ur pics, u gotta take pics that make u look the BEST