Master Don Juan
One of the best things that came out of my marriage with my wife besides my 2 kids and well.. my wife lol, is the relationship that my wife and my sister have.
I chuckle at the thought of a 39 year old white woman having a 15 year old black sister in law lol, but that **** freaking works. For all intents and purposes, my sister has known my wife all her life, for that she can remembers. She was 7 when they first met.
My wife has basically become the "cool older sister" or the "not bat**** crazy parent" lol. My mother is so overly religious it's not practical. My mom refuses to believe that a godly child would think about taboo **** like, sex and drugs and boys and partying and care about stuff like clothes, you know, **** that kids that are 15 are into.
My sister calls my wife at least once a week and they just talk. My sister will call my wife before she'll call me with an issue. When her first BF broke up with her my wife was the first person she called. When her BF earlier this year tried to get her to have sex with her, she called my wife and got her advise, and my wife gave her practical advise, not telling her that she's going to hell if she has sex before marriage lol. Part of me finds the irony that the woman that my mom basically humiliated 7 years ago in front of everyone is going to be the reason that her daughter is going to grow up and be a well adjusted woman.
Anyway, my wife had our daughter in april and it's the summer time and we like to do **** and go places and my sister needs a job and she hates Arkansas just as much as I do, plus she adores my wife so I was like look just come out here for the summer. you can live in LA for 3 months, i can pay you to be a babysitter so we can do **** lol, it will be all good.
The first thing my sister noticed when she came out here, she's never really been anywhere other than texas or missouri is how skinny everyone is. My sister is not skinny. Being chubby is okay in Arkansas, it's a death sentence in LA. The whole I'm black and you should respect me for being a strong black woman **** isn't gonna work in LA too superficial.
So my wife starts taking her to the gym with her everyday. My sister, who loves mc donalds now is eating my wife's healthy cooking 7 days a week. Somehow my wife got my sister to loved baked chicken and green beans.
I noticed a difference in her within a month. the fat on her arms was completely gone. She couldn't swim to save her lief when she came out here, now she's swimming laps in the pool by herself.
My sister has had dreadlocks since she was in elementary school. I imagine because my mom convinced her to keep them. My wife takes my credit card lol and my sister on day and says we'll be back later. My sister walks in the door and for the first time isn't wearing gym shorts and tennis shoes and has real ****ing hair permed down the side of her face wearing blue jeans and some heels and a real shirt lol and for the first time in her life my sister looked like a real woman. You could see she was really happy with herself too she liked the new look. And she's down about 25-30 pounds from when she got her. Dudes are hitting on her now, you can't swipe the smile off her face she has real confidence.. My sister has always gotten attention from dudes becuase shes.. developed.. but not the dudes she liked but now she has real attention from dudes and she's so happy. My sister was so ****ing adorable growing up and my mom turned her into a god fearing tomboy and for the first time in 10 years or so i can look at my sister and say she'a pretty girl. In 2 months she's lost 25 pounds, learned how to swim even got herself a little boyfriend and **** and went on a date today lol. Dudes at school go be in for a shock in a month lol she'll be down another 10-15 pounds too.
anyway i'm just really proud of my wife and my sister. It's funny my mom used to ask me all the time what do i see in her. now she knows. My wife is so caring if you know her you can't not like her. \
I chuckle at the thought of a 39 year old white woman having a 15 year old black sister in law lol, but that **** freaking works. For all intents and purposes, my sister has known my wife all her life, for that she can remembers. She was 7 when they first met.
My wife has basically become the "cool older sister" or the "not bat**** crazy parent" lol. My mother is so overly religious it's not practical. My mom refuses to believe that a godly child would think about taboo **** like, sex and drugs and boys and partying and care about stuff like clothes, you know, **** that kids that are 15 are into.
My sister calls my wife at least once a week and they just talk. My sister will call my wife before she'll call me with an issue. When her first BF broke up with her my wife was the first person she called. When her BF earlier this year tried to get her to have sex with her, she called my wife and got her advise, and my wife gave her practical advise, not telling her that she's going to hell if she has sex before marriage lol. Part of me finds the irony that the woman that my mom basically humiliated 7 years ago in front of everyone is going to be the reason that her daughter is going to grow up and be a well adjusted woman.
Anyway, my wife had our daughter in april and it's the summer time and we like to do **** and go places and my sister needs a job and she hates Arkansas just as much as I do, plus she adores my wife so I was like look just come out here for the summer. you can live in LA for 3 months, i can pay you to be a babysitter so we can do **** lol, it will be all good.
The first thing my sister noticed when she came out here, she's never really been anywhere other than texas or missouri is how skinny everyone is. My sister is not skinny. Being chubby is okay in Arkansas, it's a death sentence in LA. The whole I'm black and you should respect me for being a strong black woman **** isn't gonna work in LA too superficial.
So my wife starts taking her to the gym with her everyday. My sister, who loves mc donalds now is eating my wife's healthy cooking 7 days a week. Somehow my wife got my sister to loved baked chicken and green beans.
I noticed a difference in her within a month. the fat on her arms was completely gone. She couldn't swim to save her lief when she came out here, now she's swimming laps in the pool by herself.
My sister has had dreadlocks since she was in elementary school. I imagine because my mom convinced her to keep them. My wife takes my credit card lol and my sister on day and says we'll be back later. My sister walks in the door and for the first time isn't wearing gym shorts and tennis shoes and has real ****ing hair permed down the side of her face wearing blue jeans and some heels and a real shirt lol and for the first time in her life my sister looked like a real woman. You could see she was really happy with herself too she liked the new look. And she's down about 25-30 pounds from when she got her. Dudes are hitting on her now, you can't swipe the smile off her face she has real confidence.. My sister has always gotten attention from dudes becuase shes.. developed.. but not the dudes she liked but now she has real attention from dudes and she's so happy. My sister was so ****ing adorable growing up and my mom turned her into a god fearing tomboy and for the first time in 10 years or so i can look at my sister and say she'a pretty girl. In 2 months she's lost 25 pounds, learned how to swim even got herself a little boyfriend and **** and went on a date today lol. Dudes at school go be in for a shock in a month lol she'll be down another 10-15 pounds too.
anyway i'm just really proud of my wife and my sister. It's funny my mom used to ask me all the time what do i see in her. now she knows. My wife is so caring if you know her you can't not like her. \