My whole situation... Please I need help!


Don Juan
Jul 22, 2003
Reaction score
My girlfriend and I have been going out for 5 months now. I am 17 and she's 16 and yes we did lose our viginity together about 3 weeks ago...but that has nothing to do with this


We get in the ocasional fights over the smallest things and I think she has had enough.

She decided to go on a break.
I know the first thing that comes to your mind when ya
hear "break" is (relationship = over)
I really dont think that is the case here.

We went on this break last night. and it ended off nice. She said she has the same feelings for me and she "loves" me just like she always has. Nothings changed.
She is just confused about things and she needs to do this.

Tonight she was out and I was out and we happend to bump into eachother. SHE WAS REALLY DRUNK and she was acting really weird so I didnt bother talking to her seriously. I just went home and when I got home she called me (Shes not the type to call) and I answered and she asked if I was ok..I said yeah but I really miss you..she said the same..then we left it there..I then called her later that night (Like 2 in the morning) and she answered. and she appoligized for being rude to me because she was drunk I also appoligized that I called (cause we are on the break) but she said its ok!
Then we talked about random **** for a min or so and then we decided to see eachother Thursday night!
She told me she misses me and loves me and I told her the same.

Now im not gonna stress this much because..
She told me that she still has the same feelings and shes so honest I know if she didnt then she would tell me.
She has NO feelings for anyone else.
She misses me and she talks about how were gonna be like after.
She even said we are going out now and we still will be going out after.

She also put this in her MSN name and she told me tonight it was directed to me and she did it purposely so I could see it:

"When The Road Gets Dark..And You Can No Longer See..Just Let My Love Throw A Spark & Have A Little Faith In Me"

I really like this girl ..and she is like a best friend to me ..she feels the same with me.. this is the first time we ever had a problem like this..she is doing this because she wants to see how it's like without me.. She also lives a 2min walk away from me. She lives down the street its GREAT!

So what should I do?
Is there anything I should do?
Just play cool and do not call her at all untill thursday?
Give me some advise on this please!

Oscar Wilde

Master Don Juan
May 7, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Alk

She decided to go on a break.
I know the first thing that comes to your mind when ya hear "break" is (relationship = over)
I really dont think that is the case here.
Why did she decide this?

The 1st thing that comes to mind when a girl mentions wanting a break is relationship over.

Out of interest, did you ask her the guys name? ;)



Don Juan
Jul 22, 2003
Reaction score
Re: Re: My whole situation... Please I need help!

Originally posted by Oscar Wilde
Why did she decide this?
She said that she wants to see how its like without me and she said she doesnt want to be confused anymore.


Nov 1, 2002
Reaction score
Hate to say it but more than likely there is another guy that she is at least interested in and wants to see what it would be like to at least flirt with him while being single. Your only 17 so listen to the older people on here that have been through all of this many many times and know the games women play.

The BEST thing for you to do is to 100% totally ignore this girl until she comes begging back to be with you. She initiated the breakup yet your calling her and telling her you miss her yada yada yada. DONT DO IT!!!!! That is the worst thing you could do. Dont call, dont email, dont see, dont even think about her. IF she really cares she will realize what she did and that you are moving on with your life, and that will make her come crying back. Trust me on this. End all contact for the time being.


Don Juan
Jul 22, 2003
Reaction score
Hate to say it but more than likely there is another guy that she is at least interested in and wants to see what it would be like to at least flirt with him while being single. Your only 17 so listen to the older people on here that have been through all of this many many times and know the games women play.
But she is not single. She claims we are still going out.

The BEST thing for you to do is to 100% totally ignore this girl until she comes begging back to be with you. She initiated the breakup yet your calling her and telling her you miss her yada yada yada. DONT DO IT!!!!! That is the worst thing you could do. Dont call, dont email, dont see, dont even think about her. IF she really cares she will realize what she did and that you are moving on with your life, and that will make her come crying back. Trust me on this. End all contact for the time being.
Thanks! This is some good advice...and this is what I was thinking of im not for sure!


Don Juan
Jul 22, 2003
Reaction score
She even told me if she is still confused (even though she said she's not gonna be) then were gonna still stay together no matter what and we will work it out.

So it's like were still together and we still will be after.
But **** it im not talking to her untill thursday night.


Nov 1, 2002
Reaction score
I realize you are new and young here therefore i will take it easy on you. All of this stuff she is saying about being a couple still and wanting to take time to figure out what she needs? Its junk. Throw it out the window like you do garbage. its what we call ******** for "I dont know if I'm still interested in your or not anymore, so let me go see other guys while you sit here waiting at my beck and call ok'? Dont fall for it. Ignore her for a week or so, dont go out with her thursday. Make her realize what she is missing by dumping you, that is the only way for her to NEVER do this again. Put the fear of God in her. I and many others on here have been through this. I did the same thing your doing now with an ex fiance of mine and it backfired, just like it will with you. I look back at that now and wonder what the hell was I thinking. You are the man, act like one!!


Senior Don Juan
May 6, 2003
Reaction score
Listen to echo. If she loved you and was sure about wanting only you, then what is there to be confused about. All of those words about "confusion" and "break" translate to her wanting to have her cake and her ice cream and her pie on the side... Anyway, the best thing for you to do is to ignore her and move on with your life. Let her see that you're willing to live without her, and let her know what it's like to no longer have you in her life. If she's still yours, then she'll come running back apologizing. If she doesn't come running, then her "break" was just a code for breakup and you had already lost her.

One thing you should always do when a girl asks for a break to think things over, is to think things over yourself. Think about her benefits, her negatives, and how she compares to other people out there. Then when she comes back to you, instead of passively accepting her, you make a decision about whether you want her back in your life or not. She isn't the only one that made a choice to be in the relationship, and she's not the only one that makes decisions on if you stay together.


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2003
Reaction score
Exactly 99% of the time, when your girl says she wants a "break" out of nowhere or even out of somewhere she's got something on the side she wants to taste, and if it doesnt work she wants to be able to have you there for her......

Cake and eat it too.......

If you were meant to be and she loved you and felt pressured she would say she just needs a little space and time to herself, not a BREAK,

Good luck, be ready to move on.
Jul 22, 2003
Reaction score
BAIL! BAIL! Get out while you still can! You're on a sinking ship! You just described my ex a few years back b4 I knew the DJ stuff. She's through with you, but women can still act all lubby dubby just to use you for emotional support or whatever. If you bail now, you come out on top with everything in tact, well, except for your virginity. So you didn't end up having the perfect relationship with the girl u lost it to, big whoop. You have another 10 years AT LEAST to have some fun! Get out there and start fishing!