I am very impressed by how well some of you have figured me out. I'm being sincere as possible to get feed back tailored exactly to my problem. Sometime it's hard to find an advice column that truly reflects your problem.
JohnJones, it might be a lamenting of the passage of youth, but I don't know how to keep it from being the growing splinter
entropy mentioned.
LeParisien is correct I'm not looking for an upgrade. I just wish to loose this overpowering urge to scan the horizon for attractive women. Aside from that the relationship is pretty easy going. I'm trying to identify with the grass is greener on the other side saying in this case. Part of it is I don't want to let go of something that is right. So that leads me to the grass is greener on the other side of the fence saying. I'm really uncertain if the other women could match or best my fiance in the personality department. Ofcourse that's the problem again...I just don't know. In my position the most I can know about the women I see is simply surface deep.
JohnJones, I'm not sure how I'm suppose to talk to her about this without their being world war III. Maybe I should just tell her I need to date some women on the side....for um....character studies. That should work out well.

I've been setting the ground work. Lately we've been having discussions about how my time is spent. She's like a sponge sometime when it comes to together time--she can't get enough. Quite accidentally I've gave her so much of my time in the past that she is spoiled so much that the few things I've done lately have set her off. She mentioned that if a certain senario (out doing my own thing 4 nights a week) occurred she would have to go elsewhere to have her needs met. So with each argument we I work toward starting WWIII. But it's REALLY hard to stop polishing everything over and saying we will be okay.
I'm really curious about everyone's take on checking out women while in an LTR. I don't make it obvious when I do it, but we've had long discussions about my tendency to look and study. So she just chooses to block out discussions when were out on the town.
Once again I really appreciate each of you for taking the to time to read this post and respond. I feel like I'm the classic whining AFC for even posting and rehashing the details of my decision. However, it's the biggest event in my life thus far and hopefully my emontional sounding babble will ensure accurate details for your opinions. I've considered the question of 'is she right for me' since we met a couple of years ago and here I am still indecisive as a mo fo! Should have seriously thought about this question sooner...and got back on here!
See you all....on my way to pick out the tuxes and take a marriage compatibility test at church. So long......