Thumbs up, Pook. You know, I've had the pleasure of reading your collection of posts gathered from the early beginning till these recent months, and I'm pleased to comment the change I've noticed in your evolution as a ... umm, "Don Juan." I'm happy to see that you found a way past the common model of methods/techniques to one which you simply let everything flow; following in the path of nature and going "natural."
Without going into extreme details, I say that all you really need is a good understanding on the nature of women and what they are, and from having the proper beliefs about women, as well as yourself, you then, naturally, have the right attitude, which in turn influence and determine your outward behavior that help bear fruit of success or failure, depending on your beliefs/thinking.
Also, it seems that you are not unfamiliar with Sex and Character; I could be mistaken but I believe you know of what I speak. Well, I can say that for me personally, it has helped illuminate many insights as to certain questions I've still had on women and helped complete the missing pieces of the puzzle as to why certain things I've done worked, as well as shedding the light on the nature of what it is we've all observed in the many common trend issues regarding women in real life. It's one of the few materials that has had influence in completing my "journey", if you will (though it does sound rather corny LOL), and as you have also realized, I too know and understand that the way of methods and "philosophizing" is the path we must abandon and that going natural is ultimately where it's at. Like I've said, all you really need is the right understanding, the right beliefs (thinking), and going with the flow as nature intended.
Your more recent posts speak truth which I can testify from my own life. Keep up the good work.
Without going into extreme details, I say that all you really need is a good understanding on the nature of women and what they are, and from having the proper beliefs about women, as well as yourself, you then, naturally, have the right attitude, which in turn influence and determine your outward behavior that help bear fruit of success or failure, depending on your beliefs/thinking.
Also, it seems that you are not unfamiliar with Sex and Character; I could be mistaken but I believe you know of what I speak. Well, I can say that for me personally, it has helped illuminate many insights as to certain questions I've still had on women and helped complete the missing pieces of the puzzle as to why certain things I've done worked, as well as shedding the light on the nature of what it is we've all observed in the many common trend issues regarding women in real life. It's one of the few materials that has had influence in completing my "journey", if you will (though it does sound rather corny LOL), and as you have also realized, I too know and understand that the way of methods and "philosophizing" is the path we must abandon and that going natural is ultimately where it's at. Like I've said, all you really need is the right understanding, the right beliefs (thinking), and going with the flow as nature intended.
Your more recent posts speak truth which I can testify from my own life. Keep up the good work.