Dear STR8UP,
Fate brought you back to me…[editors note- she looked ME up on FB]There are reasons we met, reasons for the good and the bad times, and more importantly, a reason to an end.
We have more to learn, more to experience, and more loving left in this lifetime. I just don’t know when and could I….
I did want to see you, but I know what I would do If I was alone with you!!
”Being Married and being Single” there are two different rules that you have to follow….
Single, there are no rules……. .Married, there are rules. Even though I want out, I must take this carefully and wisely….My desires are strong and I love my memories with you and I must say they were Fun… Question is…. Where are you in life? What do you really want? I do want to see you, but not at your house…..I enjoy talking with you last night. I am so proud of you and what you have accomplished in life…. I always knew you would make it out there, which that is the leader in you….. A boy follows
And a man leads…Understand? Back in the day you were young and I had to leave you so you can grow…….I always had a special place for you and I knew that you were the one that would fine me again, because what we once had…..I hope you understand this message I’m giving you? I’m not asking for you to respond to this and I know the last time I saw you was many years ago.
I was your first Love and you were mine at heart and I never ended our relationship properly I just left and ran. I didn’t want to say goodbye because I knew goodbye means forever……... I always felt bad how I handled our break up and I’m truly sorry. I was trying to tell you in our earlier conversation but that was a wrong time to tell you so I’m explaining it to you now.
I never told this to you but, I ran into some of our old restaurant friends/customers and they told me some thing about you, when I left you. This made me feel like ****!
I had to carry those mix feeling all through my life until now….maybe that is why I ran into you again because I never told you this from the last time I saw you. I do want to continue to keep in touch and I want to see you!!!! Not sure when.
I feel I have a heavy chain attach to me and I want it off but I don’t have the right key to set me free. Somehow I dropped it a long time ago….
Your X