ChrisFl said:
220K for a Viper? You need to shop around more. LOL.
Yeah, I was gonna say that.
Here's one to try...if you see an attractive girl, "Act as if you already f**ked her." It puts you in the mindset of the ice already being takes the pressure off of you to "close the deal" because you can assume since it's been done once already, she'd be into it again. It allows you to feel comfortable with the idea of making eye contact and talking to her in a more sensual voice, perhaps even touching her if the context allows. It parallels the whole Gunwitch idea of "natural sexual state".
Another example, whenever a girl agrees to come to my house, even under the pretense of "just hanging out" and watching a football game or something, I proceed from the assumption that she wants to f**k.
This isn't even a farfetched assumption...if you take a girl on a date, most of the time, if she's uncomfortable with the idea of at least a little making out, she will decline an invite inside or will stop you at the door of her apartment. If she comes in, she has to assume that you're gonna "get fresh" with her.
The term "self-fulfilling prophecy" is often used to describe negative situations where expecting failure leads you to behave in a way that naturally leads to failure. But that works both ways. If you believe you will succeed, you will act as a man who expects to succeed...and more people will give you the benefit of the doubt if they see the faith you have in your objective (assuming it is not completely crazy).
Likewise if you believe you deserve to have awesome encounters with awesome women (not that farfetched, actually), then you will act in a way that advertises that, and women will recognize it at least long enough to give you a chance.
It's beyond that initial "chance" that you have to consider as well, though...because any sign of incongruence, and chicks will bolt.