My thoughts on why men mustn't get married in the 21st century


Don Juan
Nov 19, 2014
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So lets cover some well known red pill facts.

Women are realists pretending to be romantics. Men are romantics pretenting to be realists.

Therefore a woman's goal in relationships is attaining social status and finding someone who's going to take care of her financially and offer protection. A man's goal in relationships is being loved and finding someone who will support him. It's our biggest weakness as men, I think, that we genuinely want to be loved. So when a woman wants to tie us down to a marriage it's our mistaken and misguided romanticism that lets us believe she wants to get married because she loves us. But we must never forget the cold-hearted, calculated, hypergamous nature of women. She says she loves us but what's she actually saying is -You are the man of the highest social status I can get. But if a bigger alpha comes along I'll get rid of you in an instant raping you through your wallet all the while blaming it on you for changing.-
And when you do get married under the misandric marital laws of today she WILL stop loving you knowing that you are now legally obliged to take care of her. You are now traped.

So what should men of the 21st century do?

1. We should eliminate the concept of romantic love from our minds. It doesn't exist. Especially the idea of the one true love. That's a fairytale and we all must know it by now.

2. No man should get married under the horrendous marital laws of the increasingly misandric western society.

3. We should also not seek support from women. When I was down and depressed drinking myself to an early grave nobody was there for me (not even my own mother) except for my male friends. I will never forget this. That's why I think communities like SoSuave and Red Pill on reddit are beacons of light for men. I personally thank all of you who are sharing your wisdom and experience on here. It has reaffirmed my beliefs and made me so much more confident in what I always thought was the truth.

My closing thoughts:

Don't get married. Statistically speaking it's unbeliavably probable that you'll get divorce raped. I say keep spinning those plates. Fvck women, fvck them good, spank them, pull their hair, choke them (they fvcking love that) but never show them your emotions because they will rip your heart out and eat it. Instead seek advice and support from your fellow man, because as Jack Donovan writes the way of men is the way of the gang. And keep in mind these are just personal opinions of a 26 year old man who hasn't been married and never will be.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2014
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Another butthurt whine post about how evil women are and how unfair the world is. You call this "red pill"?

Grow a set of balls, be honest with yourself about the women you are dating, and enjoy them. If you are so scared of a woman that you are reduced to hate sex and one night stands to avoid ever feeling something for them you have some serious psychological issues to overcome.

Love yourself, love the people around you. Do not depend on a woman or anything else for fulfillment, that doesnt mean you cant find one you really like and may be with for a long time.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
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jurry said:
Another butthurt whine post about how evil women are and how unfair the world is. You call this "red pill"?

Grow a set of balls, be honest with yourself about the women you are dating, and enjoy them. If you are so scared of a woman that you are reduced to hate sex and one night stands to avoid ever feeling something for them you have some serious psychological issues to overcome.

Love yourself, love the people around you. Do not depend on a woman or anything else for fulfillment, that doesnt mean you cant find one you really like and may be with for a long time.

Love is a REAL emotion. It actually is one of the most powerful in existence. To eradicate this emotion is a weak position and will not solve the problem of "men wanting to feel loved".

Also....seen a recent published research
2009 Census Bureau numbers, 72% of people are still married to their first spouse – and the 28% who aren't, includes people who were married for years until a spouse died
The 50% divorce rate may in fact be either misinterpreted or factually incorrect. One could infer the "losers" of society seem to marry, divorce, re-marry other divorcees, divorce, etc etc, which inflates that number.


May 17, 2013
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America is best
TheException said:

Love is a REAL emotion. It actually is one of the most powerful in existence. To eradicate this emotion is a weak position and will not solve the problem of "men wanting to feel loved".

Also....seen a recent published research

The 50% divorce rate may in fact be either misinterpreted or factually incorrect. One could infer the "losers" of society seem to marry, divorce, re-marry other divorcees, divorce, etc etc, which inflates that number.
the 50% statistic includes 2nd and 3rd, ect, marriages. Its all marriages, not only 1st marriages.

Statistics are very easy to twist and misrepresent information.


May 17, 2013
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America is best
jurry said:
Another butthurt whine post about how evil women are and how unfair the world is. You call this "red pill"?

Grow a set of balls, be honest with yourself about the women you are dating, and enjoy them. If you are so scared of a woman that you are reduced to hate sex and one night stands to avoid ever feeling something for them you have some serious psychological issues to overcome.

Love yourself, love the people around you. Do not depend on a woman or anything else for fulfillment, that doesnt mean you cant find one you really like and may be with for a long time.
Feminism, and feminists are the problem. Not women, unless she is a feminist.

Anything that results in men getting divorce raped, or now in the uk you are guilty until proven innocent if accused of rape. If you are ok with with laws that do this to men, you have something wrong with the way you think.

You should go read about modern feminism and learn about it. If you educate yourself, you might change your perception.

Feminism was ok to an extent. But things have gone way, way to far. Its very fvked up and will get worse. The old system was better. But men were oppressed all the time in the old system, just in different ways.

Women are more un happy then ever now. In fact single career women are the most unhappy group of people in western society and that is a result of feminism.

If men are not happy in society, women will not be.

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
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Great post.

As a man, you should never, ever look to any woman for emotional support. You will not get any. It is like throwing a rock into a bottomless well and waiting to hear the sound of it entering the water. The more a man tries to be good to a woman, the more demanding she will become; the more he desires her, the less she finds him desirable; the more comforts he provides for her, the more indolent, stupid and inhuman she will become - and man will grow lonelier as a result.

A woman only loves the concept of "romance novel love" and the physical or financial value that you bring to her. No woman besides your mother (depending on your relationship with her) can truly love you for just you.

Love is selfless. Love is unwavering. Love cannot be broken easily. These are only qualities you might find between a father and his child or a mother and her child. The love depicted in movies, books and what not between man and woman are purely works of fiction written by, you guessed it, women or beta men who have never seen the light.

If you want emotional support, look to your family or brothers or a very close friend. Never a woman. She will see you as a weak fagg0t that has no balls. Which is just how posters like jurry see any man who exposes his feelings because, you guessed it, she's a woman.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2014
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If you're not able to emotionally connect and be supported by the women you date, you've been dating terrible women and need to do a better job screening aka being honest with yourself as I said above.

The other (more likely) explanation is that many people on here are weak beta men to begin with, and NEED a woman to feel loved, fulfilled, have purpose in their life, etc. This attitude is going to get you burned everywhere in life, not just with women.

Rather than face this fact and improve themselves, they'd rather present this warped reality where women are evil soulless creatures systematically screwing over men, with the help of some feminist takeover of society. Its a clever little fiction, but fiction nonetheless.


Don Juan
Nov 19, 2014
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jurry said:
Another butthurt whine post about how evil women are and how unfair the world is. You call this "red pill"?
I don't see where did I come of as butthurt, but ok. And I would call this red pill. Yes. All those ideas you can find in Rollo Tomassi's book in some way or other.

jurry said:
If you are so scared of a woman that you are reduced to hate sex and one night stands to avoid ever feeling something for them you have some serious psychological issues to overcome.
Where did I write this? I said - keep spinning those plates. Now you are just manipulating to fit your worldview. Are you in denial? Or maybe butthurt yourself?


Don Juan
Nov 19, 2014
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VikingKing said:
Feminism, and feminists are the problem. Not women, unless she is a feminist.

Anything that results in men getting divorce raped, or now in the uk you are guilty until proven innocent if accused of rape. If you are ok with with laws that do this to men, you have something wrong with the way you think.

You should go read about modern feminism and learn about it. If you educate yourself, you might change your perception.

Feminism was ok to an extent. But things have gone way, way to far. Its very fvked up and will get worse. The old system was better. But men were oppressed all the time in the old system, just in different ways.

Women are more un happy then ever now. In fact single career women are the most unhappy group of people in western society and that is a result of feminism.

If men are not happy in society, women will not be.