My thoughts on The 'DJ Level' concept


Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2004
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
I have been on this forum for a short period of time, but I have read its material for quite sometime now (Since March 2003) and have followed it pretty well, which is how I achieved my first love. Well anyways that’s gone to what we call stand-by mode and it’s a story for some other day, but it’s this situation and MOTU’s post on his thoughts on seduction [ ] that has made me realise that there’s more to DJism than just following the Bible, that true DJs create their own Bible.

First point I’d like to make is that we really ought to stop taking things so literally and seriously. That's why it's hard for me even to understand that the DJ Bible says one thing and we have people posting here on the forums something totally opposite. Some might say that the DJ concept is bullsh!t as it keeps on contradicting it self with the Bible and what people post. It brings the idea that these Experienced DJs create their own version of the DJ Bible and that the one located on is, nevertheless useful in the beginning of the path to becoming a DJ, but unfortunately gets to a point where what it preaches becomes somewhat controversial and begins to lose its lustre. It's almost as if the Bible is designed with faults on purpose and only a true DJ has the experiance and the knowledge to actually find it's faults and that's why there is this contradiction. DJism is about developing ones self into a better person, realistically it's not the aim of getting the most women (I'm not sure who has said this but it's been emphasised quite a few times).

Maybe I haven’t been here long enough to get the full picture, but I have been here quite sometime to see that the DJ Bible is something that GUIDES you and that it should never be treated as a rule book! THAT point has to be made very clear that the DJ Bible IS NOT a set of rules that you must follow! I think there are too many people out there following the DJ Bible to an extent that they refuse to grow and create their own rules, leading them to insecurity. Yes, the reality is that if you follow something and refuse to change or challenge it, you are insecure. Surely you will come across people in your life that say something along the lines of “Why change something if it’s this good?” even my Ex said that when she broke up with me (long story) and do you know what I said to her? “IF we change this, it can turn out to be something better than what it is right now, and if we leave it, we can never experience the full potential of things” she replied by saying that there’s a chance that it might fvck up. Life is all about risk, change and the growth that results from these things, if people did not take risks, we would all not be here! SIMPLE! But the point is that you can not go about your life following the DJ Bible and expect it to work 100% of the time. You can try it but you know in your mind you’ll end up changing a few things, even sub-consciously you probably will.

Ok what am I trying to say? I’m practically telling you that if you find something is not right about anything, question it’s integrity to a point where you realise what it’s trying to say, or you actually manage to change it.

On MOTU’s post The Dominated1 made a comment that Newbies and Experienced members will get a different meaning out of the post. It reinforces the idea that in the end we will all find our own methods, our own thoughts, our own everything in ways of trying to attract, date and marry in the end. I don’t know who said it but I know my Ex-GF did, that "Some rules are meant to be broken", and being the person that I’ am, believing that everything happens for a reason and we learn from the people we meet along our life, that the statement, as childish as it sounds, is true. Rules are meant to be broken, or else we'll never grow and be insecure forever! That's why Newbs and Expies (Experienced People) see differently, and I believe Newbs take the DJ Bible too, too seriously, which in perspective is a good thing, but it becomes a worry if they do not start questioning its integrity after some time and use it to develop their own DJ Bible. Remember it's not just the Bible, it's everything associated in becoming a DJ.

The idea of playing games with chicks (Waiting 3-5 days to call, acting mysterious, phone call - text message evasion, etc.) just to get them attracted to you, in my opinion is childish. However it is a known fact that to communicate to a child, we act like one, and well these childish games work, only on childish chicks. That's my thought on everything; The DJ Bible to me now seems like a childish tool to attract those types of girls who act in the same way. And why the hell would you bother with a childish girl? Trust me they are bad news, especially if you could never talk to them in an intimate level or a serious one for that matter. At this point, people will tell you that you’re wasting time with that girl, which comes to another point that some people need to learn from their experiences. Some people learn quickly, others take a very long time to learn. Everyone must learn from their mistakes and experiences at their own pace. Don’t attempt to force any school of thought on someone who is not willing to listen. This I have experienced at first hand, where I was trying to get my friend to open up and try to ask this chick out he has had his eye on. His response was that he’ll ask when the timing is right; he also said he’d get into the dating game at his own pace. As frustrating as it was seeing his chances diminish, I learnt that he will finally get the guts one day to actually do something about his low confidence. I gave him the attitude he required, it was up to him to use it as a guide and act upon it. Sadly the chance went.

So what have I been rambling on about? Well, after reading the DJ Bible for sometime now, reading some forum posts and piecing things together from my personal experiences and those from people I know, that A true DJ creates his own paths based on his own experiences. A DJ does not need to follow written guidelines or anything the like as they know what they are doing. Pook said it best: A Don Juan is a state of mind, not a list of methods and tricks, which makes me wonder why we have so many methods posted on this board to help people. Either we are losing touch, or that statement is false, or perhaps there’s more to it that it means. Nevertheless it just proves my point that in order for us to ascend into a higher level of DJism or maturity (in general context), we must change our views and thoughts about what we have ran with in the past. We find faults in ourselves and improve upon.

In the end, there are no set rules or set guidelines. You make them up and that a True DJ makes his own path.


Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
People are not losing touch. These tips and techniques and all such bull**** on this site just drives the newer people to follow them hard until one day... once they are experienced enough, they break away from the rules and become thier own DJ with their own "bible". These tips are necessary for a person to reach that point, as are the rules and techniques.

You can not simply tell a person what his or her state of mind should be in this game. They need to experience things before being capable of choosing their own path.



Senior Don Juan
Jan 17, 2003
Reaction score
Exactly Lik.
That is what everyone realisises at one point or another.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Nightspark, that might be, no, that is the best post I have ever read on this forum in the last 2 years.

You have a way with words, becuase that is exactly what I have been thinking for the last year and a half but could never really get it out.


Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2004
Reaction score
The DJ bible helped me being more MAN. For instance, old times i would insist on calling or sms a girl if she wasnt responding, now i understand how this works and i have a perfect control of myself, and usually they are the ones wondering why im not paying more atention to them. And like this, many other aspects.

So now i have confidence, control and self esteem. I am a MAN, thanks DJ.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
It was what somebody at my thread has said... It works some and it it doesn't for others.


Don Juan
Dec 15, 2003
Reaction score
Trance, i know exactly what you mean. the dj bible and forum teaches you some excellent things about respecting yourself and the games that people play. personally i choose not to play these games (girls not calling to make you more interested etc.) because they are immature and ultimately waste time in finding realness. it is essential to know about these games though so that you can detect them and rise above them.

Nightspark, I totally agree with you too. you need to find your own way. its all about what works for you. MOTU went threw a lot of techniques before he realised how simple it really was. maybe some people just need the techniques before to get them out there trying. its like people who have lucky charms and stuff. these items (just like the techniques) give them confidence (or luck in their eyes) psychosomatically which helps them to perform.

its all about confidence which only comes from proving to yourself that you can do something. experience is key.


Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2000
Reaction score
The DJ Bible is Still Relevant

The brilliance of the DJ Bible is that it's a childish tool, built for children, by children to learn how to deal with other children of the opposite sex.

AFC=child. Therefore there will always be a need for a DJ Bible for as long as this website exists.

Thankfully, most children grow up and move on from the silly rules, as some of you have.

I'm reminded of the Biblical parable of the "prodical son". The younger brother did not "come to his senses" until he first experienced the hardships of life for himself.

Experience is not the best teacher. Failure is.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2004
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
Thanks for replying everyone. This has probably been one of my most serious posts and it's good to see that some people know what I'm talking about.

hah thanks backbreaker, much appreciated =). This being my first serious thoughts post i appreciate your comment =).

Trance, yes i agree that the bible does teach everyone the basics in dealing with games like that, which is why i owe a lot to the Bible in my path away from AFCism, no doubt it's a useful tool. just as k3000 stated that we all have our own form of 'Lucky Charm' to accumulate enough confidence in the whole meeting/dating game, this tool is our tool to rise above the childish traits that chicks seem to keep on using to whatever reason that you k3000 pointed out which goes on to Survivor's point about the Bible being a Childish tool, built for children, built by children to deal with other children of the opposite sex. Brings to mind a quote from the Holy Bible (Not the DJ one) about becomming a man and putting away childish things, (Corinthians 1 Chapter Verse 11), which just goes to show that once we reach manhood we tend to put away childinsh things since we now know everything to is. SO until we actually get to that status we are able to use the childish tricks to deal with such childish chicks, therefore the Bible exists to teach children. Thanks for clearing that up for us Survivor =)

Well thanks again for the feedback =)
Expect to hear from me when I want to speak my mind...


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
You are brilliant. You post has just made me feel more open and more "confident" about doing things myself rather than reading what others have written like this one :rolleyes: ... Haha I am kidding with you there, night. Anyways, what you have posted was wonderful and it might help the people who want to know more than what these guys write. I give this five-stars.


Don Juan
Oct 18, 2003
Reaction score
Great post, I really like these posts about how some people are breaking away from the DJ thing and bending the rules a bit.

I know I have changed my game a bit too, but its still the fundamentals of DJ for me. I've matured so I don't follow everything on the site anymore.