My Story....


Don Juan
Sep 18, 2007
Reaction score
Alright...I don't know if theres any advice I need but I was told this story is quite interesting and DIFFERENT to the way girls act.

So it begins near the beginning of the week. I get into my second period class ( I'm in grade 12 ) and as I'm waiting for class to start...someone in the class comes up to me and says "so I hear you're fighting [name]" and I thought what the hell....So I'm told that I was saying some **** to the guy on facebook the previous night...but I hadn't even been on my computer that night...( by the way the guy I was supposed to fight was a "friend" ) comes to lunch time and he approaches me and says "either fight me now and we respect you or ***** out and **** off" so of course I just walked away...I don't need friends like that.....

--that was the beginning of this tale...basically like a prelude--

so after 3 days of lonlyness wandering around the halls of my new school ( we had to merge from our school to the current school we are in ) I ended up one lunch just sitting in a deserted hallway and drawing random things....when out of no were, two girls in my grade from the new school walked up to me and told me to walk around with I get up and they each hold on to one we walk around for a bit...I get random ppl calling me a pimp and then at the end of lunch, I'm invited to sit with them at lunch from now on AND they invited me to the movies on the saturday of that week ( yesterday ).

So tell me what you think of this...these girls just randomly approach a guy that they dont even know and wisk him away to be friends....quite odd in my opinion...


New Member
Sep 23, 2007
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Imohtep said:
no im not a midget either..
LMAO it happens.

dude, who cares why, its a good thing, thats for sure.

one of them may be into you, and so they gave you an oppertunity.

use your pick up skills, and bed one of them, decide right now which one your interested in.