He has autism level 3 and needs much support from People around him AND he needs to be at preschool as much as possible.
We have him every week.
My ex don't have him at preschool due to her choise of working irregular nights. The kid also meets her new boyfriend (of course) and the new boyfriend is caring 100% for the child when my ex works and when she sleeps after her work. Dnt know who he is and i can just hope he is a Good guy and helps my boy with the autism. My ex dnt have our kid at preschool,only 1-4 days because of her CHOISE of working irregular nights. He NEEDS 100% attendens at preschool. He has an assistant there,they work with him 100%,He knows the teachers and the other kids there. Its important for him to feel good. Our kids psychologist said that he needs preeschool as much as possible.
My ex has now sued me for custody. She wants all custody and are willing to move our son to her city,far away. New preeschool,new teachers,new kids.....and a New "dad". She is Only thinking of whats best for her. Having the kid at her place 100% means no long trips to preeschool.
She said to her lawyer ive been aggresive,sent her sms,and are jelous. She has zero proof of that. ZERO!
I have a lawyer also and my lawyer says i have a Good chance of winning and have our kid much more then 50%. I live near preeschool and have the kid there 100%.
My ex has erlier sent me sexual stuff when getting pics of our son(!!??)
She refused to leave him to me for my childweek for 2 weeks ago. She dnt have him at preschool as much as he needs,when she left me she tried to write our son at her place(She lost). I have proof of everything and are going to show my lawyer everything.
We have him every week.
My ex don't have him at preschool due to her choise of working irregular nights. The kid also meets her new boyfriend (of course) and the new boyfriend is caring 100% for the child when my ex works and when she sleeps after her work. Dnt know who he is and i can just hope he is a Good guy and helps my boy with the autism. My ex dnt have our kid at preschool,only 1-4 days because of her CHOISE of working irregular nights. He NEEDS 100% attendens at preschool. He has an assistant there,they work with him 100%,He knows the teachers and the other kids there. Its important for him to feel good. Our kids psychologist said that he needs preeschool as much as possible.
My ex has now sued me for custody. She wants all custody and are willing to move our son to her city,far away. New preeschool,new teachers,new kids.....and a New "dad". She is Only thinking of whats best for her. Having the kid at her place 100% means no long trips to preeschool.
She said to her lawyer ive been aggresive,sent her sms,and are jelous. She has zero proof of that. ZERO!
I have a lawyer also and my lawyer says i have a Good chance of winning and have our kid much more then 50%. I live near preeschool and have the kid there 100%.
My ex has erlier sent me sexual stuff when getting pics of our son(!!??)
She refused to leave him to me for my childweek for 2 weeks ago. She dnt have him at preschool as much as he needs,when she left me she tried to write our son at her place(She lost). I have proof of everything and are going to show my lawyer everything.