my situation sucks and i am pissed


Don Juan
Sep 25, 2008
Reaction score
as you all know from a post i made a couple of days ago, my situation with women is in the pits. i am 20 years old, soon to be 21 and have never even been on a date. it's so ****ing sad and i am sick of it. i am not going to tolerate this situation much longer, even if i have to become a full fledged ******* to get someone. i'm just so sick of the bull****.


Don Juan
Nov 22, 2007
Reaction score
if you want to be successful in being a DJ you have to have a healthy mental state.

see how you're feeling right now? do you think people can't see that you're feeling like ****? people are good at reading people's mind then people think.

before you begin your journey on becoming a DJ i think you should change your attitude and how you look at things.

I'm not a DJ yet, but i realized those times I got women was when I was content with my life, and I felt comfortable.

Just think a lot of people were in a worse situation then you, and then became successful.

Just remember even before you start THINKING about approaching women be content with yourself, be happy with your life because if you're feeling like ****, they'll start feeling like **** when they're talking to you.


Don Juan
Sep 25, 2008
Reaction score
Yes you are absolutely right. Up until now I have not been happy with myself because of women, but that must change. I realize now that I can't be dependent on them to find the end, you can only rely on yourself for that. They don't define me and have no control over me, only I do and the biggest mistake I ever made was giving women that much power over me. I am tired of taking myself out of the race before it even begins. I am not going to whine and feel sorry for myself anymore because it doesn't really make a differnence. Instead I am going to grab life by the horns and see where it goes. If I fail I fail...i'll just see where and why I failed and try to improve so I can do better the next time around, rather then sitting around *****ing and complaining about how every girl hates me.

I used to blame my looks and just about everything else, but the fact is no girl is going to want to associate with a whiner. Yeah, I approached, but two seconds into it the girls would see how ****ing negative I was and of course they were repulsed.


Don Juan
Feb 1, 2006
Reaction score
rapidfire said:
Yes you are absolutely right. Up until now I have not been happy with myself because of women, but that must change. I realize now that I can't be dependent on them to find the end, you can only rely on yourself for that. They don't define me and have no control over me, only I do. I am tired of taking myself out of the race before it even begins. I am not going to whine and feel sorry for myself anymore because it doesn't really make a differnence. Instead I am going to grab life by the horns and see where it goes. If I fail I fail...i'll just see where and why I failed and try to improve so I can do better the next time around, rather then sitting around *****ing and complaining about how every girl hates me.
Live life passionately and the girls will naturally gravitate towards you


Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
The United State of Texas
rapidfire said:
Yes you are absolutely right. Up until now I have not been happy with myself because of women, but that must change. I realize now that I can't be dependent on them to find the end, you can only rely on yourself for that. They don't define me and have no control over me, only I do and the biggest mistake I ever made was giving women that much power over me. I am tired of taking myself out of the race before it even begins. I am not going to whine and feel sorry for myself anymore because it doesn't really make a differnence. Instead I am going to grab life by the horns and see where it goes. If I fail I fail...i'll just see where and why I failed and try to improve so I can do better the next time around, rather then sitting around *****ing and complaining about how every girl hates me.

I used to blame my looks and just about everything else, but the fact is no girl is going to want to associate with a whiner. Yeah, I approached, but two seconds into it the girls would see how ****ing negative I was and of course they were repulsed.

YEAH!! Now that's the kind of attitude I want to see from you Rapidfire. Dude,I hope you're serious about not whining and complaining anymore. You know what the crazy part about all of this was? All of the problems,bitterness,and negativitiy that you were complaining about,YOU WERE THE ONE causing it! You were blaming the women for rejecting you,when it was all the anger,bitterness,and negativity that they were rejecting. You had it backwards. You were thinking,"As soon as I get a woman/girlfriend,I'll be happy". That's backwards man. You don't find a woman,then get happy. You get happy FIRST,then you'll find a woman. If you get happy first(because of your life,family,friends,career,etc.),then whenever you talk to women,they'll sense the positive vibe/energy coming from you,then they'll want to be a part of it.

Congrats,man. If you are truly serious about putting all that negativity behind you,then you have actually already made a first step to have the kind of life you really want.


Don Juan
Sep 25, 2008
Reaction score
Igetit! said:
YEAH!! Now that's the kind of attitude I want to see from you Rapidfire. Dude,I hope you're serious about not whining and complaining anymore. You know what the crazy part about all of this was? All of the problems,bitterness,and negativitiy that you were complaining about,YOU WERE THE ONE causing it! You were blaming the women for rejecting you,when it was all the anger,bitterness,and negativity that they were rejecting. You had it backwards. You were thinking,"As soon as I get a woman/girlfriend,I'll be happy". That's backwards man. You don't find a woman,then get happy. You get happy FIRST,then you'll find a woman. If you get happy first(because of your life,family,friends,career,etc.),then whenever you talk to women,they'll sense the positive vibe/energy coming from you,then they'll want to be a part of it.

Congrats,man. If you are truly serious about putting all that negativity behind you,then you have actually already made a first step to have the kind of life you really want.
It needs to be done man. I can't tell you how many times i've heard (from good looking girls too) "well mike, i liked you in the beggining, but then...." and it always goes back to how I speak badly of myself, am negative....I just can't take it anymore. I am even surprised a couple went out on a limb to point that out, most don't give a ****, but It's too taxing on my health and i'm tired of being lonely, frustrated and hurt. I'm tired of not being able to enjoy female company when this **** should be natural.


Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
The United State of Texas
Agreed. But listen,in my opinion,your problem was twofold. One,was all the negativity coming from you,and the other is a lack of understanding about how attraction works for women. Now that you're getting the first part straighten out,don't let the lack of understand about women knock you back into being negative again. When you start to experience some roadblock with women,come back here,post your questions,and we can help you out again.
Don't let misunderstanding about women knock you back to square one.


Don Juan
Sep 25, 2008
Reaction score
I will check back if I have some difficulties. I think I will be able to handle myself for the most part. THe important thing is to remember to have fun. If I can do that I should be alright for the most part. My interactions go well minus for the part of burying myself.


Master Don Juan
Jul 14, 2008
Reaction score
you got one part right..

never assume you've found true lifelong happiness by having a woman on your side..

because after the first 3 months, you'll never work as hard as on that woman to keep that happiness...

get your happiness and confidence, be content with the dude lookin at you in the mirror..then that woman in the mirror next to you will just be another furniture item that you can replace if it starts to give you grief..


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2002
Reaction score
rapidfire said:
as you all know from a post i made a couple of days ago, my situation with women is in the pits. i am 20 years old, soon to be 21 and have never even been on a date. it's so ****ing sad and i am sick of it. i am not going to tolerate this situation much longer, even if i have to become a full fledged ******* to get someone. i'm just so sick of the bull****.
I don't see what the bad part of your situation is.

Sure, you want to succeed with women, but the problem might be just that you're trying to hard. It's the principle of opposites: the more you try, the less you'll get.

Relax! Put your feet up! Stressing doesn't do you any good. Just work on yourself, don't even think about women, and they'll be all over you before you know it.