I can speak from experience. I've been living with a gay housemate for the last two years, and the guys is a pig, a drunk, and just plain nuts. Twice the landlord has allowed him to renew the lease. Luckily, the landlord has finally learned his lesson and is not going to let some crazy loonie like my housemate (I prefer that term because calling him roommate makes me sick) stay here anymore. Theoretically, gay guys are neat and have lots of female friends. Well, this guy is a pig and never cleans up and the only women who come over to see him are ugly ones. He leaves all kinds of unspeakable sh@t all over the place, so I always have to come to my place at least a half hour before I have some chick over to make sure the place is clean. I've told him to be clean, neat, and less noisy, and the guy accuses me of being anti-gay. The guy is worse than those fat screaming cows you see on Jerry Springer. Luckily, he stays in his room most of the time, but the guy is crazy, has emotional issues, and screams on the phone whenever he talks to his mom or boyfriends, etc. He's even fallen down the stairs three times from being drunk, and he's lucky to be alive. He even got into an argument with a cop about some jaywalking ticket, and I think the cop would have accepted an apology but my stupid housemate made the cop angry so the cop gave him a jaywalking ticket. Make sure you talk seriously with this gay roommate of yours and set some rules.