My Road to Progress

Lil Magic

Don Juan
Apr 11, 2007
Reaction score
Nassau, Bahamas/ presently, Collegevill Minnesota
Well, long story short, the girl who i was checking for the last few months, she rejected me for a friend of mine. The lesson I learned from this, don't EVER develope oneitis. Besides the fact that it pretty much ends your chances with a girl (unless she is already your girlfriend), It makes it that much painful when u finally get the rejection. It took a long sequence of events for me to see that after a certain point, i wasnt getting anywhere and that she had developed a liking for one of my friends. Presently he is her first boyfriend. She called me the Sunday after she gave me the rejection, (no matter how easy it was, it was still a rejection), and we talked for a couple of hours on the phone. On the regular, i would have gone "HULK" with my anger, and shout and throw a tantrum, but i guess ive matured a little. Despite the fact that I may have felt better, i think i would have done more damage than good. We talked about it, about how "ill find someone better than her", "dont give up," "i hope we can still be friends, and i still love you as a friend", all that crap the give after breaking your heart. Well, despite the fact that we talked and agreed to still be friends, ive realized something: going after a relationship is a waste of your time, and girls, no matter how nice they are or how much they are into you , are as fickle as the wind. They know that you like them, and even you ask, because they are "scared of hurting your feelings", tell you that they dont like the other way and you have to find out the hard way. Denial doesnt make anything any better. When you see them together all the time, holding hands, she always sits next to you, and in the end doesnt even tell you that she is liking the other guy, dont tell yourself you still have a chance. Chances are you are on the back burner, like i was. And besides, if she didnt have enough respect to tell you whats going on, then obviously your not worth that much to them. Take my advice. Only a fool has to learn from his own mistakes when he can learn from the mistakes of others. F*ck love. Its only an illusion, no matter what they say.


Don Juan
Jun 17, 2008
Reaction score
hmmm... well u, no one else did it, cause you have control over it, put ur self in the friends zone. im not sure what it is u did but go over every time u have ever talked to her, and if you were being nice and listing to her probs or have slumber parties with her... u mit want to fix that...


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2008
Reaction score
SmellyOrc said:
The enter/return button is your friend.
well, first of all, you won't be thinking this when you find another girl. Don't blame it all on the girl, it's half your fault and half her's. I do know how you feel though. This girl and I got very close. I walked her home just about everyday. Talked to her every night before she went to sleep. Listened to her problems. All that stuff. she even said she would consider going out with me during one conversation. Then, when i asked her out somewhere, she told me she only wanted to be friends. That night i was pissed. i thought it was all her fault..she lead me on and all. Now i see how i was being an AFC, but i still think she lead me on to some degree. I have since moved on. i don't even think about her anymore and don't even see how i found her attractive. You'll move on too. I'm sure. Just keep your head up, or you won't be able to find any other girls.:up: