My rebirth


New Member
Jan 23, 2010
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Cen Cal
Hello Dons. If you are in for a bit of my history and why I'm returning, please take time to read this post!

This is my first post under a new name. I'm back as a new man.

I stumbled across this site about 5 years ago when I was a freshman in highschool because I met a girl that seemed to like me and I didn't know what the hell to do and I googled something about "dating advice". Using some of the tips from here I finally managed to get the courage to hold her hand (haha I was pathetic). After she LJBF'd my ass, I was still looking at the site learning a lot here and there but I just stopped logging on here after a while and just decided to learn more about life through my own experiences.

In high school, I was a dork. I had horrible acne. I wore shorts and a t shirt and crappy shoes. I had 2 good friends and that was it. and hell, I didn't even know how to talk to a gal. All of my high school experience was a waste. I didn't spend my time popping cherries like I should have been (which I truly kick myself for haha). Instead I stayed at home and played a computer game called world of warcraft. Towards the end of senior year, it clicked. I started to get it. I started wearing jeans and nicer shirts. Still didn't quite get the concepts of matching but I was getting better.

About 2 weeks before the year was over, I managed to finally get my first girlfriend, who in my books is one of the most beautiful gals I've ever met still to this very day. We ended up mutually breaking up because of "schedule conflict" (really it was because she loved her dog more than me) and I got bummed for a while, and she became my oneitis for a time but it wasn't too long afterwards that I ended up having a real hottie become attracted to me (HB 9).

She and her friends really fixed me up and taught me how to live just by hanging around them. They taught me how to dress better and by being the only guy hanging out with a group of really attractive women, it made my confidence fly out the roof. I was also really uptight at the time and that's why I didn't have any friends. After being exposed to little bit more of what being social is all about, I really chilled the fvck out which was very important in me becoming who I am today. After kissing the gal, I had a whole bunch of guys hating me because they kissed her ass all the time and they couldn't even so have her hang out with them until they showed up at her house because she didn't answer their texts (I'm not exaggerating here, they really did that). After getting close to being in a couple of fights, I decided that she wasn't worth the drama and nexted her. Which was very good because I found out she had hepatitis B so talk about dodging a bullet!! haha

A few weeks later, I ended up getting making out with a very adorable and cute blonde the night I met her (first kiss close! hell yeah!). We had a serious relationship for about 9 months. My confidence only skyrocketed even more. I was getting laid all the time and life was amazing! That was until she told me that she slept with another guy. I found out about 130 in the morning and drove over to her place gave her all her sh!t (which was too bad because she had given me a really nice guitar) and that was the end of that. This happened at the beginning of the month.

After mixing alcohol and xanax for about a week, and after a few moments of crying, I took a really good look at myself and did some soul searching. I then realized what I've become. I've changed so much! I dress freaking great and I get commented about it all the time. My confidence is so awesome that it intimidates all the guys! I can talk to the most beautiful women around without even thinking about it, it's just natural to me now! I feel as if I can have any woman I want! I feel as if I can take on the entire world! My friends even think I'm a god when it comes to women! They ask me for advice all the time! I dont know why but whatever I guess.

The reason I returned is because this time I want to earn the title of being a Don Juan. yeah I could just say that I'm a Don since it's the internet and you can be anything you want to be on the internet ;) but I really want to earn the title. How I will earn it I do not know, but when I do earn it, I will know immediately. I do want to be one of the best out there, and the people, the Dons, on this forum will help me every step of the way.

Feel free to comment gentleman and thank you for reading my post!


Master Don Juan
Oct 19, 2006
Reaction score
Sounds to me that your life is all based on women. Tell us about your life in general. A real DJ unites dream and day.

Your journey in terms of becoming good with women is worth every comment, but still, I know a lot of guys who are GREAT with women but are not very happy because that's all they have going for them. They don't have any passion for life and they are not going after their true dream.

A DJ has the whole package. This is the guy we all envy and want to be. I'm talking about guys like Bruce Lee, or a local kid who turns his skateboard into something amazing, or a boxer who hits the bag without a care in the world.


New Member
Jan 23, 2010
Reaction score
Cen Cal
Well lets see. I will have my dream career real soon. That's something I've worked on and dreamed about for the past 6 years. I have a strong group of friends that I wouldn't trade the world for. I finally picked up the guitar about 8 months ago and I'm starting to get pretty good at it. I hope someday that I'm decent enough to play in a local band. I started my gym membership about 2 weeks ago and I'm following through with that so far. I live every day to the fullest when I can. The only thing that I feel is missing in my life would be the skills to lay beautiful women. I don't even know what's holding me back!