My Rant!!!


Don Juan
Mar 31, 2006
Reaction score
I don't know...I'm kind of confused...I'm so tired of trying to figure women out...At this point I don't trust women at all...I have a hard time believing that any women are faithful or trustworthy...I just don't understand it...I have so many questions I don't even know where to begin...I can't pretend that I have confidence when I have none...My confidence with women sucks majorly...I'm constantly suspicious of women...I think to myself...why on earth would any woman want me? On top of that my sex drive is almost gone...On top of all of that I want a girlfriend because I think it will some how make me feel better about how I look and how I feel about myself...I'm getting older now almost to the point of not ever getting the type of woman I want..hell I just don't know...I'm 31 and I've had sex one time in my whole life and it sucked..i mean it was fun but the outcome sucked...nothing went like it was supposed to go...and yes i know it's a boo hoo thing but right now i don't whole life has revolved around desiring to get a woman and you know how far that got me?? NOWHERE!!! I just don't get how having all of the confidence in the world and looking your best is going to make any woman want me...I can believe that I'm this great guy and I can believe that I'm attractive and I can believe that I'm funny but it sure as hell doesn't make me attractive, funny or a great guy. Yes I know that this is my low self-esteem talking right now. Perhaps I'm just not getting it. It's like a private hell. I want a hot girl yet my body and mind and everything within me is defeating me because of all the above mentioned things..I have no idea how to get out of it...Any help would be greatly appreciated


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zealand
Ok first of all lets forget about the girls for a minute here ok and work on yourself for a bit.

(I may get flamed for this but who cares)

Ok I went through a similar situation when I was like 15 or 16, what I done was sit down and write up all my problems and work out ways of fixing them. I didnt have a hot body, so I joined the soccer and track team etc etc you get the idea. Sit down and write up all your good and bad points and work to improve your bad points and further improve your good points.

Forget about everyone else, just shut them out of your life, if you cant be happy on your own then you cant be happy with others, you can get all the chicks you want but it's going to feel very very hollow.

Once you have worked through your list and have most things running smoothly then stat fresh make new friends and start going out more, it'll be hard as sh!t, but it'l work. No ones going to give you what you want buddy you have to take what you want, what you desire.


Don Juan
Mar 31, 2006
Reaction score
Thanks a lot Typical...I really appreciate it! I hate being like this...I get that way i just had to vent a little bit...I will take your advice and focus on MYSELF for a while rather than everyone's true i do need to work on myself and basically get my head out of my a$$ sense in crying over spilt milk...i just have to leave the past in the past and move on..thanks again


New Member
Apr 5, 2006
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i think you over use "..." when you right, and you seem to use it incorrectly!


Don Juan
Mar 31, 2006
Reaction score
LOL! Yes I developed a bad habit of using the "..." all of the time. I don't use it for any reason, it's just a bad habit. I thank you for your punctuation help LOL!


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
I can believe that I'm this great guy and I can believe that I'm attractive and I can believe that I'm funny but it sure as hell doesn't make me attractive, funny or a great guy.
You forgot one thing.... FUN! When you do things for your own pleasure, you have fun! That should be your number one focus when you're out and about. Flirt with women because it's fun, not because you want to get laid. Take a woman out bowling because bowling is fun, not because she likes it or you're going to get laid. Make fun of her obsession with her nails because it's fun, not because it's called ****y/funny. If she doesn't want to have fun with you, that's her problem. You could take her or leave her, either way you're going to have fun!

When you have fun in your life, people will naturally want to have fun with you. But that's not why you have fun. You have fun because it brings YOU pleasure.


Don Juan
Mar 31, 2006
Reaction score
Thanks Desdinova! I guess it never occured to me to try to actually have fun! LOL I'm so worried about trying to get her to be attracted to me that I never really thought about just having fun. Thanks again!!