Hey echo,
Lots of truth in your post.
Originally posted by echo1212
Over this time I have come to realize that 99% of everyone who posts here and probably reads the threads are fooling themselves about their relationships and/or are spending wayyyyyyyyy too much time worrying about women and how they should act around them.
This is VERY true. But I can understand where these guys are comming from.
Men are taught from early on that their role--how they measure themselves--is based on a woman's response to them. Women are the judge of a man--at least that's the shared assumption of our culture.
If they don't attract women, they think something is wrong with them.
Then if you have to start playing games like some expressed here, and im not saying they sometimes dont work, they might for the short term or in a new relationship, but once these things start to happen or you have a feeling things are going south-just move on because its over.
A man has to have a sense of pride, in that he won't do anything just to get laid. He needs to behave in a that demonstrates he respects himself and expects others to treat him well. A guy will advance when he realizes a) women typically DON'T treat men very well and b) that has NOTHING to do with his value, attractiveness, etc.
A man's ONLY mistake is CARING what a woman thinks.
Secondly, I seriously doubt if women spend this much time worrying about us and wondering how they should act around us and what not. Why? Because they know they have that little hole that all men want. I mean think about it--if a woman wanted to walk into a bar and get laid that night-she could have 20 guys waiting in line after 5 mintues-I mean no problem, and this would happen every night of the week. Whereas men, we have to do everything but beg sometimes to get in a girls pants.
Women don't even NEED to get laid--they just want to know men want to sleep with them. Getting laid on a woman's part involves the risks associated with sex. And besides, once she gives the guy what he wants, she loses her ability to manipulate him.
Their need is easily satisfied if they interpret ANY friendly gesture on the male as a sign of his sexual interest. The rest involves seeing how far he will go in trying to get into her pants.
And Im not blaming you, Ive been there and know how it feels. But we have to quit giving them the power and make them realize its a privalege to be WITH us, not the other way around.
Very true. But it is hard to believe this stuff when even your male friends believe your status as a man is determined by how many chicks you screw.
The most successful guys will not really care what other men think of them either.