My personal ad on Yahoo personals!

Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
My first 'Field Report'...

I Went ‘sarging’ for the first time yesterday, at two local universities to seek some young blood. I had 9 hours of interrupted sleep for the first time in 6 years or so. I blame my exhaustion on sosuave and to all the afc’s that I have been counseling over the last few months who have been taxing my mind and troubling my heart..

I grab my car CD player and get my ‘Don Juan’ music CD to get me motivated for my ‘Hot Babe’ seeking mission. I have the shaven face with a faint mustache and the curly hair look (gel activator). I’m dressed in black to offset my skin tone to have a more dramatic effect.

Here is the Set up:

WHO: Me - PuertoRican_Lover
WHAT: On the prowl for prey!
WHEN: Feb. 13, 2004
WHERE: University campus
HOW: With my mind, body and spirit!

I’ll rate al the girls I encountered as HB 7’s – here is my tale,,,

I’m walking through the cafeteria, tall and confidently like, and I give any worthy babe serious eye contact. I few return contact and seemed to gaze right in to my eyes. Three or four chickadees did this but they had company and some it seemed were with their parents. One girl almost slammed into a pole, as I seemed to have mesmerized her to focus onto my gaze.:cool:

Went to student union/cafeteria…within the first two minutes I see a victim, overall she looks good, but her head is turned because she is speaking to someone, so I hesitate and pretend I’m reading something on the bulletin board, only to follow 4 steps behind her. I don’t know how she looks yet, but she had long thick brown extremely curly hair. I was falling in love with her alone. She was walking fast and carrying a heavy ‘back pack’, so I picked up my pace so that I could see her face and blurted out, “Those books look heavy, may I help you carry them to class?” (grade school pick up, I know). She says, “No I’m fine”, she was all smiles and very gregarious the whole time we talked, as she huffed and puffed and moved with a determined pace.

She was mixed-race, very light white/yellow tone .I told her she should put her back-pack on wheels to make her mission easier, she said they already had those, she saw students using them – their not luggage for travel but actually made for school – I didn’t know they this was out there. She is a junior in school, btw. So I made a minute more of convo and then I excuse myself, seeing that she was not my style or type, I did not ask for her number. I am very picky.

I make a circle around the floor a few times and see some cuties but they were walking with a guy. I come back to the stairwell and see a ‘slimmie’ sitting alone, so I get closer to see (I have bad eyesight) her face (her body was a 9) and she makes the mark, so I get a few feet away from her and she is looking through a camera (I’m thinking photography major or something of the kind). Before I made an approach I’ve thought of what I will say beforehand, “I am a master of all subjects, do you need a tutor?”, was going to be my line. Then if she tells me her major, I become a master of that subject (“you young kids don’t try this at home or without adult supervision”, as the warning label states.). Leave this ‘pickup’ technique, in the hands of the more experienced!:rolleyes:

Right when I get there I look down of where the camera is pointing and I see a baby. “RATS!” “What a beautiful child”, I state, “Is it yours” ----“yep” she says. I told her that I love children because of their innocence and I wish adults, in certain respects, could be the same. She affirms my sentiments exactly with a big “REALLY” shaking her head yes. I ask, “Are you married?” She wholeheartedly says,“Yes”. General convo on Puertoricans having a lot of children (she was a black girl) and how I want my share. I told her how nowadays girls get fat after having children and she smiles in agreement and tells me how she is a vegetarian and women are so big today because of what they eat and are lazy and hate to exercise, blah, blah, blah. I added my two cents in on the cause of women getting bigger in the recent decades being due to the advent of the ‘bovine growth hormone’ (BGH) being injected in the animals we eat. She agrees. BTW, she was married too. I just felt conversing with strangers today!!

So I take the elevators upstairs, walk around a minute and head back to the elevators…as I turn around to walk to the elevator a black girl with great skin tone is approaching and I seem to recognize her from somewhere, I give her good eye contact when I get close to her (damn bad eyes) and with the biggest smile and the whitest teeth that I have ever seen in my life, she says, “HOW ARE YOU “ and gives me an intense stare! I’m like “hello” - but she kind of took me off guard because she said it first and I needed to get closer to see my subject to see how she looked so I hesitated (damn eyesight), by then it was too late, my mind locked, and I turned around in 3 seconds and she was gone. I looked under the nearby sofa to see if she was hiding on me. How could she have disappeared so fast? I wondered to myself. I think there was a restroom nearby right where our paths crossed and she went in there. She was the best looking girl of the day. Have you ever lost a girl’s tracks even though she is only 10 or 20 feet away from you, but you take your eyes off her for a second and she is gone? What is this phenomenon called? Alien abduction? Or is it called “The Rapture’?

My downfall is that I need to look at a girl for a while to see if I’m attracted to her, I’ m talking 10 seconds at least! Plus a lot of these girls had coats on and it’s hard to see the whole package. I’ve been in situations where I see a beautiful woman in a car and talk smack to her only to find out that once she gets out of the car, her bottom half of her body was in complete opposite to her face!! Girls can have very thin faces and extra large bottom halves (men are usually the opposite) – needless to say, I hit the gas pedal and burned rubber for a few hundred yards to escape such a fate!!:(

I go back downstairs to the cafeteria and I get some water and take a seat and start scooping the joint like I’m a Drug Enforcement Agent (DEA) on the lookout to make a drug bust. Two minutes later a girl with lunch sits at the table next to me. I’m thinking this chick just darn near, literally and figuratively speaking, fell into my lap. I pretended to read the paper after a few minutes of glancing on and off at her, after which time I noticed that the school paper that I was pretending to read, was upside down. I slyly try to turn it over to its’ proper side up, only to find her shaking her head giggling at me. :eek: Red faced, I shrug my shoulders and smile and think, “my cover is blown”. It’s times like this that I wished my face were black so that my blushing red-faced shame could be hidden.

With nothing to lose and with what little shame I had left, I get up from the chair and sit across from her at the table and ask, “are you Spanish?” “Yes, Mexican”, she responded. What’s your major? I ask. “Kinesiology”, she shot back. Ah huh, I quickly thought to myself, “this is ‘kino’, I did learn something from my fellow Don Juans at after all!! So confidently I shoot back, “Doesn’t that have something to do with ‘touchy’ ‘feely’ kind of stuff”. I know guys it wasn’t the best definition, but it’s the only one that came to my head at the time. “Yep” she says and the convo goes into her having one child and a husband and you know the rest.

So I got up and cased the joint again going in circles around the group of restaurants, I went around it so many times that I was getting dizzy. It seemed as if there was a ‘Merry-Go-Round’ surrounding the restaurants and that I was the only one on it. I decided to get out of there – a lot of the ‘druggies’ were looking at me as if I truly were a undercover DEA agent :cool: that was casing the joint (no pun intended).

All this stalking of women was getting tiresome, so I go back to my home base and eat 3 cheeseburgers and refresh myself with some soda pop and continue my mission to another university. This time it’s my ‘alma mater’. I know people here so I have to keep a watchful eye out for them so that they don’t see me drooling over 18 year olds! I go to library and I don’t see any prospects there, figuring it is a Friday afternoon and people are taking a break from the week’s course demands. So I head to the student union to see if my luck is better, seems pretty dead also, go down stairs to cyber café, looks dead. I start a chat with the cashier, not my taste.
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
I head over to the cultural center and it is empty. As I was about to leave, I bumped into a small petite girl who was looking for her sister. She found no one but me in the room, and before she left I asked a question about the upcoming activities on campus, she stated she doesn’t go to school here she goes to the school that I visited prior. She volunteers to show me the bulletin board with the list of activities. She is showing me where it is, but my interest now lies elsewhere. We start talking about other things.

I ask where she is from and she says her parents and family are from Palenstine (her dress was traditional along with head gear). She was born in New Jersey and then moved to Milwaukee and now is a sophomore in school. I’m thinking she is no more than 19, nor does she look it. She blurts out, “You are Puerto Rican, right?” I said, “Yeah, how did you guess” I’m thinking New York / Jersey area are full with Puerto Ricans, she knows our suave profiles. Suddenly, she started speaking Spanish to me in a soft sweet whisper.

So I talk back to her in Spanish and state where did she learn and I told her my speaking Spanish is not as well as my understanding it…I abruptly stated, “how about if we exchanged phone numbers and we can help each other learn more Spanish?” She promptly stated, “How can you teach me anything if you can’t speak it that well yourself” ZINGGGGGGGG!!!! :eek: Red-faced again. Damn, twice in one hour! Within a tetra second (not that I was counting), sweat was on my face and I felt a sweat bead roll down my back. I thought to myself, “This girl thinks faster on her feet than me!! I apologetically told her that I was born and raised in Milwaukee, so not much of a chance to speak Spanish that often and blah, blah, blah! She deflected my phone number request like a champion Don Juana!! Let me tell you guys much of this convo was done in jest and she was smiling most of the time and she was extremely bashful and kept putting her head down and batting her eyelids as if nervous, especially after I asked for her phone number!

I was relentless, so one minute later I bring the number up again and again she goes on to another topic (twice now)…my approach/come-on was way too fast for this traditional girl, and I knew it, but what the hell I had nothing to lose. It was an enjoyable and interesting conversation and she seemed flattered that I had interest in her. She stated that she was parked at an expired meter, she extended her hand to me and I shook it softly to call this whole ordeal a truce (although I think I lost :() and say good-bye.

I never did this before and I felt good that I did it. Although no numbers were received, I felt more secure in my manhood for approaching women and following my natural dictates as a man and not being scared to do so. I was a little nervous but not scared!

I usually only approach HB8’s or HB9’s – I did this to put what knowledge is shared on this site to work. What’s in your mind (knowledge) must be used and brought to fruition (action) or it is useless to the possessor!

Don Juan ‘Nooby Doo’ would have been proud of me if he saw me in action!:)

Post Script,
If I would have found an Indian and an Asian to approach I would have completed my world tour!:)


Don Juan
May 29, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Virginia
Originally posted by PuertoRican_Lover

So I talk back to her in Spanish and state where did she learn and I told her my speaking Spanish is not as well as my understanding it…I abruptly stated, “how about if we exchanged phone numbers and we can help each other learn more Spanish?” She promptly stated, “How can you teach me anything if you can’t speak it that well yourself” ZINGGGGGGGG!!!! :eek: Red-faced again. Damn, twice in one hour! Within a tetra second (not that I was counting), sweat was on my face and I felt a sweat bead roll down my back. I thought to myself, “This girl thinks faster on her feet than me!! I apologetically told her that I was born and raised in Milwaukee, so not much of a chance to speak Spanish that often and blah, blah, blah!
Hehe, me too. I speak spanish with an accent, and my vocabulary isn't too great, but I understand spanish like a champ :)

I hardly use spanish in Virginia :| .......... oh well.. at least im good at typing it :) (except for those damned accents)


Don Juan
Feb 9, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Francisco d'Anconia
:eek: yawn...:eek:

If you'd attempt to contribute some viable information instead proving that you are an AFC by denouncing things that are beyond your comprehention. Maybe then you would be taken seriously. Like another poster has said, maybe you should read The Bible and learn something instead of being so frustrated because you've crashed and burned so often. The purpose of the board is to help one another, you're just venting like other AFCs that don't get it.
I dont use this site as my primary "book of knowledge". I started reading ASF (the best FREE site that has ever existed and still does on the Internet) and have gone through many posts and methods over there. This site has many flaws (women posters wtf?, teenage advice?) and its fools like you who happen to accept their ideas and relate to them!
Since finding ASF101 I have succesfully applied the knowledge I gained from ASF!

And one of the vital things I learned from ASF was to GO OUT to malls, clubs, bars, pubs, streets etc and PU LIVE women who you see face to face and enteract with them right there then choosing either to eject or PU them. Internet is the most time consuming and unsuccesful place to sarge. But na you still think its "da ****" You my dear still resort to online dating, why dont you try classifides?

"A 40 yo classy lady looking for a man"... give her a buzz!

Have fun son!:rolleyes:

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Originally posted by PUA_GUY
I dont use this site as my primary "book of knowledge". I started reading ASF (the best FREE site that has ever existed and still does on the Internet) and have gone through many posts and methods over there. This site has many flaws (women posters wtf?, teenage advice?) and its fools like you who happen to accept their ideas and relate to them!
Since finding ASF101 I have succesfully applied the knowledge I gained from ASF!

And one of the vital things I learned from ASF was to GO OUT to malls, clubs, bars, pubs, streets etc and PU LIVE women who you see face to face and enteract with them right there then choosing either to eject or PU them. Internet is the most time consuming and unsuccesful place to sarge. But na you still think its "da ****" You my dear still resort to online dating, why dont you try classifides?

"A 40 yo classy lady looking for a man"... give her a buzz!

Have fun son!:rolleyes:
And with all of this, we have still yet to hear of one of your successes. From all of your negative posts one can only think that you are just as frustrated as any AFC out there.

So humor me son, prove me wrong. Take your time and make up something interesting.

Channel your excited feelings into positive thoughts and behaviors. You will attract women by being enthusiastic, radiating energy, and becoming someone who is fun to be around.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.

Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Ok guys quit feuding. Your worst than the 'Hatfields and McCoys' :)

PUA, you obviously didn't read my thread. Online pursuits give you the 'opportunity' to meet them in person, and nothing more. It is a supplement to your other 'live' pursuits and it should not be your 'only' course of action, or 'primary' course of action for that matter!

Why do you blame Francisco for finding a 'live' girl through online dating. It worked for him and he has tangible results yet you claim online dating doesn't work? It obviously doesn't have the same feel to it from face to face pick-ups but that is why once you meet online you set something up in person to interact. Your chances of finding a mate online may be less than finding one on the street, but it can only increase the 'total odds' of your overall goal of meeting women!


Don Juan
Feb 9, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by PuertoRican_Lover
Your chances of finding a mate online may be less than finding one on the street, but it can only increase the 'total odds' of your overall goal of meeting women!
Do you think rich men like Bill Gates when they walk down the street and see 2 bucks do you think they would pick it up or would they be in more of a hurry to get to their office where they have a client waiting and eager to close a 1 billion dollar deal?

If you want to spend time sarging online then its your choice but dont praise that **** for others.


Don Juan
Feb 9, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Francisco d'Anconia
And with all of this, we have still yet to hear of one of your successes. From all of your negative posts one can only think that you are just as frustrated as any AFC out there.

So humor me son, prove me wrong. Take your time and make up something interesting.
I dont use this site to post FRs, and questions. I use ASF as my primary. Plus I got jack to proove you, the only person that needs to know how my game runs is me.

Quick... check your mIRC, some "HB" msged you "ASL!"

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Originally posted by PUA_GUY
I dont use this site to post FRs, and questions. I use ASF as my primary. Plus I got jack to proove you, the only person that needs to know how my game runs is me.

Quick... check your mIRC, some "HB" msged you "ASL!"
Thanks or providing the proof I requested. It's obvious that you know the AFC vernacular of online chatting. You provided a name of a chat medium too, way to goo. I knew that you were just another clueless online chat looser :p


Don Juan
Feb 9, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Francisco d'Anconia
Thanks or providing the proof I requested. It's obvious that you know the AFC vernacular of online chatting. You provided a name of a chat medium too, way to goo. I knew that you were just another clueless online chat looser :p
The irony is that I once WAS this online chat loserfew years ago, right up to the time when I found fast seduction and completely reframed the whole process of a pick up, now the paradox here is that YOU son STILL rely on online pick up just as I did in my old AFC days, do you see the difference here? or are you one of those mindfu.cks who just likes to argue for the sake of arguing even though your completely wrong? I thought so!

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Originally posted by PUA_GUY
The irony is that I once WAS this online chat loserfew years ago, right up to the time when I found fast seduction and completely reframed the whole process of a pick up, now the paradox here is that YOU son STILL rely on online pick up just as I did in my old AFC days, do you see the difference here? or are you one of those mindfu.cks who just likes to argue for the sake of arguing even though your completely wrong? I thought so!
Just for your edification, I have no limitations. I sarge when ever where ever. Unlike you, I had the fortitude not to give up and be a "fractional DJ" who can only work in certain environments. So you gave up because you got mad and frustrated, just like when you let me press your buttons :p

Oh and by the way, I'm only a mindfvck to those who are susceptible, maybe because they have a fvcked up mind... Who knows, who cares....


Don Juan
Feb 9, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Francisco d'Anconia
Just for your edification, I have no limitations. I sarge when ever where ever. Unlike you, I had the fortitude not to give up and be a "fractional DJ" who can only work in certain environments. So you gave up because you got mad and frustrated, just like when you let me press your buttons :p

Oh and by the way, I'm only a mindfvck to those who are susceptible, maybe because they have a fvcked up mind... Who knows, who cares....
I just laugh at your idiotic remarks dude, Ive met people like you who would argue till they are blue even if they are completely wrong. Your mind fu.cking youself into believing many retarded things... have fun Francesca!
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Field report #2...

My thread is turning into a battle between pua vs francisco, I better post another field report...

Went out on this saturday on Valentines Day - clubs were full. I was dressed in my wine colored velvet shirt with same colored cuban heeled shoes with black pants and long black leather jacket. It llooked like I was dress for 'the matrix'.

Club #1

The first club I went to had a Salsa band, there were mostly couples there but there was one latina HB9 face/ HB7 body. she had very high interest level and we danced and had good convo - she wanted me to join her table...I found out she was leaving to Califirnia the following day (she lives there) - she was with her dad at the club. Oh well, such is my fate, but I left for more options to a different club...

Club #2

There was mix music but mostly hip/hop mostly white women in the crowd...crash and burned on two chicks there but in my first 2 minutes in the club I approached and HB9.5 face / HB8 body. Got her number after 3 minutes of convo - had to coax her a little, so not too promising on interest level. May try out the number to see if it is real or if it is, I will determine if she is real. This girl likes to party on weekends at this club (I'm thinking club ho) so I expect a flake! She is a white/latino - family is from El Salvador. She had a very interesting flawless face, at least from what I saw in the dim lights of the club!
Last edited:

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Originally posted by PUA_GUY
I just laugh at your idiotic remarks dude, Ive met people like you who would argue till they are blue even if they are completely wrong. Your mind fu.cking youself into believing many retarded things... have fun Francesca!
Notice how people that run out of ammunition turn to childish taunts. When will you realize that just because you still succumb to those games, not everyone will. Again I can only assume it was the same type of thing that scared you away from the Net.

It may seem to you that I'm arguing since the facts that I am stating about the Net and yourself go beyond your level of understanding, no biggie. Just as not all DJs are functional across environments, not all guys are meant to understand and its not surprising that as in your case, those two go hand and hand.

I await your next childish taunt...

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Re: Field report #2...

Originally posted by PuertoRican_Lover
My thread is turning into a battle between pua vs francisco, I better post another field report...
PL, it would be a battle only if I had some competition. But anyway, when you go clubbin' do you get friendly with any of the female bartenders? I usually do just to have a an ace up my sleeve when sarging at the bar. Women usually are curious about guys who have female bartender friends.

Well I'm here to tell you there is such a magic wand. Something that will make you almost completely irresistible to any woman you "point it" at. Something guaranteed to fill your life with love, romance, and excitement.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.

Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
The bartenders are in a frenzy with customers surrounding them and asking for drinks, and music is loud...No one will get more than 5 seconds to talk to them.

Please abbreviate my name as PR_L, it has a better ring to it - vanity, I know:)
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Can you take your 'dueling banjo's' feuding to Pua_Guy's current thread "myths and rumors"?
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Oneitis with a personal ad! :(

Here is a e-mail I sent to a yahoo profile. The reasons I joined was to meet this one girl that had a profile that I felt was campatible with mine.

I spent twice as much money going out to clubs with no prospects at all - at least I had 'one' here'

I spent $20 - hell, I lose more than that running for the bus!! :D

I'm not sure if you received my messages, since you didn't respond - Is it because you are not a paying member? Or is it just that you are shy? Don't be bashful, I am as harmless as a blind man playing hide-n-seek.:) I do meet all of your criteria that you specified in your profile.

I added some more pictures to my profile that I took this week, they are close-ups, so that you can see I'm not a deformed monster or grotesque

I can't believe it! The title I chose for my profile is, "Seeking athletic sweet fun girl, yes you." Then I clicked on your profile to e-mail you and your user-name is athleticsweetfun! Also, in my written statement, I stated that I am an energetic playful guy looking for a playful girl! And lo and behold, this is the title for your profile! Wow, do you think all this was just a coincidence, or is this fate.:)It's a good sign that we may be compatible! But you would never know unless you take that first step and send me a wink or an e-mail.

I take it you are serious about finding "an energetic playful guy", right? Here I am - and just in time for Valentines Day! What such an appropriate and perfect gift for this occasion - a real man.:) The real me, is better than the cyber-me. I am more fun in person. Come out to play! You were playing hide-n-seek for the last few months and now I found you, so you must come out from hiding. You know the rules, right?

Hey, I'm a merengue king, but my salsa sucks and I need a dance partner to step on and throw around, I mean, to gently twirl and maneuver.:)I have two left feet, so I find that merengue music is easier to dance to, since you don't have to do all that fancy stepping like Salsa. I tried to dance Salsa once, but I twirled this girl so hard and so fast that she got away from my grasp and went through a wall! I called 911 and when the ambulance came the paramedics asked me what happened. And I told them that we were dancing. They look at me with a puzzled look on their faces, and one of them said, "How could her head go through a wall from dancing?" So I showed them a few of my Salsa moves, and then they looked at me and responded, "Okay, now we understand!"Are you still willing to teach me Salsa? :)

I feel like I am talking to myself - why is that? Oh yeah, because I am!! Don't let me go crazy by having these one sided conversations with myself in cyber-space, I'll blame my delirious state on you for not responding and acknowledging my presence.

Are you a decoy set up by YAHOO to falsely allure men to pay $20 in hopes of getting your attention?Hmmmmm, I'm starting to wonder, If I have been tricked...

All joking aside, I do have a serious side to me as well and that is why I am e-mailing you. I'm not doing this to entertain you (although I hope you are smiling as you read this), but rather to get to know you on a personal level.


all-names-i-tried-are-taken-already. This is a fairly original user-name, don't you think? I guess everybody else found the name they wanted except me!


Don Juan
Jan 22, 2004
Reaction score

i haven't read all of the replies to this, so if im being redundant with what im about to say im sorry, but it DESPERATELY needs to be said...

look man, this is the most average boring profile ive ever seen ... it SCREAMS AFC. if you want chicks to dig your profile you have to provide some mystery ...

"I consider myself to be an intelligent and sincere person, with having a straighforward personality, and a quick-witted sense of humor. I have a positive attitude and outlook on life and looking for someone that possesses the same "

THIS SCREAMS BORING. some female is going to take a look at this and think .. wow i just read the same thing in the last 40 profiles i read.

what has this site taught you about what attracts women? ... heres a better idea...

occupation: part time astronaut
hobbies: taming mountain lions, climbing every mountain peak in the western hemisphere, skydiving, spending time at the playboy mansion. ----ANYTHING FUN, DOESNT MATTER WHAT YOU PUT HERE, DOESNT MATTER IF THEY BELIEVE IT OR NOT ... YOU WANT TO SHOCK THEM.

instead of telling them about how you are an intelligent and sincere person with a straightforward personality ... why dont you tell them that you cant stand being around boring people ... you WANT TO HAVE FUN, and if someone cant have fun with you, you drop them ... this is the attitude you SHOULD have ... what you typed in your profile sounds SUPER SUPER NEEDY.

remember dude ... females get 100's of messages a day from dudes just like you with the same boring profiles ... LITERALLY HUNDREDS .. what is going to make u stand out from the rest? .. obviously not what you got goin on here.


Don Juan
Jan 22, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by PUA_GUY
I dont use this site as my primary "book of knowledge". I started reading ASF (the best FREE site that has ever existed and still does on the Internet) and have gone through many posts and methods over there. This site has many flaws (women posters wtf?, teenage advice?) and its fools like you who happen to accept their ideas and relate to them!
Since finding ASF101 I have succesfully applied the knowledge I gained from ASF!

And one of the vital things I learned from ASF was to GO OUT to malls, clubs, bars, pubs, streets etc and PU LIVE women who you see face to face and enteract with them right there then choosing either to eject or PU them. Internet is the most time consuming and unsuccesful place to sarge. But na you still think its "da ****" You my dear still resort to online dating, why dont you try classifides?

"A 40 yo classy lady looking for a man"... give her a buzz!

Have fun son!:rolleyes:
oh hey first of all its FS101, second of all .. FS101 does have a lot of good advice but it gives absolutely no idea for how to incorporate the advice into any kind of mindset ... it only expells tactics which only work for certain people in certain circumstances ... online is a fine place to sarge but should no way be the MAIN CONCENTRATION, and should never take precedence over sarging live ...

nothing you have said is even half correct PUAGUY ... i was an avid follower of FS101 for over a year until i found this board, and in the few weeks that i have been exposed to this board i have learned a myriad more than i could possibly have ever learned at FS101.

PUAGUY what you may someday learn is that this is a mindset that you need to attain ... and that silly tricks and tactics will only work at certain places and certain times ... in the end, you wont get the girl you REALLY want ... youll only end up asking yourself ... i must have recited the pattern wrong .. or i must not have placed that anchor the way the right way ...

i dont think anything else even needs to be said to this kid ..