My Night Tonight

The Damned

Don Juan
Dec 2, 2007
Reaction score
Trying to find my path
Hi guys.
Tried to take your advice on things you have told me on the forums, decided tonight I was gonna try and go for it and conquer my fears(although I fear I may be way too old now, and looking a lot older than 24 gives me even more of a disadvantage).
I just went out and tried to show the world what I can be, a happy, funny guy who likes having a good time and a laugh.
Well first of all one of my friends was making fun of me and my other friend(in Jest of course) about how poor we are at approaching women(maybe a sign of fate, a sign to tell me to go for it and find out what my real chances are),
Anyway first place we went a group of girls were out, although drunk one of them I really fancied(although I couldnt approach her as nerves kicked in), anyway one of the group started dancing and rubbing herself on me(despite not looking at me), one of my mates told me to get in there and take my chance, although I think she never seen what I looked like, my mate said she must have done it for a reason, anyway this girl knocked into me about 4 times before going elsewhere.
Later on a bigger girl(quite obese) approached me later on asking me to dance, she must have been mid 30's-40, but I was pleasant to her and made my excuses as there was no attraction.
Anyway the girls I fancied I tried to make eye contact with to see their reactions, most just glanced, although they didnt look too horrified they still smiled(with their heads down) and looked away after a couple of seconds, and if I seen girls looking at me(even if I wasnt attracted to them), instead of being nervous I looked back and smiled to see their reactions, which were the same they pretty much looked away.
Im confused now to what to do next, should I bother approaching and talking to some of these women Im attracted to next time? How do I confront my phobias and what can I say thats suitable to a woman I like without putting my foot in it.
And also what positive body language should I look for to be sure they like me first just to be sure I dont make a huge embarrassment of myself and waste my time by plucking up the courage to go over there only to be put down and end up with even less confidence than I started.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 1, 2006
Reaction score
yo man you think too much. 'she rubbed her ass on me but i dont know if she liked me or not' ... dude theres only one way to find out, u go up to her.

you are too unsure of yourself. you put all this negativity into your head and you destin yourself to be a vag. stop bein a such a vagine and man up.

The Damned

Don Juan
Dec 2, 2007
Reaction score
Trying to find my path
CORVETTE06 said:
yo man you think too much. 'she rubbed her ass on me but i dont know if she liked me or not' ... dude theres only one way to find out, u go up to her.

you are too unsure of yourself. you put all this negativity into your head and you destin yourself to be a vag. stop bein a such a vagine and man up.

If only it was that simple dude, its how to go up to them/what to say/when to do it etc.
I would feel awkward approaching a girl when shes with her mates. Even then there must be certain body language she would use so you would know shes interested beforehand.

The Damned

Don Juan
Dec 2, 2007
Reaction score
Trying to find my path
Still couldnt crack it tonight guys im afraid.
Tried to make eye contact again hoping at least one girl would react back but as per usual they just looked away, if I could crack that part where they would look back at least I would have a point to start a conversation.
Im not sure if I can do this but for the moment I suppose I have no choice but to keep on trying and hope for the best.
Just thinking at 24 maybe im way too old now, most people my age are settling down and making plans, for me my life hasnt even started yet I need to make up for serious lost time but I cant see things going my way now.