Dear Ladies Man,
So you feel "I think she's just in it for the sex. I think (I KNOW)"I would be most surprised....First the comic book heroes,in my long distant past the three genres of comics were British,Australian and American,the latter we called them "Yankee comics" were keenly sought and jealously guarded one of the best amongst them was Flash Gordon,now when Australian Comic sellers started reprinting these yarns under licence they baulked at the name "Flash",to Australians the word has many connotations none of them flattering for instance a couple of likely lads surrupticiously smoking behind the ablution block at school with a couple of demi monde ladies for company,when asked for a fag might say "sure I'll give you a gasper if you'll flash your tits" a dirty old man who exposes himself would be called a Flasher,so when it came the turn of Flash Gordon he was transmogrified to Speed Gordon......Back to your neighbour look you have three birds on your hands,more strength to your elbow,this lady could be very useful for you as a friend,remember what you do will impact on your son when he visits....No man is an Island,believe me the neighbourhood will rejoice and toast the health of the game little girl next door and you getting together,but when you put a foot wrong and she squeals,then while the blokes might even give you a conspiratorial wink the Ladies will treat you like a leper,you really will be finished as a social item in the Street,she will be seen as a victim,you the abusive perpetrator...As I know only too well this is a very uncomfortable place to be...Very rarely will I advocate making a Lady a friend but this is the exception,Fvck her and you shvit in your own nest,down the line you can use this lady keep the sexual tension sure,and if you are patient you can maybe have some more positive relationship later leave it six months but in the mean time,think of how you can utilise her and her family for your own needs.