My new Internet Ad, What is Wrong?


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2005
Reaction score
Great Lakes
Originally posted by Marcopolo
I sent out about 20 letters last week and got nothing. I used to get several winks a week and now almost nothing. And I really thought my ad was good but apparently not.

Any advice on what I am doing that is not working now?
Well, there are several things:
1. Waita bit longer than "less than a week"
2. 20 is not a lot. if you send 50 and got nothing, then for sure there would be somthing wrong.
3. Whom you sent 20 emails? You may not realize it, but you may just become more picky. I can easily sent 20 emails to some HB10 with cute pics, and they even would nto look at my profile.
Probably you send then to a) already busy dating women b) hot chicks with pics c) somebody who didn't like your type.
It is very easy to combine a+b+c and got nothing out of 20.