my mom is dating a 19 year old...=/


Don Juan
Mar 20, 2005
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alright i dono what to do right now..

im 17 right now and in my 3rd year of highschool (a junior)
my mom is about 39 years old
i have 1 sister she is about 15

so my mom wanted to rent out one of our rooms to this guy.
i thought it was a sweet idea, he was nice enough to make sure it was fine with the man in the house (which is me) and i was liek ya man no problem
we started working out and kind of hanging out.

So its been about a week or two since hes been with us. im out this friday having fun, and he texts me saying we need to talk so i call him up and ask him whats up?
he says somthing about him and my mom and im said "like dating?" and hes like yea and im like oh... and hes like are you pissed im like well kind of i dono what to think about it right now

so i start to get pissed becuase i said it was ok for him to live with us not date my mom. so my mom calls me and trys to talk to me about it and i go off on her saying she lie'd to me and all this stuff. after that i tell her im not coming home tonight. So i was out till 5am then i had no where to crash so i snuck into my own house and slept till 5pm the next day

when i leave the house i usually tell my mom where im going but after i woke up i got ready and just left and she calls me saying where are you and i told her im going out and i hung up and she tries texting and calling me and i dont answer. So last night i was out and i stayed at my friends house.

So now im back at my house and i locked my door up in my room and i dono what to do

im kind of lost right now, i dont know what to feel
im not to the point of screwing life over for my self, im still going to go to school, im just kind of pissed off with my mom and i dont want to see her right now
its wierd seeing her with a teenager who is 2 years older than me
she was 20 when he was born basically
shes basically dating her son

itd be nice if someone could me with this situation :confused:


Don Juan
Feb 8, 2006
Reaction score
YOU be mature. You're acting like a spoiled brat. Your mom isn't doing anything illegal and frankly it's none of your business who she dates.


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2005
Reaction score
I'm sorry dude, I was just trying out my DJ tactics and she ended up falling for them.


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
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Mctwist4 said:
That's pretty ****ed up. I would lose a lot of respect for my mom if I was in your situation.
And why is that? If you bagged a milf would you lose respect for her? You're mom is a grown ass women and is fully capable of making her own decision with you your discrestion. If it bothers you sooo goddamn much talk to her about it like an adult, tell her how you feel. The idea of a kid not much older than you boinking tu madre must be whats really bothering you...however...i dont know what you can do...find an older women and see what youre mom think you two.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2004
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Yapper said:
YOU be mature. You're acting like a spoiled brat. Your mom isn't doing anything illegal and frankly it's none of your business who she dates.

thats is perfectly fine that he feels this way. Is your mom dating someone your age? At least he is aware of his emotions and is trying to figure out how to feel/what to do. He is not acting like a spoiled brat at all. It would feel very unnatural for me if my mom was dating some guy my age. That is so damn weird.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2006
Reaction score
Originally posted by Yapper
YOU be mature. You're acting like a spoiled brat. Your mom isn't doing anything illegal and frankly it's none of your business who she dates.
fvck off man...give this guy a break, his mom's dating a guy HIS age...

my parents divorced afew years ago and my mom(i live with her) dates acouple pretty young guys but nothing below 30yrs old...of course there nice guys but ...Yeah its pretty annoying, like yeah "whatever" but deep down its like "what the fvck is happening, why cant i have a 'normal' life?"

its hard sometimes but u just have to understand that its her life, and she ddoes whatevs the fvck she wants...Just chill and kno u cant cntrol everything, and just go wth the flow..

i know how it is man, best thing to do is start doingg some activity to forget everything(haha not getting wasted tho...not all the tiem).
I picked up a sport and jus started focusing on it, its a real smooth way to ditch all the issues...and plus now i got mad danglez in ice hockey! :)


edit; just had to edit this in, its pretty important! Get to like the fvcker!!! its pretty sweet having another dude in the house sometimes who u can talk to about stuff..usually, well not usually but from my experience, theyre pretty chill guys and u can learn alot from them..lay down some rules with ur mom as well, like tell her that sometimes u wont sleep at home and sometimes u just need time alone because of sh1t.
and last thing(lol), everythings aight! some of the chillest guys i know have pretty ****ed up parents(even me)

whatevs, later dude


Master Don Juan
Nov 26, 2005
Reaction score
That's a rough, rough situation.

Your mom (Damn American spelling) must be going through a lot in her head as well. Putting her own flesh and blood in a situation like this cannot be easy for her, if she has a heart that is.

It's natural to be pissed off. It's natural to want to lash out. And it's bloody natural to want to resent both your mother and her toyboy right now. But you have to take this on the chin. She does deserve a life outside of motherhood, whether that involves a boyfriend or not. It's your job to be there, it's your job to be that rock in her life, and you are still the man of the house, no matter who comes in.

Which is why you have to act like a man. No tantrums, and communicate with her, for gods sake, never throw away communication with her.

Hit the gym or something. Maybe have a few rounds on a boxing bag every now and then. Take that frustration you're feeling and get positive results out of it. Anger released towards your mother or her "boyfriend" is wasted anger. Anger put in the gym is anger put to good use.


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2005
Reaction score
Newmarket, Ontario
ask the dude to help you with your game

turn the negative into a positive.

then pick up a 19 y/o hottie and watch his jealousy flare


Don Juan
May 1, 2006
Reaction score
****ing bone his mom, sister, niece, aunt, whatever. Then ask how he likes it. The only reason why your mom is with him is to have sex with him. I'm sure he'd feel different if you were boning his family.


Don Juan
Mar 20, 2005
Reaction score
Nobody said:
****ing bone his mom, sister, niece, aunt, whatever. Then ask how he likes it. The only reason why your mom is with him is to have sex with him. I'm sure he'd feel different if you were boning his family.
haha that would be funny
but thanks to you guys who felt the same way as i did
and i guess ill just take it as is and just learn to deal with it

it is her life and she can do what she wants but i just would have liked if she didnt lie to me about some things, i would have felt alot more better if she just told me alot more clearer and better

ive yet to talk to her yet, i dont feel like conversing with her yet, i dont feel like i need to right at the moment, i need some space

but ill keep it posted what goes down



Senior Don Juan
Apr 6, 2006
Reaction score
Tell this punk to collect his shít and get the fúck outta your/the house.

As for your mom. Remind her that she is an older mature women and should conduct herself like so, and that you are ashamed to have a bad example of a mother.


Master Don Juan
Feb 16, 2005
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Davie, FL
dude156 said:
haha that would be funny
but thanks to you guys who felt the same way as i did
and i guess ill just take it as is and just learn to deal with it

it is her life and she can do what she wants but i just would have liked if she didnt lie to me about some things, i would have felt alot more better if she just told me alot more clearer and better

ive yet to talk to her yet, i dont feel like conversing with her yet, i dont feel like i need to right at the moment, i need some space

but ill keep it posted what goes down

Well if you feel that way, could you give me her number and how much she charges? :rolleyes:

Grow some balls, and tell that ****er to get our of your house.


Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
Kingston, Can-a-duh
Haha. What a world.

What do your parents do dude?
Ohh, my dad does whatever, and my mom, she does whatever, ohh, and she's dating a 19 year old.

o_0, haha :crackup::D


Senior Don Juan
Oct 6, 2005
Reaction score
Oregon, USA
Face it, your mom makes her own decisions, its her life. If it bothers you you are going to have to suck it up. Plus, for all of you guys saying "get out of my house" the house is not yours, you only live in it, your mom pays the bills therefore she has the say. Unless you help her out and support her, i dont see why u are *****ing, she is a grown women who is allowed to make her choices, in life we make choices that offend others, but its what WE believe is best for ourselves.

kev me723

Don Juan
Apr 1, 2005
Reaction score
Yeah your mom was good, lemme tell ya I could tell she was experienced haha . why the hell would you even post this? I'm surprised every single person hasn't just been making jokes this whole time. I f%cked your mom in the ass! K there you go. Ha seriously though dude, it might be a little wierd, but your mom is all grown up and she can make her own decisions. You just have to respect that.

Personally, I would watch this kid's every move and then practice so I could start hooking up with moms too! You have a great opportunity there!

By the way, your mom is a MILF. HA

Joe The Homophobe

Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2004
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oakraiderz2 said:
And why is that? If you bagged a milf would you lose respect for her? You're mom is a grown ass women and is fully capable of making her own decision with you your discrestion. If it bothers you sooo goddamn much talk to her about it like an adult, tell her how you feel. The idea of a kid not much older than you boinking tu madre must be whats really bothering you...however...i dont know what you can do...find an older women and see what youre mom think you two.
You're mistake is the simple false idea of "it it applies to me it should apply to everyone." Would I like to date a good looking 39 year old? yes, would I like some horny 19 year old dating my mom, NO! Please don't fall for it. We are allowed to be selfish and to care about our loved ones even if we discriminate on situations we would ourselves partake in. There are tons of situations like this, for example I believe women shouldnt drive but when it comes to my female relatives driving im fine. Yes im being selfish and selective but then again those are the people I care about, I could care less what you or the rest of the billions of women do!

The kid has every right to be pissed about his mom taking it in the poop shoot from a horny 19 year old, and you know this won't lead to any sort of fruitful relationship. It is our duty to take care of our moms and do what is best for them.

Look at it this way, it is fine for you or me to find some hot milf, but just because we date a mifl doesn't mean you or me should be ok with our own mothers doing that. We don't want them to be taken advantage of like we are taking advantage of the hot milfs.

His mother is 39 years old, she is at a time in her life where she needs to find a man her age that can spend the twilight of her life with and one that can support her financially. She needs a man that is marriage potential and has a large bank account, that is the type of man that women that age need and the type of men we should look for our moms.

To the OP. If I were you I would do everything in my power to make his life hell to make him leave the apartment. Confront him, pick a fight, do anything that will make his stay a living hell to the point he has to leave. Do what is best for your mom.