What's goin on everyone, This is my first official thread. I was told about this site from a friend and found some of the posts pretty interesting. I just don't have a lot of time to post online because of how busy I am in the real world but this is just to good and crazy of a story not to share. I felt like this was straight out of a movie. This is long but it may be my only thread I ever do on this site so enjoy!
So I hit up the Mall with a couple of my buddies and of course we're scoping for chicks. It took us a while to get into the mind set of approaching chicks but once we started it just seemed a lot more easy and natural. So one of the guys I'm with goes to approach a girl walking by and I see a cute Latina looking girl sitting on a bench texting. The other friend I was with says "that's all you". So I ask him what he thought she did for a job and he said a clothing store. I went up to her and was like:
Me: Hey there, my friends and I like to play this game when we go out, we see a person and try to guess what they do for a job just by looking at them. I thought that you were a waitress and my friend thought you worked at a clothing store
Her: Oh....haha...umm, Well I'm actually not from around here.
Me: Oh yeah, where are you from
Her: Racine..... it's in Wisconsin
Me: Oh well, welcome to civilization.
Her: haha oh funny, yeah it's kind of boring there.
Me: Yeah I know, so settle our bet, what do you do for a job?
Her: Oh well I'm a secretary for this place...yeah i don't like it that much.
Me: Oh interesting, so are you just visiting for the day today?
Her: Oh well actually I'm going to college at ******** and I just took a tour today. I'm a senior in high school (she's 18, but looks older), so I'll be giong there next year. I'm just out for the day with my mom at the mall right now...
Me: oh nice, yeah I hang out over there sometimes, I've got quite a few friends that go there.
Her: Oh cool...(gets a phone call, it's her mom) Hold on one second... (takes the phone call but I can tell she doesn't want me to leave just yet)
Her: Just wait one second (getting another phone call at the same time)
Me: (getting a little impatient) Well I'm gonna get back to my friends now.... We should hang out next year.
Her: ( to the person on the phone) ok hold on one second, (now talking to me) ok yeah, whats your number, I have to go right now though.
Me: my number is **********, just call me right now
Her: Ok yeah, I have to go!! (gets back on phone, she didn't give me her number and I didn't even get her name)
She was VERY cute, cuter than she looked just sitting there from ten feet away. She was smiling at me with her eyes this whole time so I knew it went good. I'd give her a 9 overall, (and I'm PICKY) very cute face, she was wearing a lower cut shirt and she had VERY nice boobs and of course the whole latin chick has always been kind of a turn on for me.
After watching my friends do a few more approaches and encouraging the ones who were getting shot down I saw another stunning girl walking by herself into "Forever 21". She was very tan, had dark hair about 5' 5' and just a total babe. I was like hold on guys, I have to talk to this one. At first i was just going to wait for her to come out of the store and approach her then but after some advice from one of my friends, to just "go in there and shop for your sister" I decided to grow a pair and be the only guy (except one other guy with his girl friend) going into a store with about 50 other girls shopping.
I saw my girl and said
Me: Hey
Her: Hi
Me: So give me some advice for a 17 year old girl for some accessories
Her: Well, probably just about anything
Me: (picking up a bracelet and trying to put it on but it wouldn't even fit over my fingers) how do you get these things on?
Her: Well it wouldn't fit on you haha
Me: Hey what do you think of tatoos on girls?
Her: (she shows me her tatoos on both her feet)
Me: Oh interesting, you must like them then. I have a girl cousin who wants to get a lower back tatoo and I'm urging her not to.
Her: Yeah those are gross, I would never get one there......so are you from around here?
Me: Yeah, i live in *******, do you know where that is?
Her: No, I'm actually now from around here, I'm from Wisconsin. I go to ****** college in wisonsin. I'm actually transferring there next year.
Me: (thinking whats up with all the hotties from Wisconsin coming to tour the U today, there must have been some kind of trip set up for Wisconsin student to come visit). Oh cool, I hang out down there sometimes.
Her: yeah it looks like it will be fun.
Me: Well I'm gonna get back to my friends but we should hang out when you move here next year.
Her: Oh yeah for sure (tells me her number and I give her mine)
Her: Well hey what are you diong tonight or tommorow? My friend and I are free if you don't have anything going on, I'm not sure where she is though.
Me: (thinking this is too good to be true) Oh yeah, well let me finish hangin out with my firends I'm with and maybe we can do somethin later.
Her: Ok
Wow, two number closes today and not just with any ordinary girls, these girls were both unusually good looking and both of the friends I were with were impressed and thought both of the girls were very attractive. By this time I'm just feeling GREAT. I'm actually fine with leaving because I already have 2 hotties that I want to hang with and my friends do a couple more approaches which were funny but not quite number closers. I give them both high fives and I'm ready to roll out and give the second girl, let's call het tanny a call and see whats goin on for tonight after I get some dinner. Walking around a mall for a few hours with his friends gettin numbers can work up an appetite!
So then all of the sudden I get a text from the first girl, we'll call her Eva.
"Hey it's Eva, the girl from Wisconsin that you approached earlier in the mall, lets party tonight!!!!!"
Wow, I am batting 1000%!
So my plan is to hit up Eva, hang out with her tonight and then call Tanny and set up some plans for tommorow. My weekend is already full
I call up Eva...
Her: hello?
Me: Hey what's up
Her: Hey I'm just hangin out, what are you doin
Me: I'm crusin right now
Her: Well, what are you doing tonight?
Me: I'm free to hang out, what were you thinkin you wanted to do?
Her: party, drink you know, do you know of any parties going on?
Me: No, but I'll make a few phone calls and I probably will.
Her: ok, Well I'm just staying at the hotel ****** with my friend Tanny and...
Me: Wait, what's her name?
Her: it's Tanny
Me: Oh......uuuhhhhh hey, ask her if she met a really cute guy in Forever 21 today.
Her: haha ok
( I can hear them talking in the backround and laughing and Tanny going...No way!! haahaha)
Me: haha yeah it looks like I met your friend today too
Eva: haha yeah...well find a party and give one of us a call and come pick us up then (she knew I had gotten Tanny's number already)
Me: Allright
So i make some calls and start thinking if they would both start wondering if I was just a player who goes around malls getting numbers and looking to score with chicks. I was also thinking, WHAT ARE THE ODDS OF THIS HAPPENING?!!? This is not your typical town mall, This is thee BIGGEST mall in the United states, they were not together when I met each of them by themselves nor were they even close to being in the same spot or on the same floor. If you've ever been here then you know how big this mall is. It crossed my mind that maybe they were taking the same tour but it turns out they were rooming TOGETHER in the same hotel, in the same room. My friends and I saw HUNDREDS of girls that day and talked to quite a few.....wow.
So after thinking about this, it was inevitable that they were giong to talk about it and form opinions of me. I called Tanny first.....voicemail. Then i called Eva about 5 minutes later.....2 rings and then straight to voicemail!!!! WHAT ARE THE ODDS!?!?!? Why could they just not have been in the same hotel room or not even known each other at all!?!? I can just see them both having the conversation.
Tanny: What? that guy came up and talked to you too?
Eva: Yeah, i gave him my number too!
Tanny: Ahh so did I! He's got to be a total player and womanizer!
Eva: Yeah, I wonder how many other girls numbers he got today!
Tanny: Yeah, we're probably just a number to him! What a Jerk!
Sadly, I only got 2 numbers today. I went from having my whole weekend planned out with to beautiful girls I had just met to having neither of them responding to me in about ten minutes!! and I met them seperately and not even close to being in the same location! This was the saddest ending to a very happy day since i can't remember. Of course I'll be able to move on by tommorow but I just still cannot believe that this happened. I'm thinking the odds of this happening are about 1 in 500. There were hudreds of attractive girls and hudreds of not so attractive girls at the mall today and it was saturday. It's like going to disney world, this place is a huge tourist site........What are the odds man, What are the odds?!!?!? Oh well, at least i gave them a good story and you one as well