BOBA, you will only get what you've gotten if you keep doing what you have done.
Do not accept the role society expects you to play - really in any regard, not just with women. Up to this point in your life your personality is the sum total of what has been conditioned, acculturated and socialized into you by your peers, your family, freinds, schools, employers, the government, the media and to a lesser degree, how readily you've accepted their messages and internalized them into who you are now. And the more you seek the approval from the people who define your role, the more you compare yourself to their (often contradictory) standards, the more you cememnt yourself into that mold.
The good news is that half the work of changing your own mind about yourself you've already realized - you're self-aware. Most people are not. They're contented in the roles that have been pre-packaged for them, according to individual agendas, and simply can't (or wont) see the Matrix for what it is. They'll obliviously say "that's just the way I am" without ever asking themselves why or how they became that way. In fact, more often than not, they're proud of themselves for their ignorance in this respect and wonder why you simply can't accept "the way things are."
Re-create yourself by forging a new identity, one that commands attention and never bores. Be the master of your own image rather than letting others define it for you. Personality is NEVER static, it's always changing. You will not be the same person you are today in six months. In fact you're not the same person with different people now - your character shifts around your parents and your employer and then again with a woman you're sarging. We assume different masks for different environments - the only difference is now that you're aware of the mechanics of this it's time to manipulate this to acheive the things YOU genuinely want rather than playing the role other cast you in.