Learn to assert dominance and you will become a God. Besides all the other C&F bullsh**, you can say all you want, if you TRULY want to get laid learn to assert dominance on a subtle level, make people think that noone should in their right mind would even think about fukin with you. I guarantee you will notice a huge change. This is probably the thing Im having the most fun with right now with a chick. Now by dominance I mean don't put up with her bullsh**, she asks you to do something very simple tell her she can do it herself and stop wasting yuor time but afcourse in joking way. For example, "...oh can you pick this paper up...?" [Insert something to shut her up].
The thing nowadays Im noticing is that guys seem to be acting like the biggest puss*es in the world. You know they preach about being a man and acting like one on this site for a reason and that is how we as men should act by asserting our dominance. YES, women do and will test your manhood by doing stupid sh** but your goal is to put your foot down at the right time. This characteristic in a man is greatly highlighted when looks are thrown in the mixture and girls look for sh** like this, girls look for dominant men to fuk them silly like the little girls they are.
So stop acting like a female and start grabbing your balls and manning up. Complaining doesn't do sh** so learn to NEVER complain about anything ever again, learn to take things head-on as they come because thats what being a man is about. :trouble: