My life in the sh*tter


Don Juan
May 15, 2004
Reaction score
Congratulations bro you've hit rock bottom now life can really begin. Nothing is holding you back in life to do what you want now, today is the first day of your life like a new born baby and it's a beautiful thing.


Don Juan
Sep 2, 2004
Reaction score
Ok, found this thread again.

I wont go into details but a month ago I had to walk out of a job, a pretty decent paying job because I couldnt handle the stress. I had worked there a month. Naturally I got depressed but what made it even worse was that I had moved to a different area specifically for this position. I ended up emailing a helpline because of the way I was feeling it was so bad.

So what got me out of it? Well, the good thing about feeling depressed and suicidal is that those feelings do not last forever but it sure feels like hell while you are going through it. For me I decided to make a couple of lifestyle changes, meaning changing my diet and quitting drinking. I more or less got back to basics. Because my position was tech related, I decided to study and practice a bit, which increased the confidence that was lost when I quit. Although I still hung out with my friends, I decided to keep to myself and focus on improving my inner game. Of course this meant shifting my focus on meeting women, although I have become really good friends with a girl I met online.

At this point in time I still havent found a job yet, although my motivation is back in bounds and I have been aggressively looking. Because of the situation I am even willing to settle for a crappy $9.00/hr job thats totally not related to my field. I am eating a lot better and am starting to lose the weight I gained during my month of depression. I have been walking and excercising a lot more especially since the gas prices have been so high (paying a dollar a litre here in Canada). Finally, I feel like I am in control of my emotions instead of having my emotions control me. How long this will last I do not know but one thing I do know is that I intend to make the most of it.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
There is some golden advice in this thread.

I've just lost the capacity to feel sorry for myself anymore. This is good.