My Last Sticking Point


Don Juan
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
Hi Guys,

So I haven't posted in a while because I had to take a break from this "game" for various reasons, but I have a quick question for you because I'm back in but starting to get messed up about this.

Last year before I was forced to take a quick break I started making great strides. I was actually at the point where I noticed I was getting a lot more eye contact from girls, and I was able to approach and start vibing with them. Good Kino, I was funny, good body language, etc.

Here is my problem, and I've read some threads here about the biggest opportunities they've blown and stuff so maybe I'm not alone. My problem is that I'll be in a situation where I'm 90% sure I've got to close the deal and make a move but that's when I actually freeze. So I can actually build attraction and be at the point where I just need to escalate, but I get so nervous that I literally freeze up and don't end up doing anything.

Just a couple of examples of what I mean just so you can visualize this, there was this girl I met who came over my house by herself to watch this show that we both watched, and at the end of the night when she was standing at the door to leave we just stood there. And we kept standing there for 10 minutes, it got to the point where she basically was just stalling as if she was waiting for me to do something, and I was literally too nervous to do anything because I was thinking things like "Nah you're imagining this" or "what if you're wrong you'll be embaressed". Stupid stuff like that. So she left and I basically kicked myself in the face.

Another example, I drove this HB8 out to a club and towards the end of the night we took a seat in this secluded area. I'm stroking her long blonde hair and stuff, and I was about to escalate right there but I choked. We then pull into my garage, and just like the last girl, she sits in my car for 10 minutes, just stalling for me to make a move, and rather than do anything I sat there freaked out thinking "Oh man what if I make a move and get burned" and stupid stuff like that.

The best way to describe it would be like getting nervous before giving a speech or something. My question is does this ever/did this ever happen to you when you very first started getting better at this, and how do you get over it? Keep in mind I'm very inexperienced with girls so I'm thinking I just need to suck it up and keep pushing through it but I just wanted to see if anyone had any other useful tips. Last year that is what I did, I just pushed through it and escalated even though I was nervous as hell but I need to get over this.

The last thing I'll mention is that if anything is messing up my inner game right now, its that I'll keep going over these type of situations over and over again in my head and kick myself because I'll actually be nervous I'll blow it next time too.

Yes man

New Member
Oct 6, 2009
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What i do is always keep a lighter in your pocket for these situations.

If you start to choke and everything freezes and you know its a make or break moment and if you dont sieze the chance now you will cry and make a thread about it on the internet, light the lighter in your pocket and hold it up to your leg. The pain will initiate the action you need. It takes some practice, if your action doesnt come quick enough you could start a fire in your trousers so try to think as fast as you can.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 29, 2010
Reaction score
Don't light yourself on fire.
Look mate, you've done it before and you can do it again, push through it and don't let your mind dig itself into a hole. You may know how simple it is, but your brain doesn't. Once you've done it, you brain will know better and better until it's not a problem.

Now that I think of it, with the first 5 or so girls I made out with I was inebriated to some degree, that helped in a way I guess cause by the time I was put in the same situation being sober, my brain knew it was cool, went on autopilot and it wasn't a thing. I don't recommend taking that route though. Just overcome this step the way you overcame all the steps before it (approaching, creating attraction, learning kino).

By the way if you learn to escalate kino well, moving on to a make-out just feels like a natural progression of things, there is no "leap" you have to take.

Good luck bro.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 15, 2009
Reaction score
Boy am I familiar with this situation though it happened when I was 16. I gamed this girl to perfection via text then she came to my school jus to see me and she insisted on showing up at my house. All this happened within a week and I was C&F, storytelling with few sexual innuendos throughout our interactions. Fast forward to my room,she was sitting on the bed with me, national geographic had a documentary on tigers on telly and I used a lame line of wanting to pounce on her like a tiger and I went in for the kill, we made out and she started moaning letting me know she was ready and willing to escalate but guess what! I stopped, sat on the edge of the bed for what seemed like a millenia till she suggested we go somewhere. I froze up when the chance to get my first lay was infront of me and it baffles me to this day. The girl and I are still good friends and she chased me for two years but I never layed her.

I don't know why it happens all I know is it made me angry every time I thought of it and I swore I would rather go overboard with kino and escalation than have regrets weighing me down. I blew the situation up in my head and reminded myself continously that it was unacceptable for fear to deny me great experiences. You need to think less and act more in fact try and operate with a singular thought in the back of your mind when talking to and hanging out with chicks. Think about what you want from them, obviously sex and let your horniness fill your thoughts, think about fvcking her constantly when your with her and everything you do or say should have a purpose; getting you closer to your objective.

After that girl it took me another two years to get laid which sucks balls so take your opportunities now or you'll be full of regrets later, imagine how crappy you'll feel and use that as an impetus for action