Tonight I went to a strip bar and interviewed a stripper (paying her for info in lieu of her dancing for me). This woman offered some amazing insight over a drink:
First note that 70% of strippers are prostitutes.
1) It makes no difference if the guy is attractive to them or not.
2) Sometimes they ARE attracted to their clients (they "can't help it").
3) Sometimes they DO have orgasms with clients!!
4) They rarely leave with, kiss, or date clients.
5) They rarely give their real name or facebook.
6) Sometimes they date clients (even after he paid for sex) but it's rare.
7) The most money is made from one guy paying per song for hours.
8) Some girls make up to $5000 per night (usually from one guy paying a lot).
9) $300 is rock bottom for service (plus overhead for lounge, valet, etc.)
10) Their boyfriend probably knows what they do but she pays his rent so he's ok with it.
First note that 70% of strippers are prostitutes.
1) It makes no difference if the guy is attractive to them or not.
2) Sometimes they ARE attracted to their clients (they "can't help it").
3) Sometimes they DO have orgasms with clients!!
4) They rarely leave with, kiss, or date clients.
5) They rarely give their real name or facebook.
6) Sometimes they date clients (even after he paid for sex) but it's rare.
7) The most money is made from one guy paying per song for hours.
8) Some girls make up to $5000 per night (usually from one guy paying a lot).
9) $300 is rock bottom for service (plus overhead for lounge, valet, etc.)
10) Their boyfriend probably knows what they do but she pays his rent so he's ok with it.