Yes, 45 minutes is way too far to bring a ONS. You're stuck with her all morning when the booze has worn off.
Your situation may be similiar to mine, I live in the country 45 minutes from a major city with fertile hunting land. But I've discovered the ultimate SOP in Sexual Logistics ( besides just having a hot chick show up at your place all the time:woo
, and the story goes like this:
1. Once, there was a hotel bar. Now you may think a hotel bar is ghetto and sleazy, but this hotel bar was classy and got alot of hot women from all ages. Blonde 20-somethings ripe for the taking, smoldering cougars who just want to fvck.
2. Once, maybe more than twice, there was a room procured at this same hotel before entering the bar. It's shooting fish in a barrel.
Think about it, hotel bars make perfect logistical sense. You are at a place where people go to fvck, you don't have to worry about driving around drunk in the middle of the night, you just drag her back to your room.