My Halloween costume


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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A good friend of mine is throwing a halloween party at his hooked up pad in a couple of weeks.

This is basically going to be the party of the year cause many, many of the people (especially girls) I know I met through him, his g/f, and his ex g/f who will all be there.

So pretty much every chick I know is going to be at this party. I even invited some others who aren't part of that group. It should be a blast.

So here's what I'm thinking.

I think I'm gonna use a costume that lets me assume a new persona. Something I can get into character with.

I have a costume already. It's pretty cool cause it would allow me to get sleazy with the women, hehe.

It's a televangelist costume. I bought it because I'm going to be playing a hypocritical televangelist on my infomercial and television commercials. the character is basically preaching one thing, and doing the opposite.

Until people see me in this costume on tv acting with props and all, it might go over most people's heads. It's basically just a white suit with a crazy blonde wig.

So I'm wondering if i should wear this thing to the halloween party. On one hand, people might not know who I am supposed to be.

On the other hand though (and this is the kicker), if I do wear it, I can be an entirely different person for the night. I can introduce myself as the character, and I can BECOME the hypocritical televangelist. I can slap asses, talk dirty, basically get away with a whole bunch of stuff that I normally couldn't (I kinda do that stuff anyway, but with this I can go overboard!)

The last five years or so halloween has become a huge "$lutfest" in that it's a big competition for women to see who can wear the sleaziest outfit and get the most attention from men.

So why can't I do something similar?

My only issue is whether or not I should roll out the costume before people really know what it is. I think it would be fun, if I can manage to get in and stay in character.

I just hate it when people come up to you and ask "who are you supposed to be". Almost like an insult to your costume. But at least with this, I can "introduce myself" and have a little naughty fun with it at the same time.

So should I do it, or find something else? If not, any ideas for something VERY simple that would be just as much fun?


Master Don Juan
May 13, 2005
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Midwest America
STR8UP said:
So should I do it, or find something else? If not, any ideas for something VERY simple that would be just as much fun?
Hugh Hefner red silk bathrobe. Get a silver haired wig and cigar/pipe too if possible. The televangelist deal might be over the heads of a bunch of drunk party chicks.


New Member
Oct 5, 2007
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20 years ago I went to a party dressed as an Indian. I have the nose and although Hispanii I look plenty Indian. Used a costume and face paint similar to the movie with Kevin Costner (can't rmemeber the movie title). Painted the face half white and half black like one of the Indians in the movie. I was heavy into weights and exercise. I'm 6'1 and back then 210lbs. SO I was pretty good size Indian.

I went shirtless with a loin cloth and Speedo type undies. Cool beads and a long wig with the face paint. Slapped a bit of oil on my bod and went for it. Wasn't really like me to go mostly nude but I thought WTF! Man, I had women lifting my cloth trying to sneek a peak. A few even went for the quick brush or grab of Mr. Corizo. One lady invited me out to the parking lot. I was necking with her big time and humping her leg like German Shepard. She wanted me to go home with her. I was ready ot pound that pu$$y till she told me to hurry before her hubby got home. Oh hell no! I aint getting shot for no hole. I passed but was one of the best night I ever had.

True, cotume parties are packed with sleazy ho's.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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Thought about the Hugh Hefner thing but I like to try to be original :)

The reverend thing wouldn't work at all unless I played it up. "HALLELUYAH!"

Oh, and I forgot to's a heaven and hell themed party (upstairs heaven, downstairs hell). The reverend should be a big hit in BOTH.

I'm not in good enough shape anymore to pull off the chippendales thing (if I ever was). Not original but it would definitely be fun!

I dunno....fukk it. I don't have time to put together a costume anyway, and I'll feel like a dork if I'm not dressed in something, so i might as well use what I got cause all I need are some white shoes to complete the ensemble. Maybe I'll wear a "Hi My Name Is" name tag.

Last year I used my 80's party costume and I had all these 21-22 yr olds coming uo p to me asking who I was supposed to be. So even if they don't "get" the reverend thing, it's a good prop to get chicks to open me.

Now I do have one more option that I have though about for awhile.

I bought a marionette puppet in Prague. One of the real ones hand made by an artist. I'm kind of hesitant to bring my piece of art to a hallooween party, but I always though it would be cool to be a puppet master. much of a pain and no opportunity to use it to game chicks. The thing actually creeps some women out.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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Another costume that would have chicks trying to sneak a peak would be a toga. I've found women to be VERY inquisitive when there are openings in clothing.

Played out, I know. Anything similar though?

Christian Troy

Don Juan
Oct 4, 2007
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the beach
me and my bro went last year as a left and right boob. I swear...I bought a pair of boobs, cut them in half and we glued them to long sleeve tee's and wrote "left" and "right" under them...

Not only did guys give us props and laugh their arses off...we had every woman we walked by tweaking them....the really drunk ones would suck on them...i have pics to prove...what a night...


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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Can't take credit for this, but I will give it my own spin.....

How about wearing a pair of boxer shorts (I have some cool ones with little red devils), a plain white t-shirt, and then taking a cheap plastic laundry basket and cutting a hole in the bottom so I can put it around my waist, and attach a sign that says "Bra's, G-strings, and sexy halloween costumes ONLY!", with like bottles of laundry detergent and fabric softener attached to the side?

Should be well worth the $5 I would spend. And who knows, I might end up with a few panties to sniff on the way home.



Master Don Juan
Jun 12, 2006
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Doing the preacher is hard. You have to be totally over the top all the time and constantly thinking in character.

I know, because I have done a routine where I really do quite a good reverend Ernest T. Angely with perfect tone and over-inflection. I use a mic and a fake bible (even though I am evil I will use an old dictionary instead of the real thing).

My Ernest T. Angely Hour of Power bit takes quite a bit of energy and some patented lines. I will often mis-pronounce risqué terms like “breasticles” instead of breasts and refer to gittin it on in the “nether regions of sin”.

I could see it working from our standpoint if you get into “healing” them with the laying on of hands and you must build up that the breasticles and nether regions are to true source of evil in their bodies and must be purified.

You really could have every, and do mean every, woman in the place demanding you heal them by grabbing their tits. Making the character “fallen” gives you license to “fornify” every woman you see. It does work but is exhausting.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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Yea, I've never even practiced the routine, so i have doubts that I could keep in character for three hours.

I love the healing thing though. There's so much I could do with this if i could pull it off. How many other people can say they felt up two dozen different chicks in the same night ;)