agree with you for 75%, but disagree with it 25%.
I agree with the gist, but I believe that you should care about her.
AFC Savior said:
"if I have not made plans to marry this girl, then who cares, she's just there for some fun, im da shyt, shes just a woman who will bring pleasure into my life, but she is NOT my wife, OR my future wife, so I DO NOT CARE AND THEREFORE I WILL NOT TREAT HER LIKE A WIFE"
Agreed with you on that.
AFC Savior said:
after a while, once you ENGRAIN this attitude within you, you will have lotsa of phone #s, lots of dates, a few girlfriends (tell them what they wanna hear and say you are in love, who cares, its not like it matters if she says she loves you, cuz she'll change her mind in a few months, UNLESS you feel 100% sure she is your future wife)............tell em what they wanna hear so you can keep having them come over and fcuk them 3 times a night
Too manipulative for me to do. I dislike using and abusing someone. I also live by another axiom, "Treat others as you would like to be treated."
If I treat someone like this, then I am not treating them like I would like to be treated like that. Your views have hardened. I have to wonder why you have such a bad view of women and people in general.
AFC Savior said:
loosen up, stop caring so much about the outcome!!!!!!!!!!!!
Agreed and believe that would solve a lot of problems in life.
AFC Savior said:
drink with her, get tipsy together, and fcuk her
Never had sex with a girl while she was drunk. Always completely sober, both of us.
AFC Savior said:
Disagree with that statement to a point. I believe that she in the overall sense is nothing, but she is also something. This statement is paradoxical, but she is a person and as a person she is something. You give her as much meaning as you like. Personally, I give my girlfriend a lot of meaning because she is something that I actually care about.
Out of curiousity, what do you feel like when the girl is hurt and destroyed?
AFC Savior said:
you are forgetting that NONE of these random girls matter, just have fun with it and SHUT THE **** UP WITH YOUR GODDAMN "PROBLEMS"
Agree but disagree, while I agree that random girls do not mean a damn thing, a girlfriend who you spend a significant amount of time with does matter. You choose to give her meaning and she is important because she does become a friend and confidant.
LeComteDeMonteCristo said:
OP: Being outcome independent is spot on. However I would lose respect for myself if I were to ever treat people like mere objects for my enjoyment.
I would have the same problem. Although some of his advice was good, I disagree with lots of it.
AFC Savior said:
To some people it is a player, but to most people on this site it is not. It is the ultimate man. A man that lives by his own rules.
AFC Savior said:
so anyone who does not have sex, they automatically have no right to give advice on what to do to have sex
AFC Savior said:
just tell me, where do i say not to treat women with respect?
you gotta show THEM everything they wanna see and hear.....but in your mind, KEEP IT IN YOUR MIND, that she does not matter, thats all
The overall tone of your posts is very disrespectful to women. People that respect each other don't call each other "bytches" (unless in a playful way) and actually treat each other with some respect and care about the others feelings. You do neither.
The Humanist said:
TheHumanist is on a distinguished road
Sorry man, you shot yourself in the foot the by your previous ideas and writings. It hard to listen when your past advice hurt your credibility. If it any help, your advice doesn't sound that bad. It just basically says go out and lossen up, have some fun, stop worrying so much. Live in the moment and stop thinking about the outcome so much when going out. Also don't forget if it all fall apart somehow, that sucks, but there's more people out there to do better, its not the end of the world.
Though I have to admit I like to see treat them a bit more respect and not just see girl (well people in general) as just something to be use. The rest is pretty sound.
Spot on advice. If AFC Savior said it like this, I would have totally agreed with him.
Stephanie said:
Lying works, but lying is dishonest, and it shows lack of character. I'd rather stay honest, and get the girl. Like if I want to f*ck someone I straight up tell them.
Exactly, I don't like being dishonest AND your character speaks volumes. It will catch up with you and is what you are judged on by people.
AFC Savior said:
how many girls have u been able to keep around for months and months while being honest?
My first girlfriend lasted 1.5 years. Current girlfriend (second) is 8 months and counting. Trust me, being honest can get you pretty far. Plus being strong (being honest) is what keeps my girls with me. I may not have had sex as much as yourself, but I can still trust and treat girls with respect. Your posts reak of disrespect.
AFC Savior said:
you are making my point
what YOU feel is the "right way" is the AFC within you, and your results back this up - using the "right way" barely gets you any pvssy
tell me if im wrong or not?
YOU are here to GET RID OF that mindset that you need a right way to treat girls, read into my post a little better, theres alot for you to learn in it
Actually it is your inner conscience. The purpose of this site is to make up your own inner conscience, not live by other peoples. A person should analyze their consciences to see if they are correct or not. Each person makes their own choices and that is a product of your upbringing and nurture.
AFC Savior said:
how many girls you got going right now using your morals and ethics?
One girl, but at the same time, she is willing to follow me across the country to help me achieve my dream. Girls like that only come once and a great while.