That is an unnecessary and imprudent risk. Still doesn’t answer the question - what is she giving up to attain your exclusivity?
Sincere question:
Did you let your girl go through all your social media inboxes and
text messages as well, explaining to her who each and every female is and what your history with them is? Or is there a double standard because
she was the one pressing you for exclusivity?
In my experience, a girl with high interest and who wants your exclusivity (or at least you're her top option at the time) will gradually stop talking to other men herself by giving those guys the slow fade or abruptly turning cold towards them.
We all have experienced girls who turned cold out of nowhere or did the slow fade to us, and not every time it was
our fault that they lost interest and withdrew their attention, it was
them, they found/had a better option and were more interested in investing their time and energy pursuing that option.
My point being I don't think it is necessary to go through a girl's inboxes and messages, because if down the road she wants to talk to other guys, she'll do it anyways -- and she'll make sure won't get caught. Are you then going to subject her to random unplanned phone searches indefinitely to catch her slipping?
It's good to be cautious and set the conditions up favourably and see sacrifice on her end,
but either you trust a girl or you don't.
Vulnerability without naivety is possible, and allowing yourself to truly love and trust someone (and yourself) requires vulnerability. Perhaps you're right
@EyeBRollin, in being a little overprotective and cautious at the very beginning, and you'll gradually build trust in her as she proves she's capable of receiving it. I'm just thinking out loud.