i duno, i get a big kick outa
"who do you think is hot"
"1-10 rate xxx person"
"would you rather bang XXX or swim in a pool filled with semen"
"top 3 hottest in each grade level(not including freshmen)"
"top dumbest idiots"
"screamo rock or gangster rap" (catherine - evil man, dead man ftw, everyone go listen to that song NOW!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwiEp6piCN0 no i'm not kidding, and i only play screamo rock in my car, and trust me, if you saw me you would never even imagine i listen to rock, nonetheless screamo)
and of course, a spinoff of the other question:
"would you rather have a threesome with xxx and xxx or swim in a pool filled with semen with your mouth open?"