my girl and halloween...


Master Don Juan
May 21, 2004
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This is one of those moments where you have to listen to your instinct. I don't know your gf, I don't know what kind of character she has. Out of all the things I read in this thread, I agree with JT/AsianPlayboy the most, but even he doesn't know your situation.

What you have to do here is analyze how you feel right now. Are you happy in this relationship? Obviously you have an issue with the distance that isn't gonna go away. Secondly, the horny when drunk is a huge red flag in any book. Do you really want a girlfriend that's got a weakness any guy with cash to spend can exploit at the right place, right time? Look man, there are two kinds of girls in this world. Those who you just hook up with and have sex with but never take it past that point, and those who actually make decent respectable girlfriends. Don't waste your time being in relationships with the first type.

The way I see it, you have three options here.

1.) Put up with it, and ignore it even tho it makes you miserable.

2.) Stay with her, start seeing other women on the side, and stop thinking about this sh!t.


3.) Sit her down, and have a serious talk. Relationships are built on communication, if you can't communicate it to her when sh!t ain't right, you're not really moving forward.

You obviously care a lot about the girl if you're willing to be in a LDR, tell her all that sh!t you just told us. You obviously don't like her drinking habits, tell her look, you want to see this work (do you?), and are willing to work through the distance, but the drinking habits are a red flag that's driving you away. If she wants to live that wild party and booze life, you're not the guy to do it with.

If you really don't like how this relationship is right now, then why keep it to yourself? Out of the fear of looking insecure? F*ck that. You're a guy. If sh!t bothers you, don't put up with it. Being passive about it, and ignoring it will just make it reoccur.
Let her know how it is, and if it doesn't work out, then you dodged a bullet. As for her telling her mom how she sees you as something big in the future *snaps fingers* hello? Stop living in the future. Focus on the now.

I'm not saying leave her, but definetly tell her what's on your mind, and if she can't respect that, then she's not the one for you man. Only do this however, if you are willing to go all the way. If she says "ok I understand how you feel, I'm sorry that there isn't anything I can say for you to have faith in me", DON'T BACK DOWN and say "look I still want this to work" and try to save the relationship. It's already dead! If she says that, the only thing you can say is "I'm sorry too" and move on.

If she is not willing to change a worthless thing such as her drinking lifestyle to make this relationship work, don't turn your back on your principles. Cause then she will see you that this whole talk was a "mock breakup" designed to scare her and manipulate her, and then she will dump your ass and f*ck another guy. Stick to your principles, and eventually she will second guess herself and ring you and be the one who tries to make it work. If she doesn't, then it's her loss. You obviously weren't happy, and now you're free to meet other girls and find someone who'll be a better gf. You don't have to buy the first house that's on sale.

Like I said, only go with #3 if you're prepared for the worst. If you're not, then stick with #2.

Big Eee Zee

Master Don Juan
Mar 14, 2005
Reaction score
this place is friggin awesome.

MoM, thanks man. exactly what i needed. anyways, i think I'll talk to her. I mean, she isn't like a party animal, so if i ask her to tone it down, i don't think she'll mind. And if she does, we have problems.


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
belleville, il
Well, lets put it this way. if she does cheat, shes gone. thats that. and i won't go looking for the guy, but if i see him, he'll be eating thru a straw. I hope it aint one of you

now that is frivolous!

I am just saying..if you are afraid she is gonna cheat..then thats not something u would even want to be in


Master Don Juan
Feb 2, 2003
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Red Sox Nation
You can't "trust" her and you can't really do anything about it. You really cannot prevent her from doing what she wants. Can you really trust a person who is piss drunk? You tell me :) Best thing to do is not worry about it and get all insecure, because your worrying is stemming from insecurity. In fact if you weren't that insecure you never would have asked the question. Best thing to say is "Baby, if you get piss drunk and fcuk some other dude, I want pictures. I know you have a good taste in men :D but I want more proof." Then let her go and have her fun.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 18, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by blueangel83
NEVER trust a girl who claims she gets horny when drunk, nomatter how in love she is with you. Invite her at your school's halloween party instead.
Believe it or not I agree with blueangel

She's practically telling you this is dangerous.

She is telling you this because when shyt goes down she won't feel guilty because she TOLD you that this was going to happen.

Brotha, if you are in a serious relationship and you say you are both in love then why aren't you going to the same Halloween party?

People who are in love with each other want to go to events together.

Look no matter what she says to her mother doesn't going to mean shyt when she's drunk at some party where there is other penis there waiting to pounce any girl that is horny and drunk. You were once there. You know what’s going on in a single/ DJ mind. Hell even the AFC’s knows what’s its all about

We have had many topics on pvssy's who let their GF go on girls night out and go to single bars or bars and wild parties across the world where there are going to be other

penis they’re wanting to be licked sucked and fvcked. And all these pvssy at home behind their computer writing pages after pages about how he trust his girl and telling us what she's doing and blah blah blah.

And then shyt hits the fan when he calls and some dude answers and goes hey (insert GFs dude name) your BROTHER is on the phone. :confused: :rolleyes:

Come on brotha you know this all too well.

Tell her NO she aint' going and invite her to yours or go with her to that party. Whatever party it is you two should go TOGETHER.

Vacations and parties are reserved for your MATE when in a relationship.

On a side note, You need to listen to some Tom Leykis.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 18, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by frivolousz21
i think he said they go to school far far apart
So that makes it ok to go out wh8oring?? :confused:

If she truly cared about him and the relationship she wouldn't go to a party that have Alcohol and Dudes. Dudes who want to get laid. Dude's who seduce drunken girls.

And why would she go there when she knows she will more likely get drunk and she knows as well as her BF that she gets HORNEY.

My brotha you can't tell me that this is a good idea for her to go?

If Big Eee can't be there why is she going?

If your truly in love you wouldn't go knowing what and will happen.

I've heard it out of a lot women’s mouth plenty of times and that is, "If my man ain't going to be there then I'm not going to be there. What's the point?"

These women were truly in love with their man because they valued what they shared and didn't want to take UNNECSARIY RISK that can jeopardize it.

If she wants to go to that party then Big Eee should be there. When love is invovled Distance shouldn't matter, right?


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
belleville, il
well if my women coudlnt go..

I would go out and party...
but I wouldnt cheat on her :)

my women would not go out to something like that....and get drunk without me there.

she would go out with her female friends and there husbands or bfs or do something with her family

or her very prude roomates who would go to a huanted house.

good luck man..ive tried defending you but im seeing the light