Yup. The sad truth is that people who feel like bunny boy, are the ones that are showing up at the polls during elections and will ruin our country.
Gio, great response. Haha.
Henopus, judge her on her personality qualities, not on something she did in the past. That might have been one of the most responsible decision she's ever made. I work in the public school system. Most trouble kids, are starved for attention because raised by parents who were obvsiously not fit to have children at the time they decided to keep them.
And for the rest of you who think your woman hasn't done things you'll never know, a lot of women have had abortions and other things you wouldn't believe, yet you will never know. Many of you have girlfriends with a lot of baggage, who are sleeping with other men, etc.
If any guy decides not to get involved with somebody like that, more power to him. If you are looking to "judge" the quality of the woman, or person, you gotta look at the overall picture. That situation is just a fraction of the whole pie.
I would applaud her for being open and honest with you. Don't let that ruin what you got together. The real questions are, is your life better because she's part of it? Does she bring something to the table. She already had the guts to go through something that was painful emotionally.