My friends GF appears to like me. WHAT DO I DO?


Don Juan
Dec 28, 2012
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So at the beginning of school year my friend meets this girl about a week before I do. They are already dating when I first meet her. I think she is cool and am happy for my friend. Anyways, my personality is to tease, so I begin teasing her about all sorts of things, and it is obvious that she is more reactive to me than to her BF.

Throughout our interactions over the period of two months, her BF notices how reactive she is to my jokes, and begins to get jealous. I tell him not to worry.

So every time she sees me she always grabs my arms, my hands, and laughs hysterically at everything I say. This past week she has started to ask me to hang out. She comes over to my place, and we sit and talk on the couch. She says that she doesn't love her boy friend, but she tells him that she does so he doesn't feel bad. She also got into my bed and started wrestling with me trying to get something in my hand that I was holding onto.

So when I go out with her and her BF, she is still way more reactive to me, and I never see them kiss or anything. The thing is, I know that if she was my GF, we would be kissing all the time, because I can tell how much she likes me.

So she's going to her BF's parents for christmas for a week, and she texts me that she will miss me. I respond by saying that something is going on here, and telling her that I think you like me. She asks why I thought that, and I told her it was because she always laughs at everything I say, she is always touching my arms, and touching my hands, and that she went straight to my bed when she came over for the first time. She responded by saying, sorry if I confused you, but I just like you as a friend.

I asked her if she was just saying that because she feels guilty about liking another guy while she is in a relationship, or because there was actually nothing between us. She called me, and told me she didn't want to answer my question.

Then we talked on the phone for like 2 hours, and she is laughing at everything I say, and I am making sexual jokes to her, and she is eating it up.

I like her a lot too, and I just need some advice. What should I do?

Should I try and make her break up with her BF?

Do I believe her that she just likes me as a friend?

Do I just forget about her?

How do I win her over?

She also tells me that she doesn't love her boyfriend and that sometimes she wonders why she is in a relationship with him?

Sorry for the long message, but please help a brotha out!



Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2013
Reaction score
She's with him, bro's before ho's, period, don't f*ck with another man's girl.

I have to admit, I was in almost the same experience years ago but I was friendzoned 100% there blame on me I failed to escalate myself and I'm glad coz I didn't betray my buddy.

You're unfair thinking about this. Since hes your friend you should tell him what she's doing and cut contact with her. If they break up then you seduce her.

I also think she's trying to string you along both.

You should actually tell your friend what's up. Tell him don't get mad at her and make a deal to f*ck her both without her knowing. When she finds out you both go ghost on her ass. This will make her think twice before playing games in the future.

Lord Hypnos

Don Juan
Jan 31, 2013
Reaction score
you told your boy not to worry, and in the meantime you are flirting with his GF and wrestling with her in your bed. Not cool. I'm glad I don't have any 'friends' like you.

She sounds like a real branch swinger, who is always on the look out for the next best thing.

Just look at it this way, if you were to hook up with her, whats to say that she won't do the exact same thing to you that she is doing to your buddy?

PianoGuy33 said:
So at the beginning of school year my friend meets this girl about a week before I do. They are already dating when I first meet her. I think she is cool and am happy for my friend. Anyways, my personality is to tease, so I begin teasing her about all sorts of things, and it is obvious that she is more reactive to me than to her BF.

Throughout our interactions over the period of two months, her BF notices how reactive she is to my jokes, and begins to get jealous. I tell him not to worry.

So every time she sees me she always grabs my arms, my hands, and laughs hysterically at everything I say. This past week she has started to ask me to hang out. She comes over to my place, and we sit and talk on the couch. She says that she doesn't love her boy friend, but she tells him that she does so he doesn't feel bad. She also got into my bed and started wrestling with me trying to get something in my hand that I was holding onto.

So when I go out with her and her BF, she is still way more reactive to me, and I never see them kiss or anything. The thing is, I know that if she was my GF, we would be kissing all the time, because I can tell how much she likes me.

So she's going to her BF's parents for christmas for a week, and she texts me that she will miss me. I respond by saying that something is going on here, and telling her that I think you like me. She asks why I thought that, and I told her it was because she always laughs at everything I say, she is always touching my arms, and touching my hands, and that she went straight to my bed when she came over for the first time. She responded by saying, sorry if I confused you, but I just like you as a friend.

I asked her if she was just saying that because she feels guilty about liking another guy while she is in a relationship, or because there was actually nothing between us. She called me, and told me she didn't want to answer my question.

Then we talked on the phone for like 2 hours, and she is laughing at everything I say, and I am making sexual jokes to her, and she is eating it up.

I like her a lot too, and I just need some advice. What should I do?

Should I try and make her break up with her BF?

Do I believe her that she just likes me as a friend?

Do I just forget about her?

How do I win her over?

She also tells me that she doesn't love her boyfriend and that sometimes she wonders why she is in a relationship with him?

Sorry for the long message, but please help a brotha out!



Don Juan
Dec 28, 2012
Reaction score
I know bros before his, but it is just so obvious that she is with the wrong guy.

I just hope they break up soon.


Don Juan
Dec 28, 2012
Reaction score
I haven't made any moves on her. She's been escalating me. I was just explaining the situation.


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2013
Reaction score
Yup I agree with lord hypnos, she's obv a tease, the next best guy she finds attractive that comes on her path will get jumped by her. I know girls like that, they love male attention and stringing them all along.

You should put this little brat at her place by telling your friend whatsup like I said. Let him f*ck her, while you do so, if you think hes a guy that's not up for that. If hes a guy that will get mad at you and not open for this, just ignore this girl and wait for a break up, sounds like that is not going to take too long. Just cut contact from her, she'll know that she can't have him and you at the same time. When they break up make your move and escalate.

And by the way never tell a girl how you feel about her or how she feels about you or anything like that, your job is to escalate to sex her job is to think about the 'relationship'.


Don Juan
Dec 28, 2012
Reaction score
Ya, I guess I will just wait it out and forget about her. I want to avoid the situation of being her emotional tampon.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
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PianoGuy33 said:
I know bros before his, but it is just so obvious that she is with the wrong guy.

I just hope they break up soon.

You betray yourself. Listen. You cannot do this without reprecussions. If this is your friend you leave this one alone. For how long? 5 years tops. Unless you have no interest in being his friend which judging by the statement above you don't.

You hope they break up soon? Scarcity.
You don't have any other women in your life do you? Fix that, tell her to go fly a kite and go get your own women.


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2012
Reaction score
Actions over words, my friend. If you felt that she was attracted to you, you shouldn't have brought it up to her, especially the way you did. If you're going to confront her about something like this, which again you shouldn't, know your purpose in doing so. Do you want her to break up with her boyfriend and get with you? Do you want her to stop f*cking around with you while she's in a relationship with your friend? What is it you seek to gain from confronting her?

The way you sounded when asking her was just so unconfident and unsure. You never want to ask or tell when it comes to your or her feelings. Its probably one of the only times its ok to assume. Reasonably.

She sounds like your typical, average female. She's f*cking around with you as much as possible - borderline cheating - while staying with her boyfriend for "security". She's your average branch-swinger.

Your friend is getting jealous, you feel something is up...if the shoe fits...

Lotus Effect

Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2013
Reaction score
I'm deeply sorry reading your post mate!

It is wrong in so many levels I just cannot describe!

Event though I agree with "It's not your pvssy, it is just your turn" if this dude is really your friend, you should have cut things off right at the first flirt.
My best friend is dating a girl he is super into. I had the chance to hook with this girl also. We both met her at the same night.

Then he started dating her, we got to know each other, and I felt she was onto me as well. I cuted all hopes of that happening by being extremelly friendly and putting me on a friendzone position. She is my best friend GF. I could never do that to him. Not now, not even after they break up.

You have to have morals man.

Continuing. You are only like this, because as a dude said, of scarcicity. This is one girl that is giving you too much attention. Attention that I guess you are not used to get, so you are falling for it. One way ticket to One-itis! So it is wrong again!

And, as some other dudes said, she is a branch swinger (as most girls) and she is only playing you like this because of the adventure of being wanted. She does not like you anymore than she likes him. And the minute she dumps him to go to you, she will find you as boring as him, and eventually will trade you for another one.

Bottomline, you will be Friendless, with no girl, and with a heartache to heal!

Have decency man. Be a man. Grow up. And tell this girl that this sh*t is never happening!

Or be a sh*tty friend, stab your bro in the back, and enjoy the company of a trash girl for a short period of time. It will be over before you can post it about it in here!


Senior Don Juan
Sep 23, 2013
Reaction score
You carry this on way too far and long....."talk hours with her"....please, you should have put a stop to this early and at once. There is only one outcome to will loose your friend and eventually she will dump you too for someone else. Bro before Ho.....Jesus, when will we ever learn!!!! Abe


Dec 19, 2013
Reaction score
This is wrong on so many levels. Avoid this girl like the plague. She's more trouble than she's worth. Don't let her control you. Delete her number, tell her to lose your number and to stop touching you. It's never good to mess with another man's girl especially your friend. No matter how sh*tty their relationship is.


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2013
Reaction score
One of two things is going to happen

1. You're going to give in and she'll be yours, at least until she does the same thing to you and leaves you for another guy
2. You'll leave it alone because she's with another guy who happens to be a friend of yours. Better be prepared to deal with the backlash and possible damage to your reputation

I value my friendships with quailty friends more than any girl. There will always be another girl. Remember that


Senior Don Juan
Mar 7, 2011
Reaction score
It's has been awhile since I post here. But if this person is really your friend. This wouldn't even be a question and since you didn't inform him of this. You look real snaky. Like PAC said f!ck friends due what you want to do


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
All fair in love and war. Bang her if she hot. Your friend would probably do the same to you. But prepared for her to leave you for another when she fed up.

If you do the honourable thing and tell your friend he won't believe you and will think you are jealous and hitting on his gal. So you might as well tap that.

If you reject her she will manipulate your friend so he will hate you coz hes beta and will belive anything you say.

Either way you you might as well as fvck that bitvch in her A$$ and cuum on her dirty wwhorre face.
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