Okay, today I was on fire.
Went sarging on campus.
Cute HB8 was sitting on a bench by herself.
Me: Hi, how are you?
HB: Good
Me: Hey, do you know where XYZ is?
HB: Yeah, it should be somewhere back there. I'm not sure though. It's my first semester here.
Me: Oh really. Where are you from?
HB: blalbalblabla
Me: So, what do you want to be after college?
HB: A doctor.
Me: Sexy and caring, I like that about you!
HB: *smile* thanks
Me: So, do you have a bf?
HB: No.
Me: Okay, it was nice talking to ya. I'll try to find XYZ now. I want to talk to you again. Why don't you give me your number?
HB: It's blablablaba
(we talked for about 15minutes total. Overall the interaction went really well)
things to improve:
- I introduced myself too late.
- I didn't do the handshake sandwich
A really cute HB9 using the ATM
Me: Hi, how are you?
HB: Good.
Me: Oh, I hoped you were doing terrible so that I could come cheer you up smile
HB: *smiles and brushes her hair like crazy*
Me: I just moved here. What are some fun places to check out?
HB: Blablabla
Me: I'm Chris btw.
HB: I'm HB.
Me: I really like California, but there are also a lot of things that piss me off about it. ...*telling a fun short story about cops in California*
Me: So what do you study?
HB: English.
Me: Oh, I heard studying English is pretty tough. Sexy and smart, I like that.
HB: *blushes and smiles*
Me: So you wanna be a teacher then?
HB: No. I don't know what I wanna be yet.
Me: Okay. I really enjoyed talking to you. I want to talk to you again.
HB: Sorry, I have a boyfriend.
Me: That's fine. I only date girls with boyfriends
HB: *giggles* I got to go. Have a nice day!
(The approach was okay, but I know I made a couple of huge mistakes. The convo lasted about 10 mins)
points to improve:
- Again, I forgot the hand sandwich.
- I didn't ask for her relationship status early enough.
- I was running out of interesting open ended questions about her.
- I hesitated a little when I asked for her number.
HB9 sitting by herself at a table and eating and studying.
Me: Hi, how are you?
HB: Good.
Me: Ehmm... how do you like studying here. I'm asking because I will be a student here soon.
HB: I like it.
Me: So, what do you study...
HB: Sorry, I'm trying to study here? What do you want?
(I'm not gonna go into more details here. The convo was a complete Crash&Burn. I only saw her from behind when I approached and then I suddenly saw that she was like 26 or something. That completely threw me off. I was just completely nervous and my mind went blank)
Points to improve:
- Everything smile
I saw two hot chicks sitting at a lunch table. They were talking in Swedish. I had a can of coke in my hand.
Me: *raising my can* "Skol" (means "cheers" in Swedish). You guys are from Sweden aren't you?
HBs: Yes. *laughing*
Me: Oh yeah, I know a little Swedish. I know some Swedish people. Swedish people usually intimidate me though. My Swedish friend is 7ft tall and weighs 400pds. I feel so small next to him.
HBs: *laughing*. Wow, you are a big guy also though.
Me: So you are saying I'm fat? *jokingly*
HBs: *giggling*. No haha.
Me: What are your names btw?
HBs: HBs
Me: Are you guys sisters?
HBs: No, we are just friends.
Me: Oh, I thought you guys were sisters because you are wearing the exact same sunglasses.
HB: *giggles* Yes, but I got the cheap ones.
Me: hahaha, at least you are honest about it.
Me: So how is Sweden different from California?
HB: blalbalbla
Me: What are you guys studying?
HB: Blablabla
Me: Oh really.
HB: What do you study?
Me: Public speaking. It's something I love to do. I often get intimidated by large crowds though. That's why I often picture the audience naked.
HB: *laughing*
Me (I didn't really know where to take it): Oh, well. Was good talking to you guys.
HB: Have a good day.
(I don't know why I didn't escalate?!)
things to improve:
- escalating
I went to the library. I was waiting for a computer when I noticed a cute HB8 standing next to me.
Me: It's always so crowded in here.
HB: yeah. For how long have you been waiting here?
Me: For about 2 hours. For how long have you been waiting here?
HB: I just got here. You really waited for 2 hours????
Me: Yes, that means I get the next computer.
HB: Wow, okay.
Me: haha, I'm just kidding. I just got here also. What's your name?
Me: Are you from around here?
HB: Yes.
Me: I just moved here, what are some fun places to check out... besides the obvious *checking her out*
HB: blablabla
Me: So what are you studying?
HB: business
Me: Oh, so you want to have your own business then.
HB: Yes, I want to have my own coffee shop after I'm done with college
Me: Sexy and ambitious. I like that.
HB: Oh, thank you.
... then somebody gets off the computer and she takes the seat and says it was nice meeting you. I'm thinking. OMFG, she was cute. Too bad. After that I just grabbed a seat somewhere and started working on the computer. Believe it or not, about 20 minutes later she walks up to me with a sheet of paper in her hand. She drops it on my desk without a word and then leaves. Her name and her phone number was on it smile
things to improve:
- I think I did everything right
#6 My favorite approach of the day wink
I was on the bus home when I saw an HB9.5 sitting in front of me typing on her cell phone. She was a tough nut to crack.
Me: You don't have to
text me. You can talk to me in person.
HB: oh, good one. Sorry, I really don't like talking to strangers.
Me: I totally agree. I don't like talking to strangers either, unless... they are very good looking and extremely charming.
HB: *She couldn't help but giggle*
... the bus stops and her bf gets on the bus and sits right next to her. He was the typical wannabe toughboy with baseball cap backwards and tattoos and stuff.
Me(talking to her bf): Hey, whatsup man?
BF: Nothing.
Me: Are you from around here?
BF: Yes.
Me: What are some good clubs to go to?
*he grabs her hand*
Me: Oh, are you guys dating?
BF: Yes.
Me: I'm Chris btw. *I introduce myself and they introduce themselves* So, what's it like living in California?
BF: blablabla
*HB started to give me IOIs*
Me: *telling a little story*. You guys seem like cool people. How about we go to XYZ club sometime?
BF: Sure, what's your Cell# bro?
*while he was typing in his number I winked at his gf and she smiled*
Me: Blablabla. What's your number?
BF: blablabla
Me: And what's your number? *turning to HB*
HB: blablabla
Me: Alright guys, this is my stop. Have a good one.
... needless to say I'm only gonna call HB haha
more approaches coming soon!