So Forrest Gump is a Captain Save-a-Ho, huh? Well, guess what? He was also a Captain Save-a-Bro and a Captain Save-a-Foe too!
Forrest was an equal opportunity Captain in the "Salvation" army. That dude was out to save damn near everybody he met. And ironically, he was more successful than not. Bubba was his bro' and Lieutenant Dan was damn near his foe (at least at first). But NONE of that stopped him from being true to himself or caused him to compromise his core beliefs.
Forrest Gump is definitely one of my favorite movies of all time. But not because of any lessons it "teaches" about how to interact with women though---but because of the more powerful, overarching
message of it:
A small percentage of the quality of your life is what happens to you---BUT the LARGEST percentage of the quality of your life is HOW YOU REACT to what happens to you.
I interpret the two characters (Jenny and Forrest) this way:
- Jenny was a broken, scarred, warped, and emotionally damage person from the time she was a little girl---thanks to the horrific abuses afflicted on her by her father.
- But by contrast, Forrest was far more emotionally healthy despite his cognitive shortcomings---thanks to the consistent, sacrificial love an encouragement that he received from his mother.
The difference between Forrest and Jenny comes down to this:
- Forrest ran TOWARDS life...and Jenny ran AWAY from it.
So when you realize this, Jenny's oft-repeated advice throughout the movie:
"Run Forrest---RUN!" ...should take on a WHOLE NEW MEANING, should it not?
Again---no matter what happened to Forrest, though he suffered some setbacks---he kept a positive attitude, he kept moving forward, and as a result---many GREAT things happened to him in his life--that also wound up benefiting MOST of those people he was trying to save.
Forrest Gump embraced the contradictory truth that life is indeed a mixture of destiny AND DESIGN.
And no matter how many suckers, users, and haters he encountered on his life's mission---he instinctively managed to live by that old "Latin" phrase:
Illegitimi non carborundum
Which when translated into English means:
"Don't let the BASTARDS (or the "bytches") grind you down!"
When I look around me today in real life, on the Internet, and in society as a whole--and I see so many guys consumed by bitterness, defeatism, and apathy as a result of their experiences with women and IN LIFE in general---I think that Forrest Gump's positive attitude is damn-near awe-inspiring by comparison.
Shaking off suckas, letting go of petty bullshyt, and staying "on mission" is something I try to do every day. It's still a
"work in progress"---but I consider it a worthwhile endeavor---no doubt.
Most definitely, there are MANY other life lessons that we can learn from that movie, but those are the ones that made the biggest impact on me---some 20 years ago when I first saw it.
Enough said.