My fitness journal


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
Reaction score
Will be good to see that 400lbs+ on the deadlift.

If you usually train alone, I would recommend taking videos to makesure your form is spot on.

If you start to stall, this could be a good program to think about:

Trains the deadlift well and you can fit a lot of other stuff around it. Although I think you train it similarly, this would involve maxing more and incorporating other deadlift varitions like deadlifts from a deficit/rack pulls/sumo pulls, depending on your sticking point.

Keep it up!


Master Don Juan
Mar 4, 2007
Reaction score
Quagmire911 said:
Will be good to see that 400lbs+ on the deadlift.

If you usually train alone, I would recommend taking videos to makesure your form is spot on.

If you start to stall, this could be a good program to think about:

Trains the deadlift well and you can fit a lot of other stuff around it. Although I think you train it similarly, this would involve maxing more and incorporating other deadlift varitions like deadlifts from a deficit/rack pulls/sumo pulls, depending on your sticking point.

Keep it up!
Thanks, Quagmire, I read the article; it was very informative. Wherever possible I'll take the author's suggestions and incorporate them into my workouts.


Master Don Juan
Mar 4, 2007
Reaction score
Mon. July 14, 2008-Sat. July 19, 2008

Mon. July 14, 2008-

berakfast: .2 cup corn flakes, 10 oz milk, 11 ham slices, .1 cup mixed nuts, green tea

snack: 6 ham slices, .15 cup corn flakes, 8 oz milk, one 20 oz cup of water

snack: 5 ham slices, one 20 oz water

snack/pregym: 3 oz polish sausage, .2 cup pinto beans, .4 oz pork cured ham (chopped up
in beans), 5 ham slices, one 20 oz cup of water


overhead lift straight from floor, arms locked 2 X 2 at 95 pounds

clean press/standing barbell overhead press: 2 X 4 at 135
1 X 1 at 135
3 X 1 at 135
1 X 1

clean press/standing barbell overhead press: 1 X 1 at 135 pounds
1 X 1 at 135 pounds

*I was attempting to press it overhead but but I was only able to lift it to my chin.

reverse pull ups (wide grip): 10 X 3
4 X 1

chin ups (shoulder width): 10 X 1

standing barbell bicep curl: 1 X 1 at 105 pounds
3 X 1 at 105 pounds
5 X 1 at 105 pounds
3 X 1 at 105 pounds

I was at the gym ~ 1 h 10 minutes. I rested ~ 2-4 minutes between sets. I mixed it up a bit, when I finished a clean/standing bbop I would perform some reverse pull ups. Then I did more cleans/standing bbop then curls or back to pull ups. That chin up set I did after resting ~ 15 seconds following one of my last clean/standing bbop sets for the day. It was good performing that many chin ups with so little rest, I'm glad for my strength and conditioning. I had three water fountain breaks.

postgym snack: 5 ham slices, one 20 oz cup of water

Dinner: 12 oz pork steak, 2 ketchup packets, one 20 oz cup of water.

Thurs. July 17, 2008

breakfast/pregym: 7 oz chicken thigh, .15 cup corn flakes, 6 oz milk, 3 tblsp peanut butter, one cup of green tea


lunges PLUS: 2 X 1 w/ 40 pounds each hand (10 feet forward is one rep, 10 feet returning is another rep. my usual exercise also involves bring the weights up to eye level like dumbbell front arm raise as I lunge)

1 min rest

lunges PLUS: 2 X 1 w/ 40 pounds each hand

1 min rest

lunges PLUS: 2 X 1 w/ 40 pounds each hand

4 min rest

lunges PLUS: 2 X 1 at 30 pounds (this time I kept the dumbbells at shoulder level then pressed overhead as I came up from the lunge. I then lowered the weights to shoulders again then repeated this for each lunge. I got this idea from a guy at the gym who suggested this. I'll add weight next week.)

30 sec rest

dumbbell front arm raise (d.f.a.r.): 10 X 1 w/ 45 pounds each hand

1 min rest, water fountain break

d.f.a.r. 10 X 1 w/ 45 pounds in each hand

1 min rest

d.f.a.r. 10 X 1 w/ 40 pounds in each hand (holding the weight 5 secs then lowering it)

1 min rest

d.f.a.r. 10 X 1 pounds each hand (holding 5 secs)

30 sec rest

dips (forward lean): 20 X 1

1 min rest, water fountain break

dips: 15 X 1

1 min rest

dips (forward lean): 10 X 1

1 min rest

chin ups (wide grip palms facing AWAY): 6 X 1

1 min rest

chin ups (wide grip): 6 X 1

1 min rest

chin ups (wide grip): 6 X 1

I was at the gym ~ 55 minutes. I had two water fountain breaks. I took 30 sec- 1 min between sets and exercises.

postgym snack: 1 small chicken leg, one 20 oz cup of water

This entry is made before dinner.

Sat. July 19, 2008

breakfast: .2 cup corn flakes, 8 oz milk, 2 oz polish sausage, .1 cup pork & beans, .1 oz mixed nuts, green tea

snack: 3 tblsp peanut butter, one 20 oz water

snack/pregym: 3 Vienna sausages, 2 oz polish sausage, one 20 oz cup of water


deadlifts: 6 X 1 w/ bar
1 X 4 at 365 pounds*
* With 3-5 minutes between sets

chin ups (wide grip): 6 X 1
6 X 1
7 X 1
7 X 1
6 X 1

I was at the gym ~ 45 minutes. I wasn't very pumped to go today, I haven't eaten much and mentally my heart wasn't in it. All the same I decided I should go anyhow. Part of my deadlift stall is mental, I know I can do better and I should be doing better. 365 is okay and I know that a lot of guys don't even get there but I know that I can lift more than this esp since my 1 RM is 385. In the back of my mind I'm still a bit PO'd because I was falsely accused of dropping weights a few weeks back. I shouldn't let it get to me, I know, but some days are better than others.

On a mildly amusing note, there's this guy who I see in the gym every so often, the guy has not progressed in the year that I've seen him around the gym. Often times I see him deadlifting at a much lower weight than I do. About 8 months ago I was doing step ups with 95 pound dumbbells in each hand, he was deadlifting at 185 pounds. I saw the dude watching me as I did my workouts, he did not look pleased. When I happened to walk past him he had the typical hater's look on his face. No problem, that's just him. The guy was there today. The weights on the bar was 205 pounds which was the amount lifted by whomever was performing the deadlift exercise before I got there. I grabbed a bar and did my warm up set, he was watching from another part of the gym. When I loaded the weights on and completed one rep at 365 he disappeared from the premises. :p Still, why can't people just be happy with what they can do instead of resenting others? :crazy: Oh, and if anybody says something like: "just talk to the guy" or "you got it wrong, he probably was just leaving anyway", I know haters when I see them, I'm used to it had to deal with them for a long time. If people have problems with appearance, etc. they shouldn't resent others for their own shortcomings, just fix whatever is wrong in their own lives. All too often haters (and people in general) tend to forget that everyone is human.

postgym snack: 3 Vienna sausages, 1 ketchup packet, 1 mustard packet, 1 tblsp relish, one 20 oz cup of water

This entry is made before dinner.


Master Don Juan
Mar 4, 2007
Reaction score
My Fitness Journal Mon. July 21, 2008- Fri. July 25, 2008

Mon. July 21, 2008

breakfast: .2 cup oatmeal, 5 oz pork cured ham, .1 oz mixed nuts, one 20 oz cup of water, green tea

snack: .2 cup corn flakes, 7 oz milk, 3 oz pork cured ham, one 20 oz cup of water

snack: .1 cup cole slaw, .1 oz mixed nuts, one 20 oz cup of water

snack/pregym: 4 oz pork cured ham, one 20 oz cup of water


flat bench barbell press (fbbp): 5 X 1 at 155 pounds

1 min rest

5 X 1 at 155

1 min rest

3 X 1 at 175

1 min rest

3 X 1 at 175 pounds

1 min rest

3 X 1 at 185 pounds

1 min rest

3 X 1 at 185 pounds

1 min rest

clean standing barbell overhead press: 6 X 1 w/ bar

1 min rest

clean sbop: 1 X 1 at 135 pounds

1 min rest

chin ups (wide grip): 7 X 1

1 min rest

clean: 1 X 1 (didn't do sbop)

1 min rest

fbbp: 1 X 1 at 200 pounds

1 min rest

fbbp: 1 X 1 at 210 pounds

1 min rest

fbbp: 1 X 1 at 215 pounds

45 sec rest

clean: 1 X 1 (didn't do sbop)

1 min rest

standing barbell bicep curl (sbbc): 4 X 1 at 105 pounds

1 min rest

sbbc: 4 X 1 at 105 pounds

I was at the gym ~ 45 minutes. I didn't do very well with the majority of my exercises today but I did very well with my flat bench barbell press. I finally got above 200 pounds. A guy at the gym spotted me at 200 pounds and encouraged me to go higher because we were curious what my 1 RM is on this exercise. When I stopped at 215 pounds I still could have lifted more weight. This is amazing. I had been feeling discouraged at my progress for a very long time but it turns out that I have been holding myself back. I'm glad that I could see and experience for myself what I can actually do. It feels good.

postgym snack: 5 oz pork cured ham, .1 cup canned pineapples, one 20 oz cup of water

dinner: 8 oz pork cup pork cured ham, .1 cup sweet potatoes, .2 cup boiled cabbage, one 20 oz cup of water. And 3 small fudge brownies. The brownies have been sitting there in the fridge for a couple of weeks now and tonight, well I ate them.

Wed. July 23, 2008

breakfast: .2 cup oatmeal w/ milk, 8 ham slices, green tea

snack: .2 cup oatmeal, 7 oz milk, 5 ham slices, .1 oz mixed nuts, one 20 oz cup of water

snack: 5 ham slices, one 20 oz cup of water

snack: 2 oz polish sausage, .1 cup pork & beans, one 20 oz cup of water

dinner/pregym: 4 frankfurters, 2 ketchup packets, 2 mustard packets, 1 tsp relish (no bread), .1 cup boiled cabbage, one 20 oz cup of water


lunges PLUS (10 feet forward is 1 rep, 10 feet back is another rep): 2 X 1 w/ 40 pound dumbbells in each hand (the PLUS is a dumbbell
overhead press as I come up from the lunge, as I lunge again I lower the weights to
shoulder level)*

1 min rest

LP: 2 X 1 at 40 pounds

1 min rest

LP: 1 X 1 shoulders w/ 40 pound dumbbells (shoulders sore from last Monday's fbbp so I couldn't do two reps)
regular lunge 1 X 1 w/ 40 pound dumbbells

1 min rest

LP: 1 X 1 w/ 40 pounds in each hand
regular lunge 1 X 1 w/ 40 pound dumbbells in each hand

1 min rest, water fountain break

regular lunges: 2 X 1 w/ 40 pounds in each hand

1 min rest

regular lunges: 2 X 1 w/ 40 pounds in each hand

1 min rest

side to side: 50 X 1 w/ 85 pounds in each hand

1 min rest

side to side: 50 X 1 w/ 85 pounds in each hand

45 sec rest

reverse pull up (wide grip): 10 X 1

1 min rest, water fountain break

reverse pull up (wide grip): 10 X 1

1 min rest

chin up (wide grip): 5 X 1

1 min rest

chin up (wide grip): 5 X 1

1 min rest

abs PLUS (using dip machine): 10 X 1

1 min rest

abs PLUS: 10 X 1

1 min rest

aP: 10 X 1

1 min rest

aP: 10 X 1

1 min rest

aP: 10 X 1

1 min rest

other exercises for 10 min w/o rest

1 min rest, water fountain break

other exercises for 2 min w/o rest

30 sec rest

chin up (wide grip): 8 X 1

45 secs rest

reverse pull ups (wide grip): 10 X 1

45 secs

chin up (wide grip): 4 X 1

45 secs rest

reverse pull ups (wide grip): 5 X 1

1 min rest

abs PLUS: 10 X 1

I went to the gym with one of my friends so I was there ~ 1 h 17 min, I had three water fountain breaks. I had a good workout, I got a lot done. Although my shoulders were sore from last Monday's flat bench barbell press exercises, I did a very good job with the wide grip pull ups and chin ups. I also did some other exercises for 10 minutes straight w/o needing a break. Then after a very short break I did 8 wide grip chin ups (my best set for the night). Overall it was a very good workout.

postgym snack: 4 ham slices, one 20 oz cup of water

Fri. July 25, 2008

breakfast: 5 ham slices, .1 cup mixed nuts, .1 cup northern beans, one cup green tea

snack: .04 cup corn flakes, 5 oz milk

snack: 2 ham slices, one 20 oz cup of water

snack: 4 ham slices, .2 cup corn flakes, 13 oz milk

dinner/pregym: 10 oz pork steak, 1 ketchup packet, .1 cup mixed nuts, one 20 oz cup of water


flat bench barbell press: 5 X 1 at 135 pounds

1 min rest

fbbp: 1 X 1 at 205 pounds

1 min rest

wide grip chin ups: 3 X 1

1 min rest, water fountain break

wide grip chin ups: 5 X 1

1 min rest

reverse pull ups (wide grip): 7 X 1

1 min rest

reverse pull ups (wide grip): 10 X 1

45 sec rest

regular dips: 13 X 1

1 min rest

forward leaning dips: 13 X 1

1 min rest

regular dips: 13 X 1

1 min rest

1 min rest, water fountain break

wide grip chin up: 2 X 1

5 min rest

pull ups (close grip): 5 X 1

I hadn't really planned on going to the gym at all today but went there with a friend of mine late this evening. I didn't work very hard in part because my body is sore from the week's workout sessions. My legs are still sore after all this time so I had already decided I would not be doing any deadlifts this week (I thought I would post pone until Saturday but as the day progressed it became obviously to me that I might as well go tonight and just forego deadlifts and do other exercises instead). I was at the gym ~ 50 minutes and had two water fountain breaks.

postgym snack: 4 oz pork chop, 1 ketchup packet, one 20 oz cup of water


Master Don Juan
Mar 4, 2007
Reaction score
My Fitness Journal Mon. July 28, 2008- Sat. Aug. 2, 2008

Mon. July 28, 2008

breakfast: .1 cup corn flakes, 6 oz milk, .1 oz mixed nuts, 5 ham slices, green

snack: .15 cup corn flakes, 7 oz milk, one 20 oz cup of water

snack: 8 oz meatloaf, 1 ketchup packet, one 20 oz cup of water

dinner/pregym: .8 cup pork & beans, 4 frankfurters, one 20 oz cup of water


wide grip chin ups: 8 X 1

1 min rest

wide grip pull ups: 10 X 1

4 min rest

clean/military press: 2 X 1 at 135 pounds

6 min rest

clean: 1 X 1 at 135 pounds

wide grip chin ups: 10 X 1

1 min rest

wide grip pull ups: 10 X 1

1 min rest

clean: 1 X 1 at 135 pounds

1 min rest

clean: 1 X 1 at 135 pounds

2 min rest

clean: 1 X 1 at 135 pounds

I went to the gym with a friend late this evening; I was there ~ 45 minutes. Instead of taking a week off for muscle recovery, I'll probably make this one a light week.

postgym snack: 4 ham slices, one 20 oz cup of water.

Thurs. July 31, 2008

breakfast: .2 cup corn flakes, 10 oz milk, 2 ham slices, .1 cup pork &
beans, .1 oz mixed nuts, green tea

snack: 2 ham slices, 20 oz cup of water,

dinner/pregym: .7 cup pinto beans, 2 oz polish sausage, 2 frankfurters (no
bread), one 20 oz cup of water


wide grip chin up: 3 X 1

30 sec rest

reverse pull up (wide grip): 3 X 1

45 sec rest

chin up (shoulder width): 10 X 1

1 min rest

reverse pull up (wide grip): 10 X 1

1 min rest

wide grip chin up: 6 X 1

3 min rest, water fountain break

pull ups (shoulder width, palms facing each other): 6 X 1

3 min rest

misc. using machines

40 sec rest

pull ups (shoulder width, palms facing each other): 10 X 1

20 min rest

one arm pull up (right hand w/o gloves): 2 X 1

10 sec rest

one arm pull up (left hand w/ gloves): 2 X 1

I went to the gym with a friends late this evening, I was there ~ 60 minutes.
I'm taking it very easy this week, so I concentrated on chin/pull ups today.
I had two water fountain breaks.

postgym snack: nothing I didn't work too strenuously and I'm sleepy

Sat. Aug. 2, 2008

breakfast/pregym: . 1 cup corn flakes, 1 medium banana, 5 oz milk, 1 ham slice, green tea


wide grip chin ups: 4 X 2

reverse pull ups (wide grip): 6 X 1
10 X 2

dips (regular): 15 X 2

chin ups (shoulder width): 10 X 1

pull ups (palms facing each other): 10 X 1

flat bench barbell press (fbbp): 5 X 1 at 135 pounds
fbbp: 1 X 2 at 185 pounds

one arm
pull ups (right hand): 1 X 1
3 X 1
one arm pull ups (left hand): 4 X 1

I went to the gym with a friend so I was there for ~1 h 20 min. I took it easy
doing exercises when I felt like doing them, I spent much of the time just
sitting, taking it easy. I didn't take any water fountain breaks this time.

postgym snack: .6 cup oatmeal, .2 cup corn flakes, 12 oz milk, 2 oz polish sausage. This entry is
made before dinner.
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Mar 4, 2007
Reaction score
My Fitness Journal Mon. Aug. 4, 2008- Sat. Aug. 9, 2008

Mon. Aug. 4, 2008

breakfast: .25 cup corn flakes, 15 oz milk, 2 ham slices

snack: .1 cup peanuts, 2 frankfurters, 1 ketchup packet, one mustard packet, one 20 oz cup of water

snack: .2 oz corn flakes, 7 oz milk, 9 ham slices, 2 oz chicken breasts, 1 ketchup packet

dinner/pregym: 2 frankfurters, .4 cup pork & beans, one 20 oz cup of water


flat bench barbell press (fbbp): 6 X 1 at 155 pounds

10 sec rest

wide grip chin up: 4 X 1

1 min rest

fbbp: 4 X 1 at 175 pounds

1 min rest

fbbp: 2 X 1 at 200 pounds

1 min rest

clean/miliraty press (this I had called standing barbell overhead press): 2 X 1 at 135 pounds

3 min, water fountain break

wide grip reverse pull ups: 10 X 1

3 min

clean: 1 X 1 at 135 pounds

1 min

barbell bicep curl (bbbc): 8 X 1 w/ bar

1 min, water fountain break

bbbc: 4 X 1 at 105 pounds

30 sec rest

chin ups (shoulder width): 10 X 1

1 min

clean/military press w/o gloves: 1 X 1 at 135 pounds

1 min

wide grip chin up w/o gloves: 6 X 1

1 min rest

wide grip pull ups w/o gloves: 10 X 1

I went to the gym with friends late evening and was there about 50 minutes. I had two water fountain breaks. This was not a very memorable or enjoyable workout. I was disappointed with my reps. It wasn't tired so much as my game being off. Still, t'was better to go to the gym than not go, you know?

postgym snack: 1 frankfurter, .2 cup pork & beans, 40 oz water.

Thurs. Aug. 7, 2008

breakfast: .2 cup corn flakes, 5 oz low fat milk, 5 ham slices, green tea

snack/pregym: 2 frankfurters, 1 ketchup packet, 1 mustard packet, one 20 oz cup of water


lunges PLUS w/ dumbbell overhead press (LP dop): 2 X 1 w/ 30 pounds in each hand
regular lunges: 2 X 1 w/ 30 pounds in each hand

1 min

flat bench barbell press: 1 X 1 at 205

10 secs

fbbp: 1 X 1 at 215 (barely) :(

10 secs

LP dop: 2 X 1 w/ 30 pounds in each hand
regular lunges: 2 X 1 w/ 30 pounds in each hand

1 min rest

LP dop: 2 X 1 w/ 30 pounds in each hand
regular lunges: 2 X 1 w/ 30 pounds in each hand

1 min rest

LP dop: 2 X 1 w/ 30 pounds in each hand
regular lunges: 2 X 1 w/ 30 pounds in each hand

1 min, water fountain break

LP dop: 2 X 1 w/ 30 pounds in each hand
regular lunges: 2 X 1 w/ 30 pounds in each hand

30 secs rest

dumbbell front arm raise (dfar): 10 X 1 w/ 40 pounds in each hand

1 min rest

dfar: 10 X 1 w/ 40 pounds in each hand

1 min rest

dfar: 10 X 1 w/ 40 pounds in each hand

1 min rest

dfar: 10 X 1 w/ 40 pounds in each hand

1 min rest

dfar: 10 X 1 w/ 40 pounds in each hand

10 secs rest

wrist flex (right): 10 X 1 w/ 40 pounds

3 secs rest

wrist flex (left): 10 X 1 w/ 40 pounds

3 secs rest

wrist flex (right): 10 X 1 w/ 40 pounds

5 secs

wrist flex (left): 8 X 1 w/ 40 pounds

10 secs rest

forward dips: 20 X 1

1 min rest

regular dips: 20 X 1

10 secs rest

wide grip chin ups: 6 X 1

10 secs rest

reverse pull ups (wide grip): 7 X 1

1 min rest

chin ups (shoulder width): 8 X 1

1 min rest

pull ups (shoulder width): 9 X 1

I went to the gym with a friend this morning and was there for about 1 hour. My workout was only okay, I could have done a lot better. I didn't take as much time to rest between exercises. I did much better on the dips and pull ups/chin ups considering the minimized break time between those exercises. I had only one water fountain break. I didn't like my fbbp numbers, I definitely could have done a lot better on that one.

post gym snack: .2 cup corn flakes, 5 oz low fat milk, 1 chicken patty, 1 kethcup packet, .1 oz mixed nuts,

Sat. Aug. 9, 2008

breakfast: .1 cup raisin bran, 7 oz milk, .04 cup pork & beans, 2 frankfurters, 1 ketchup packet, 1 mustard packet, green tea

snack: 2 ham slices, .1 oz mixed nuts, one 20 oz cup of water

snack/pregym: 2 ham slices


deadlifts: 6 X 1 bar

1 min rest

deadlifts: 6 X 1 at 135 pounds

3 min rest

deadlifts: 3 X 1 at 365 pounds

2 min rest, water fountain break

deadlifts: 2 X 1 at 365 pounds

15 min rest

1 attempted deadlift at 390 pounds

6 min rest

1 attempted deadlift at 390 pounds

10 secs rest

one arm pull up (left hand): 2 X 3*

first set was w/o gloves, the other sets were with gloves

one arm pull ups (right hand): 2 X 2**

** the first set was w/ gloves

one arm pull up (right hand): 1 X 1

15 min rest, water fountain break

one attempted deadlift at 400 pounds

2 min rest

pull ups (palms facing each other): 10 X 1

2 min rest

wide grip pull ups: 4 X 1

3 min rest

one attempted deadlift at 400 pounds

5 sec rest

chin ups (close grip w/o gloves): 10 X 1

2 min rest

two attempted deadlifts at 400 pounds

At midday I went to the gym with friends and was there about 1 h 15 min. I was impressed with my deadlifts; one my second set at 365 pounds I was halfway up on my third set so I lowered the weight to the floor. Since it was easier this time compared to past few weeks I decided to ratchet things up a bit. I attempted the heavier weights because I know I can do them, I just didn't do it THIS time is all. I had two water fountain breaks. Pull ups are fun again so I did a lot of reps between deadlifts. I did all of my deadlifts w/o gloves this time and carried it over to some of my pull up exercises. My calluses were hurtin' me when I was doing my pull ups so I used the gloves for the one arm exercises then went bare handed for the other exercises. I like pull ups. :)

post gym snack: one chicken fillet, one ketchup packet, one mustard packet, one 20 ox cup of water, 6 tblsp of peanut butter (don't worry, it's real peanut butter not that hydrogenated stuff).

this entry is made before dinner, but I will be eating chicken this evening, hopefully. I need to get it from the supermarket.
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Mar 4, 2007
Reaction score
My Fitness Journal Mon. Aug. 11, 2008-Fri. Aug. 15, 2008

Mon. Aug. 11, 2008

breakfast: two frankfurters, 1 ketchup packet, 1 mustard packet, .1 oz mixed nuts, green tea

snack: .2 cup raisin bran, 7 oz milk, .1 oz mixed nuts

snack: 2 ham slices, 2 tblsp peanut butter

snack/pregym: 8 ham slices, 2 slices wheat bread, 1 tsp mayonnaise, one 20 oz cup of water


flat bench barbell press: 6 X 1 at 135

2 min rest

flat bench barbell press: 2 X 1 at 205 pounds

15 secs rest

wide grip chin up: 9 X 1

15 secs rest

reverse pull ups (wide grip): 10 X 1

3 min rest

flat bench barbell press: 1 attempt but couldn't even get the bar off my chest this time :(

1 min

clean/press: 6 X 2 w/ bar

2 min rest

clean/press: 1 X 1 at 135 pounds

15 secs rest

jerk (from rack): 7 X 1 w/ bar

30 secs rest

jerk (from rack): 6 X 1 at 65 pounds

1 min, water fountain break

jerk (from rack): 2 X 1 at 65 pounds

10 secs rest

jerk (from rack): 4 X 1 at 65 pounds

1 min rest

jerk (from rack): 6 X 1 at 65 pounds

1 min rest

jerk (from rack): 5 X 1 at 65 pounds

3 min, water fountain break

clean/press: 1 X 1 at 153 pounds

2 min rest

clean/press: 1 X 1 at 135 pounds

1 min rest

clean/press: 1 X 1 at 135 pounds

2 min rest

clean/press: 1 X 1 at 135 pounds

1 min rest

clean/press: 1 X 1 at 135 pounds

I was at the gym ~ 1 h 15 minutes. I had three water fountain breaks, the last one was after I finished up for the day. I don't like what happened with the bench press, I did it at 215 a couple of weeks ago, I can do it now. But I didn't even lift the weight from my chest this time, same as last week. Sometimes it's the mental trip ie the little voice of doubt that says I'll not be able to lift the weight which causes me to psyche myself out. My cleans were only so so. I would do one rep then put the weight back down on the floor. I kept doing that for the remainder of that exercise.

I've been watching the Olympics. I haven't seen the men's weight lifting but I have watched the men's gymnastics and the women's weight lifting. Really my build is similar to medium weight gymnasts but I'm not a gymnast. Those guys are very strong. I was impressed with the women's weight lifting competitions. I keep telling myself that if women can lift 200 + pounds in a clean and jerk then I can do better with my jerks and overhead press lifts. I wish I could practice clean and jerks but the gym is not set up for it. Heavy lifting ie for deadlifts is in a special part of the gym and the platform set up to absorb shocks does not extend back far enough for me to do clean and jerks but I'd like to practice them sometime. The bottom line is that watching the Olympic competitions reminds me that I have made progress yet have a long way to go. And I know the only way those athletes got to their level was through training, training and more training. Oh, and not psyching themselves out.

postgym snack: 2 ham slices, one 20 oz cup of water.

This entry is made before dinner.

Wed. Aug. 13, 2008

breakfast: 2 ham slices, 1 oz broccoli, 2 tblsp. peanut butter, green tea

snack: 2 ham slices, .1 oz peanuts, one 20 oz cup of water

snack/pregym: 2 ham slices, one 20 oz cup of water


flat bench barbell press: 6 X 1 at 135 pounds

1 min rest

fbbp: 6 X 1 at 135 pounds

3 min rest

fbbp: 2 X 1 at 205 pounds

1 min rest

LP (lunges plus dumbbell overhead press coming up from lunge): 2 X 1 at 35 pounds
regular lunges: 2 X 1 at 35 pounds

1 min rest

LP: 1 X 1 at 35 pounds
regular lunges: 3 X 1 at 35 pounds

2 min rest, water fountain break

LP: 1 X 1 at 35 pounds
regular lunges: 3 X 1 at 35 pounds

30 secs rest

dumbbell front arm raise (dfar): 10 X 1 at 40 pounds

1 min rest

dfar: 10 X 1 at 40 pounds

1 min rest

dfar: 40 X 1 at 40 pounds

45 secs rest

dfar: 10 X 1 at 40 pounds

1 min rest

dfar: 10 X 1 at 40 pounds

2 min rest, water fountain break

forward dips: 20 X 1

1 min rest

regular dips: 20 X 1

3 min rest

forward dips: 15 X 1

40 secs rest

lower ab exercise using dip machine: 10 X 1

1 min rest, water fountain break

lower ab exercise: 10 X 1

1 min rest

lower ab exercise: 10 X 1

1 min rest

lower ab exercise: 10 X 1

I was at the gym ~ 50 minutes, I had three water fountain breaks and rested ~30 sec-3 min between sets/exercises. I did allright today; not great but allright.

postgym snack: 2 frankfurters, 1 ketchup packet, 1 mustard packet, one 20 oz cup of water

This entry is made before dinner.

Fri. Aug. 15, 2008

breakfast: 3 oz sausage, .3 cup chili beans, 1 oz ground beef, .1 oz mixed nuts, green tea

snack: .3 cup chili beans, 1 oz ground beef, one 20 oz cup of water,

snack: .3 cup chili beans, 1 oz ground beef, .1 oz mixed nuts, one 20 oz cup of water

snack: .3 cup chili beans, 1 oz ground beef, one 20 oz cup of water

dinner/pregym: 14 oz baked chicken breast, 1 ketchup packet, 2 small tomato slices, one 20 oz cup of water


deadlifts: 6 X 2 w/ bar

1 min rest

deadlifts: 6 X 1 at 135 pounds

4 min rest

deadlift: 1 X 1 at 390 pounds*

* This is the most I have ever lifted

4 min rest, water fountain break

deadlift attempt at 390 pounds

4 min rest

deadlift attempt at 390 pounds

4 min rest

deadlift attempt at 390 pounds

4 min rest

deadlift attempt at 390 pounds

3 min rest, water fountain break

deadlift attempt at 390 pounds

2 min rest

deadlift attempt at 390 pounds

2 min rest

deadlift atempt at 390 pounds

2 min rest

deadlift attempt at 390 pounds

This evening I went to the gym with a friend and was there ~ 1 h 5 min. I had two water fountain breaks. I need to get my deadlifts above 400 pounds. Although I did lift once at 390 pounds, that's below what I'm capable of at this time. I've been deadlifting for a year now, I think, and I know I should be over 400 pounds by now. I don't know if I was giving myself enough recovery time but 4 minutes should have been enough. As it neared time to go home, I cut the rest to 2 minutes in part because I felt a bit impatient. But I did lift at 390 pounds which is better than what I have ever done before. It just proves that I can and should be above 400 pounds. I'll make myself get there before the end of September.

postgym snack: 2 oz sausage, .04 cup pinto beans, one 20 oz cup of water.


Master Don Juan
Jul 5, 2007
Reaction score
New Jersey
Hey man...400 lbs isn't easy in a year for deads for the majority of people. You are doing well and don't be so hard on yourself. You've had great progress. How easy was the 390 attempt???

I've got to say that's a lot of attempts you just did and you risk hurting yourself if you slack on form in deads. How is your form deads anyways? It would be good if you got a video of yourself up here as people on here, including myself, may be able to notice sticking points or form issues that way you can do to better them and add more weight.

Also I just wanted to say I love your dedication to detail and dedication to this journal. Keep working hard Don :)


Master Don Juan
Mar 4, 2007
Reaction score
I-tallionStallion said:
Hey man...400 lbs isn't easy in a year for deads for the majority of people. You are doing well and don't be so hard on yourself. You've had great progress. How easy was the 390 attempt???

I've got to say that's a lot of attempts you just did and you risk hurting yourself if you slack on form in deads. How is your form deads anyways? It would be good if you got a video of yourself up here as people on here, including myself, may be able to notice sticking points or form issues that way you can do to better them and add more weight.

Also I just wanted to say I love your dedication to detail and dedication to this journal. Keep working hard Don :)
Thanks, Stallion. I was so intent on lifting again that I didn't think about anything else. As for form, I'm using the technique from stronglift's site; he has a lot of videos on proper deadlifting technique. And there are a couple of other deadlifters at the gym and their form is spot on so I'm good. As for that lift, it wasn't very easy BUT it was do-able. I'm happy that I was able to lift at 390. Yet, in some ways I feel as if I'm lagging. I try not to compare myself to the progress of other guys here in H & F b/c we're going at our own pace but some posters here have already passed 400 pounds. For the amount of time I put in I feel as if I should be at the 400 pound level by now. I'll say this, though. I'm gradually doing more exercises without the gloves, my calluses affect the grip a little but I'm going to adapt to it. I am going to make myself do 400 lbs before September's end. It's good to post in here, it helps keep me sharp and reminders from you guys helps me to keep things in perspective. :)


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
Reaction score
Remember and use chalk on your lifts! Babypowder is a good substitute!

I have also been waiting too long to do 400, and I have further to go than you. Was just shy of 370 this week. We will both do it soon! I reckon my squats have been stalling lower body progress and that is over now.

And remember you are one of the lightest on here at 155-160, which is more impressive.

Keep it up.

PS-You doing any speed deadlifts?


Master Don Juan
Mar 4, 2007
Reaction score
My Fitness Journal Mon. Aug. 18, 2008-Sat. Aug. 23, 2008

Mon. Aug. 18, 2008

breakfast: .2 cup chili beans, .8 oz ground beef, 1 tblsp peanut butter

snack: 2 tblsp peanut butter, .2 cup oatmeal w/o milk, one 20 oz cup of water

snack: 10 ham slices, one 20 oz cup of water

dinner/pregym: two chicken fritters, 2 ketchup packets, 2 mustard packets, 2 tsp relish, .3 cup pork & beans, one 20 oz cup of water


close grip chin up (palms facing away): 13 X 1

15 secs rest

clean/press: 6 X 1 w/ bar

3 min, water fountain break

fbbp: 2 X 1 at 205 pounds -gym staffer as spotter for all sets. This becomes very important.

2 min rest

fbbp: 2 X 1 at 215 pounds

2 min rest

fbbp: 1 X 1 at 220 pounds

1 min rest

fbbp: 1 X 1 at 225 pounds

2 min rest

fbbp: 1 X 1 at 230 pounds

I did it! I increased the weight by 15 pounds in one workout!

2 min rest

close grip pull up: 10 X 1

2 min rest, water fountain break

close grip chin up: 10 X 1

1 min rest

close grip pull up: 4 X 1 (not enough rest)

1 min rest

one arm pull ups (right arm): 3 X 1

5 secs rest

one arm pull up (left arm): hand slip on sweat

one arm pull up (left arm w/ glove): 3 X 1

4 min rest, water fountain break

clean/press: 1 X 1 at 135 pounds

4 min rest

clean/press: 1 X 1 at 135 pounds

1 min rest

clean/press: 1 X 1 at 135 pounds held overhead for 10 secs

1 min rest

clean/press attempt*

* plates on left end of bar wobbled a bit when I was cleaning so I set the bar down.

45 secs rest

clean/press: 1 X 1 at 135 pounds held overhead 15 secs

I went to the gym with a friend and was there ~ 50 minutes and had three water fountain breaks. This was a very good night for me. The gym staffer on duty was the same guy who encouraged me to lift 215 a few weeks ago. I always knew I could go beyond that even when I was having trouble lifting even at 205 in subsequent workouts. So tonight he happened to be there so I asked him to spot me at 215. I did it and then asked him to increase the weight to 220. I did that, too. I felt excited, I wanted to go higher. When I lifted at 225 it felt very good but the staffer told me I should workout at that weight for a while to build my confidence in the event I couldn't lift any higher right now. I was too amazed with what I had done to stop. It was about really doing it. That's what athetics is all about and I was feeling that motivation again tonight. So I asked for more weight and he added on 5 more pounds. I had to press harder than ever before but I did it. I lifted at 230 pounds! I was ecstatic! It was a GREAT lift, and I felt it deep in my abs, too. I would have gone higher but the guy needed to go home. (I lifted the weight off the rack w/o assist each time, this I always do.)

I also decided to make the clean & press more interesting. At the top of the press, I decided to hold the weight overhead for a prolonged period of time, it wasn't really difficult. Even cleaning at that weight was very easy tonight. When I held it overhead like that for the second time I was amazed by how easy it was to do. I just held it there for about 15 seconds and it felt good. This was a very very good workout for me. :up:

postgym snack: .2 cup pork & beans, 1 chicken fritter, 1 ketchup packet, 1 mustard packet, 2 ham slices, one 20 oz cup of water

Wed. Aug. 20, 2008

breakfast: .1 cup oatmeal w/o milk, 2 ham slices, 20 oz water, green tea

snack: 2 ham slices, .1 oz mixed nuts

snack: 2 ham slices, .1 oz mixed nuts, one 20 oz cup of water

snack: 2 ham slices, 1 tblsp peanut butter, one 20 oz cup of water

dinner/pregym: 8 oz ground beef, 1 ketchup packet, 1 tblsp. relish, .8 cup romaine salad, 4 tblsp. light thousand island dressing, one 20 oz cup of water


lunges PLUS: 1 X 1 w/ 35 pounds in each hand
regular lunges: 3 X 1 w/ 35 pounds in each hand

1 min rest

regular lunges: 4 X 1 w/ 35 pounds in each hand

1 min rest

regular lunges: 4 X 1 w/ 35 pounds in each hand

1 min rest

regular lunges: 4 X 1 w/ 35 pounds in each hand

1 min rest

regular lunges: 4 X 1 w/ 35 pounds in each hand

2 min rest, water fountain break

dumbbell front arm raise: 10 X 1 w/ 40 pounds in each hand

1 min rest

dfar: 10 X 1 w/ 40 pounds in each hand

1 min rest

dfar: 10 X 1 w/ 40 pounds in each hand

1 min rest

dfar: 10 X 1 w/ 40 pounds in each hand

1 min rest

dfar: 10 X 1 w/ 40 pounds in each hand

25 secs rest

wrist flex (right): 10 X 1

3 secs rest

wrist flex (left): 8 X 1

1 min rest

wrist flex (right): 10 X 1

3 secs rest

wrist flex (left): 8 X 1

1 min rest

wrist flex (right): 7 X 1

3 secs rest

wrist flex (left): 6 X 1

2 min rest, water fountain break

regular dips: 20 X 1

1 min rest

forward leaning dips: 13 X 1

1 min rest

regular dips: 10 X 1

1 min rest

lower ab exercise: 10 X 1

1 min rest

lower ab exercise: 10 X 1

1 min rest

lower ab exercise: 10 X 1

1 min rest, water fountain break

lower ab exercise: 10 X 1

1 min rest

lower ab exercise: 10 X 1

This evening I went to the gym with a friend and was there ~ 55 minutes; I had three water fountain breaks. My shoulders were sore probably from the fbbp exercises from last Monday so my numbers were lower on LP and dips. Overall, though, it was a good workout.

postgym snack: 3 oz baked chicken breast, 1 ketchup packet, one 20 oz cup of water

Sat. Aug. 23, 2008

breakfast: .1 cup romaine salad, 2 ham slices, 2 tblsp thousand island dressing, 3 tblsp peanut butter, one 20 oz cup of water, green tea

snack/pregym: 5 oz baked chicken breast (saved from dinner last night), one 20 oz cup of water


deadlifts: 6 X 1 w/ bar

1 min rest

deadlifts: 6 X 1 w/ bar

1 min rest

deadlifts: 6 X 1 at 135 pounds

18 min rest, 2 water fountain breaks

two deadlift attempts at 405 pounds

2 min deadlift attempt 390 pounds

12 min rest, one water fountain break

wide grip chin up: 5 X 1

4 min rest

reverse pull ups (wide grip): 10 X 1

10 min rest

deadlift: 1 X 1 at 390 pounds it was much easier than last week! :)

5min rest

deadlift attempt at 390 pounds

1 min rest

one arm pull ups (right hand): 3 X 1 w/o gloves
one arm pull ups (left hand): 5 X 1 w/ gloves
one arm pull ups (right hand): 2 X 1 w/ gloves

I was at the gym ~1 h 20 minutes and had three water fountain breaks. I didn't have a lot of food in my system or get a good night's sleep going into the gym this morning. I was so excited about what I had done last weekend that I ratcheted it up to 405 pounds but couldn't lift it, when I lowered the weight by 15 pounds I wasn't able to lift it either. I needed to rest a bit. When I did lift the weight up it was actually easier than last week. I'm good, though. :)

postgym snack: 2 ham slices, 3 tblsp of peanut butter, one 20 oz cup of water

This entry is made before dinner.

And to answer your question, Quagmire, I'm not doing speed deadlifts. If the weight is light, I just lower the weight then come up and then lower it again, come back up until I finish my set. If I'm lifting heavier weight I pause a sec before coming back up again.


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
Reaction score
I got 380 or thereabouts this week as you saw. I must equal your 390! Good work!

Are those one arm pullups or one handed pullups? IE, are you still using two arms.


Master Don Juan
Mar 4, 2007
Reaction score
Quagmire911 said:
I got 380 or thereabouts this week as you saw. I must equal your 390! Good work!

Are those one arm pullups or one handed pullups? IE, are you still using two arms.

Yeah, I saw what you did. :up: What say we both get up to 400 pounds by the end of next month, huh? As for the pull ups, I grip the bar with one hand; I steady myself by using my other hand to grip the wrist of the hand that is gripping the bar. In other words, if I'm gripping the bar with my right hand, I hold my right wrist with my left hand then vice versa. That was a tip I picked up from someone else who posted in here a while back, this helps to keep me from rotating. So what happens is I'm pulling my body weight up using one arm. (I hope I explained it well enough there.)


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
Reaction score
Yeh it is a one handed pullup.

Hopefully 400 by the end of next month. Lets do it. Get a video!


Master Don Juan
Mar 4, 2007
Reaction score
Short Week Mon. Aug. 25, 2008

This was a short week. I've been fighting a cold since early this week so I was only able to get to the gym one day this week. I'm doing better now but to be on the safe side I'll hold off on working out until next week.

Mon. Aug. 25, 2008

breakfast: 1 oz mixed nuts, green tea

lunch: (frozen dinner) beef, green beans, chopped carrots, chopped potatoes, one 20 oz cup of water, 2 tblsp peanut butter

snack/pregym: .2 cup spaghetti, 1 oz ground beef, 14 oz baked chicken breast, one ketchup packet, one 20 oz cup of water


fbbp: 6 X 1 at 135 pounds

1 min rest

fbbp: 6 X 1 at 135 pounds

2 min rest, water fountain break

fbbp: 2 X 1 at 215 pounds

3 min rest

clean/press: 6 reps X 2 sets w/ bar

1 min rest

clean/press: 2 X 1 at 135 pounds holding overhead 3-5 secs

2 min rest

clean/press: 2 X 1 at 135 pounds holding overhead 5-8 secs

2 min rest

clean/press: 2 X 1 at 135 pounds holding overhead 5 - 8 secs

2 min rest

clean/press: 1 X 1 at 135 pounds holding overhead 8 secs

3 min rest, water fountain break

fbbp: 1 X 1 at 215 pounds (not so good, spotter wanted to rack it after 1 rep)

1 min rest

dumbbell row: 6 X 1 (right arm) at 80 pounds
6 X 1 (left arm) at 80 pounds

1 min rest

dumbbell row: 7 X 1 (right arm) at 80 pounds
7 X 1 (left arm) at 80 pounds

1 min rest

dumbbell row: 6 X 1 (right arm) at 80 pounds
7 X 1 (left arm) at 80 pounds

2 min rest, water fountain break

clean only 1 X 1 at 135 pounds

2 min rest

clean/press: 1 X 1 at 135 pounds

1 min rest

chin ups (shoulder width): 10 X 1

2 min rest

pull ups (shoulder width): 10 X 1

I was at the gym ~ 55 minutes and had three water fountain breaks. The clean/press was easier for the most part. I was a little disappointed w/ my flat bench today. I had a different spotter this time who upon seeing that I was having some trouble on that last bench press, decided to rack the weight. I guess a cold will do that to ya. :p :) The dumbbell rows were good, I haven't done them in a while so it was fun doing them again. I REALLY feel it in my stomach when I'm doing the rows esp. when I'm lifting on my right side.

postgym snack: 5 oz baked chicken breast, one ketchup packet, one 20 oz cup of water

This entry is made before dinner.


Master Don Juan
Jul 5, 2007
Reaction score
New Jersey
Good move not to go to the gym sick. Your CNS will be off and you increase the chances of hurting yourself. I hope your better next week.


Master Don Juan
Mar 4, 2007
Reaction score
My Fitness Journal Tues. Sept. 2, 2008-Fri. Sept. 5, 2008

Tues. Sept. 2, 2008

breakfast: 2 frankfurters, 2 ketchup packets, 2 mustard packets, .5 oz mixed nuts, green tea

snack: 3 oz baked chicken breast, 1 oz cheese curls, 5 small fruit & plenty, 5 small fig cookies, one 20 oz cup of water

snack/pregym: 2 oz baked chicken breast, one ketchup packet, one 20 oz cup of water


clean/press: 6 X 2 w/ bar

2 min rest

clean/press: 3 X 1 at 140 pounds * held overhead ~ 3-5 secs

*This a 5 pound increase from previous workouts

3 min rest, water fountain break

fbbp attempt at 215 pounds I was so pumped up from the clean/press that when I went to do my flat bench barbell press, I just loaded 215 on the bar w/o realizing it. When I did figure it out I thought I didn't need the warm up set at 175 pounds. Boy, I was wrong. I lowered the bar w/o assistance as usual but barely lifted it from my chest. Haha!! The spotter helped set it on the stand for me.

1 min rest

clean/press: 1 X 1 at 140 pounds held over head ~ 8 secs
2 min rest

wide grip pull ups: 8 X 1

15 secs rest

reverse pull ups (wide grip): 7 X 1

2 min rest

clean/press: 1 X 1 at 140 pounds ~ 6 secs held overhead

3 min rest

clean/press: 1 X 1 at 140 pounds ~ 6 secs held overhead

30 secs rest

wide grip pull ups: 4 X 1

3 min rest, water fountain break

clean/press: 1 X 1 at 140 pounds

1 min rest

side bends (or side to side): 50 X 1 w/ 85 pound dumbbells in each hand w/o gloves

1 min rest

side bends: 3 X 1 w/o gloves but dumbbell rubbed inside of my left forearm, set it down
4 X 1 w/o gloves same thing again

side bends: 30 X 1 w/ 85 pound dumbbells in each hand w/ gloves no rubbing on my forearm

1 min rest

clean/press: 1 X 1 at 140 pounds

2 min rest

wide grip pull ups: 3 X 1

1 min rest

reverse pull ups (wide grip): 10 X 1

I was at the gym ~ 55 min, I took three water fountain breaks. I had an okay workout, nothing to write home about regarding the fbbp. But I was very pleased with my clean/press! 140 pounds today. And I held it overhead for longer periods of time. Since I was able to do three with relative ease I may just go higher next week.

postgym snack: 2 ox baked chicken breast, .25 cup raisin bran, 10 oz milk, one ketchup packet

dinner: .7 cup pinto beans, 2 oz boiled pork steak, one 20 oz cup of water

Fri. Sept. 5, 2008

Since I had low food reserves I only went to the gym twice this week, because I wanted to have my deadlift day on Friday.

breakfast: 4 oz baked chicken breast, .1 cup pork & beans, .4 oz mixed nuts, 3 tblsp peanut butter, one 20 oz cup of water, green tea

snack: 4 tblsp peanut butter, one 20 oz cup of water

dinner/pre-gym: 8 oz baked chicken breast, 3 oz brussel sprouts, .3 oz canned sweet potato, one 20 oz cup of water


deadlift: 6 X 2 w/ bar

deadlift attempt: at 410 pounds*

one arm chin up (right palm facing away from me): 1 X 1
one arm chin up (left palm facing away from me): 1 X 1

rotation at top of exercise threw me off, 1 min rest

one arm chin up (right palm facing away from me): 1 X 1
one arm chin up (left palm facing away from me): 1 X 1

30 secs rest

one arm chin up (right palm facing away from me): attempt but I got thrown off by rotation
one arm chin up (left palm facing away from me): 1 X 1

pull ups (close grip): 10 X 1

chin ups (close grip): 10 X 1

reverse pull ups (shoulder width): 10 X 1

*This was not how I planned it. I went there all psyched up to lift at 400 pounds. I started adding plates to the bar and then when I thought I had 400 pounds on there I lifted it. I got the weight off the floor, I was about halfway up when my left leg started to buckle so I set the weight down. The weight was lifted about 1/4 way above my knee when this happened. So I don't count this as a full deadlift. But since I did lift the weight off the floor it counts for something. After I set the weight down I was excited for what I accomplished. But then I added up all the weights and 45 X 6 + 25 X 2 + 4 X 10 + 2.5 X 2 + the bar (45) and realized that I had in fact lifted 410 pounds.

I went to the gym after 7 PM tonight, and I was there for 1 h 20 min. I didn't have a lot of energy left over after that attempt at 410 pounds. Most of my time at the gym was spent marveling at what I did. I made 4 more attempts but that mainly consisted of getting into position, gripping the bar then standing up again because I just felt I wouldn't have enough to lift again. So I tried some pull ups which were not so easy this time. I'm okay, though. For having had only a sparse meal spread for the day, this was good. I did have 8 oz ground beef last night which helped out and some left over chicken that I had saved for breakfast this morning. I only had one water fountain break since I didn't work out that hard tonight.

post gym snack: 4 oz baked chicken breast, one 20 oz cup of water
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Mar 4, 2007
Reaction score
Quagmire911 said:
Next week! Rip that f***** off the floor...
Yeah. :) Since I did lift it off the floor, that means I CAN lift at that weight, you think?

On another subject, for anyone doing one arm pull ups and one arm chin ups, how do you compensate for the spin? I tried some chin ups last night but I started spinning at the top of the lift, it disoriented me enough that I lost my concentration. It had me worried that I might injure my shoulders and I definitely do not want that. As for the pull ups (for me that means palm facing me), I can do up to 5 of them in a set but the spinning is a problem. If I could better control that I know I would do many more reps in this exercise.


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
Reaction score
Yeh, you will get it soon.

As for one HAND pullups, make sure to keep your abs and obliques firing throughout the lift. Probably the obliques will be the most important for stopping you from twisitng. Work on those side bends!