So ive been reading this forum for a couple of months now and i like the advice you guys give. A lot of it is very useful when picking up girls, but most importantly it shows confidence when u use a lot of these techniques. Anyway, so i was out at the club last night having a few drinks with my buddies and this girl keeps looking at me. i take notice so i decide to wait andsee if she would come to me. About an hour goes by and i catch her looking my way a couple more times. So i point this out to one of my buddies and he makes a big deal about how i have to fvck her. (she was pretty hot, HB7, and even though she didnt have the greatest face i fugured i could have banged her doggystyle anyway). Now here's the problem. Im a virgin, im 20yrs young and have never been with a woman, and i have absolutely no experience with dealing with them. So this was going to be my first pick up attempt ever, to try and bring a girl back home with me. So anyway, im standing there in the club thinking "im tired of this virginity, i have to somehow get laid tonight." So i think back to all the success stories i've read in this forum, and just thinking about them gets me pumped to approach this babe. So im walking around the bar looking for her and i see her sitting on one of the couches alone. I walk up to her and smile, and she smiles back. And the whole time im doing this im in like this daze, its like i was in another world. So i say "hi" and she says "hi" and then i ask her her name. She says her name is kelly and then i wait for her to ask me my name (a trick that i learned from doc love). She does and i tell her my name is ratisson. Since i have no experience with women, and this is my first cold approach ever, i have no words in my mouth. So i knew since i probably couldn't carry on a convo with a girl because im so shy i should probably just make it quick so i say "I'm going home now, do you want to come with me". She says "No thanks, but have fun". I said " o.k, see you" and just walked away. Now that i look back and think about this, i think i may have been successful if i have put a little time in with this girl (i.e actually have a conversation with her for like 5 mins) and then ask her to come home with me. I mean looking back on this now you would have to be a really big horny and desperate slut to go home with a complete stranger who only wants you for sex. But the amazing part is that i didnt even care that i got turned down, it actually had me feeling good about my self because every other time in my life i would just stand there and let the opportunity pass. At least this way it had a chance (kind of like when ur putting in golf, if u blow it by the hole at least u gave it a chance compared to if u left it short of the hole, in which case you have NO chance of scoring). Anyway looking back at this i feel pretty good about the whole situation i feel as if this is a start to a new beginning.
What do you guys think of this, are there any suggestions you can give me for my next attempt.
What do you guys think of this, are there any suggestions you can give me for my next attempt.