That's just plain crazy. What are we talking about here,quality or quantity?
You say "If I take it slow". What does that mean? So if I get a girl's number on Monday,then call her on Wednesday,then go out with her on Friday,that's slow? Are you saying that if it takes you longer than 4 hours after you just met a girl to sleep with her,that I'm taking too long?
And this,"I will take from you what you are after and you'll never get it",dude,that's just plain laughable. :crackup:
So if you meet a girl,sleep with her after knowing her all of 2 hours,you're saying that she'll never sleep with another guy again,that no other guy will "ever get it",right? If two guys sleep with the same girl,does it really matter who slept with her first? You're not foolish enough to believe that each and every girl you approach and sleep with after knowing her a hour is a virgin,are you?
You forget:there's TWO PEOPLE involved. The vast majoprity of women WILL NOT go on a date with you after knowing you 10 minutes...And I'm talking about women in their right minds,not women who are under the influence of alcohol or some drug.