My first ever real fking phone number!!

Nov 26, 2009
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia

had our company christmas party tonight, and i fking did it!!

i saw this sexy babe sitting at a table on her own, (minding the bags of her friends) and i did my first real approach. i was already pretty liquored up ( styill am hahah) but had to try three times cause of my weak pansy attitude, but on my third try i caught her eye as i started walking toward her, she looked away, and then i sat myself down right opposite her at the empty table and said hi, my name is NAI101!!

and from there it was on baby! we had some small chit chat, which she gladly continued when i ran out of **** to say, and somehow we got onto race. i mentioned that my race was a very good looking bunch, and she said she had other friends of my race and she could definitley agree that we were good lokoking (green light!!)

talked some more, her friend came over, i made sure to talk to her and poke fun at the friend, she walked off, and i pulled out my phone and handed it to her without even asking her, she typed it in, and i walked off with my feriend

it was beautiful

today was friday night, i'll give her a call on tuesday, no idfea what i'll say but damn its good to know i've given it my first real shot



Don Juan
Jan 29, 2009
Reaction score
Congrats. Just keep finding your strengths. Let us know how it goes.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 10, 2009
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Awesome dude! Makes me wish I was going to Christmas parties.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 19, 2008
Reaction score
Congratulations man! Just remember, if you did it once you can do it again. It will get easier every time, and you've just taken a huge step in realizing that getting what you want is simply a matter of asking.

As far as what to do - Asking her out is a lot like asking for the number. It should be even easier over the phone. Call her tuesday, say hello and get straight to business. Tell her you had fun talking to her the other night, and ask if shed like to meet up for coffee (or whatever, as long as its casual). When she says yes, suggest a day later that week thats good for you, if she pitches a counter day, take it if it works. After setting the date up, excuse yourself by saying youve got to go do something (dont say something), and will see her then.

On the date, do what dating was intended for - have a good time and most importantly treat it as almost a sort of interview to see if shes the kind of girl you want to date again. Ask questions, personal but not too personal, and let her talk. It should be about a 6:4 ratio of her to you speaking. Listen to what she says. Dont come on too hard, but flirt with her a bit. Test the waters and see how she reacts. Tell her you had fun at the end of the date and if you want to see her again call her in a few days to set up another, more exciting date.

Each date, be a little more personal, flirt a little more, and dont be scared to touch her. If she went on a second date with you, she probably wants you too. Close with a kiss. Hopefully, soon youll be doing what nature intended you to do.:D

repeat with as many females as you want.
Nov 26, 2009
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
magickarl said:
Congratulations man! Just remember, if you did it once you can do it again. It will get easier every time, and you've just taken a huge step in realizing that getting what you want is simply a matter of asking.

As far as what to do - Asking her out is a lot like asking for the number. It should be even easier over the phone. Call her tuesday, say hello and get straight to business. Tell her you had fun talking to her the other night, and ask if shed like to meet up for coffee (or whatever, as long as its casual). When she says yes, suggest a day later that week thats good for you, if she pitches a counter day, take it if it works. After setting the date up, excuse yourself by saying youve got to go do something (dont say something), and will see her then.

On the date, do what dating was intended for - have a good time and most importantly treat it as almost a sort of interview to see if shes the kind of girl you want to date again. Ask questions, personal but not too personal, and let her talk. It should be about a 6:4 ratio of her to you speaking. Listen to what she says. Dont come on too hard, but flirt with her a bit. Test the waters and see how she reacts. Tell her you had fun at the end of the date and if you want to see her again call her in a few days to set up another, more exciting date.

Each date, be a little more personal, flirt a little more, and dont be scared to touch her. If she went on a second date with you, she probably wants you too. Close with a kiss. Hopefully, soon youll be doing what nature intended you to do.:D

repeat with as many females as you want.
thanks, great advice!

cause we're coworkers, i was thinking of just meeting up for lunch, (but maybe should just do coffee first) but my worry is, if we're sitting across from one another, how can i get some kino in? i noticed that i wasn't really able to lean across the table apart from a handshake


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
newandimproved101 said:
any ideas as to how to handle the phone call?
Yeah...don't call her.

You guys are coworkers.
It sounds like you still need to work on alot when it comes to dealing with the opposite sex.

This combination is an absolute course for destruction.

The chances are slim to none that you guys will hit it off and progress past a first or second date.

This will create a certain awkardness in the workplace.

If you guys do hit it off and make it to sex or couple-hood, the chances of it outlasting your employment are virtually zero (unless either of you are temp.)

When it blows up you have a whole new situation at work that you really don't want to deal with.

Even if you were a master of the game and you knew you could control the situation it would still be a bad idea.

But since you aren't a master of the game it is a TERRIBLE idea.

Let this number show you that you are capable.
Now go out and do it again with girls OUTSIDE of work.

Nov 26, 2009
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
Teflon_Mcgee said:
Yeah...don't call her.

You guys are coworkers.
It sounds like you still need to work on alot when it comes to dealing with the opposite sex.

This combination is an absolute course for destruction.

The chances are slim to none that you guys will hit it off and progress past a first or second date.

This will create a certain awkardness in the workplace.

If you guys do hit it off and make it to sex or couple-hood, the chances of it outlasting your employment are virtually zero (unless either of you are temp.)

When it blows up you have a whole new situation at work that you really don't want to deal with.

Even if you were a master of the game and you knew you could control the situation it would still be a bad idea.

But since you aren't a master of the game it is a TERRIBLE idea.

Let this number show you that you are capable.
Now go out and do it again with girls OUTSIDE of work.

i guess i didn't mention this, but we're both leaving work in january next year, (going our separate ways of course) - but bloody hell, shows how inexperienced i am, it didn't even occur to me that dating someone in the workplace could be a bad idea, even though i already know it....

my aim with this one is practice. the last time i tried calling a girl for a date (must have been almost a year ago now) i was nervous as **** and bombed with a LJBF

my plan for this is to just ask her how she enjoyed the rest of the christmas party, talk for another 2 mins, and then ask her to meet me for coffee say thursday (its a big ass building with about 1000 of us in it, so its unlikely i'll ever run into her by accident, so phone call is the way to go...)
Nov 26, 2009
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
alrighty boys!!

i made the phone call, and damn she asked me to come to a christmas party she's holding this weekend (i didn't even get the chance to ask her out, cause she wouldn't stfu!!)

she said she hopes i will come and she said we can talk some more this weekend, and i can meet her friends, and blah blah

is this a good or bad thing? cause i'm not sure if i'm over analysing, but i wont know anyone at this party but her, and now she's got all the power - not exactly the situation i would have been comfortable in



Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2009
Reaction score
In the damn boonies...of Michigan
fuk it go meet and socialize with everyone there the best you can...Show her a good time, Will only bring up your social value up like ten fold. If shes a cutie most likely her friends are to. So you could make this work in your favor. Just don't hook up with her...listen to these other guys:)

I have in the past went through a fling with a girl at work....ended kind of ugly (as she was kind of bat **** crazy, but damn she was good in bed)...My work got real awkward at times. she literally told all the other women at my work she really liked me and in a way cautioned against anyone doing anything with me! ffs and we weren't even going out!


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2009
Reaction score
Go to the party obviously, but don't go just to see her. Talk to everyone there. Maybe even get a girl's number there.

Also, you need to start expanding because otherwise you're going to develop oneitis with this girl.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
a journey of a thousand miles begins with just one step. Congrats on taking your first step. keep moving forward. Good luck.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 30, 2009
Reaction score
newandimproved101 said:
alrighty boys!!

i made the phone call, and damn she asked me to come to a christmas party she's holding this weekend (i didn't even get the chance to ask her out, cause she wouldn't stfu!!)

she said she hopes i will come and she said we can talk some more this weekend, and i can meet her friends, and blah blah

is this a good or bad thing? cause i'm not sure if i'm over analysing, but i wont know anyone at this party but her, and now she's got all the power - not exactly the situation i would have been comfortable in

Actually, that's PERFECT. You're already going to knock out one of the Big Five tests!

She won't have any power at all because you'll be socializing and using HER friends for Social Proof. Absolutely DO NOT stand alone. Wander around and introduce yourself to people and don't spend a lot of time in heavy conversations, just do light chat with people and be fun. Pretty much leave her alone, it's her party so she's going to be busy. Don't follow her around or keep looking for/at her. She's not ignoring you, it's her party, not a date, so go ahead and be just like you would if you were at a party one of your friends were having and there weren't any girls present. In fact, disappear to other areas than where she is at and when she wanders by she'll see you engaged with people. Try to switch who you're talking to every once in a while. Don't spend hours talking to just the same couple of guys or girls. Talking to girls is completely fine. She'd love it if her girlfriends like you...don't fear what she'll think, really.

Relax. Her seeing people liking talking to you will have an impressive effect on her. All she knows is the guy from work and you can show some depth just by being comfortable and friendly. DON'T DRINK MUCH.

Concise version: Pretend/visualize she's a family friend you've known for years and you're just hanging out with her nerdy family. Just talk to people especially women, be friendly, try to remember names (keep using them), don't follow her, stay off heavy subjects (no politics, religion, etc...), and don't get drunk. It's that easy.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
newandimproved101 said:
alrighty boys!!

i made the phone call, and damn she asked me to come to a christmas party she's holding this weekend (i didn't even get the chance to ask her out, cause she wouldn't stfu!!)

she said she hopes i will come and she said we can talk some more this weekend, and i can meet her friends, and blah blah

is this a good or bad thing? cause i'm not sure if i'm over analysing, but i wont know anyone at this party but her, and now she's got all the power - not exactly the situation i would have been comfortable in

High interest. Nice!

Don't get all needy with her. Play it cool, you've got her where you want her. Congratulations.
Nov 26, 2009
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
holy ****, she just forwarded me the invite list, and its like 80% female!

its gonna be a baptism by fire baby, the best learning experience i've ever had

only problem is, her email address suggests she's 28, and i'm 23...i'm open for a FB type of relationship, but i doubt she would be. she still doesn't know my age, should i clue her in somehow?

judging by her email, she's got high interest, but i dont want to lead her on


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2007
Reaction score
Age shouldn't matter too much. I know plenty of 28 year olds who aren't looking for anything serious.

And since you are both leaving work next month I wouldn't worry too much about dating at work issues. Especially if you aren't in the same department.

And congrats man!


Don Juan
Dec 15, 2009
Reaction score
Congratulations man!! Celebrate the success. Acknowledge it again and again.

This will reinforce this in your brain.

Remember, success breeds more success.