My ex is a nutter


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Apr 4, 2004
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I met my ex girlfriend on a working holiday in the United Kingdom. Things kicked off, and we were at it like madmen in the begining. We are both from the same country, and things were always fine between us.

She had this "gay" friend, a best friend, back in South Africa who she kept in contact with. One day his mother phones, this dude had slit his wrists and was in hospital. The mother was saying that her friend believed that he could not be without her, he was in love with her. Apparently, the mother did not know he was "gay", and neither did he. The cookie startes to crumble.

My girlfriend insisted that she had to go home and make sure he was OK, but would return in two weeks, for a trip through Europe we had planned. I flipped out, because if these dude was queer, what the hell is he doing putting a sword to his wrists?

Eventually, I give in, let her do what she needs to do. I trust her. She goes. Two days after she lands, she tells me its over. The ussual breakup garbage ensures, and I hear nothing from her afterwards. Being the stubborn person that I am, I refuse to even phone her. She did phone me once though, just to "see how I was". I asked her just before she left and we were still together to drop off christamas presents for my family, which she agreed to do. Out of the blue, after we have broken up and only spoken on the phone once, she goes to my place, introduces herself as my girlfriend to my family! Now this makes no sense to me at all. She phones again, hinting that she wants to get back together. I told her I would be returning home soon since Europe was off, and we will see what happens, but I told her upfront I was still angry about the shole situation.

I get back, and saw her twice. Every time I try to mention this other dude, she wont talk about it. Eventually, the third time I saw her, I managed to get the full story. They were together, but she was unhappy. She was only with him because she loves him as a friend, and out of fear that he is going to hurt himself, shes going to just stick it out. When I heard this I wanted to rip his head off his shoulders, but would not giver her the satisfaction of seeing how badly I took the whole thing.

I flat out told her that we were done, and we were not going to happen. She asked if we could stay friends, and I agreed that we could. We always had a good time together, and she knows more about me than anyone else I can think of. So it stayed plutonic.

She ended up telling this guy to take a hike, which I did not know about. I would see her occasionally, and sometimes we would just hang out. She was always very flirty, but Im not the type to get involved with someone who has a man, so I played it down a lot. The attraction was still there, but I never showed interest. One night we went to a club, had a bit to much to drink, and one thing led to another. I took it for granted that she wanted to get back together, esspecially after she asked me to meet her folks the very next day. Against my better judgement, I went, knowing we had failed once before, wondering if it would work again.

Two days later, phone calls go unanswered. I manage to find out she was out on the town with her "gay" mate. I flipped out like expected, told her she lied to me one last time, and gave her the boot. Now, as friends, I did meet him once. He IS gay. Im talking fairy gay here. Staright as a banana. But she lied, and its something I would not tolerate.

TWO months go by, and she phones me out of the blue. 23:30 at night on a weeknight, crying her eyes out. Says she is unhappy, wishes things had worked out better, do I hate her, she never wanted to hurt me, bla bla bla.

I said we could meet for a drink, which we did. It was good to see her again, and what was meant to be a one hour appointment ended up being an entire day we spent together. I told her I was not interested in getting back together, and if anything did happen between us again, it would not happen now. She agreed it was for the best, and said she wanted to be alone for a while.

We stayed in touch, and I started seeing more of her. Again, very flirty and complimentry. The more time we started spending together, I started getting a bit more flirty. I got crapped out because I dont phone enough or show interest. Now I was keen to get back together, and seeing things the way they were, I went into full hunt mode. And then as soon as I showed the slightest bit of interest again, I have been given the cold shoulder.

Now here is the dilema. I do love this girl. But Im not one to be pushed around by anyone. I know this girl feels much the same way, but I get nothing but mixed messages. We are good together, sex was great, we have a lot in common, family liked me, mine likes her. Our problems were never about each other, it was always something or someone else that caused any issues.

My mates being the useless bunch of idiots they are cant seem to give me the right type of advice. Im getting the ussual "just do her dude" to the "tell her to get lost". Im on the verge of going crazy here. Im not sure if I should give her her space and let things sort themselves out, or if I should just give her the boot for good this time and move on, or if I should be in full hunting mode and chasing her the way I know she likes to be chased. When we first got togther, I had a bit of a reputation at the hotel we worked at. I liked her from day one, but she was intimidating as hell, and Im not one to be scared off by women easily. So I worked my ass of to get together with her after I showed interest and got shot down. We were together for about 7 months before we broke up first time.

Any advice for my Jerry Springer type life would be much appreciated.


Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2004
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So she comes and goes, and everytime she wants you back she just snaps her fingers and there you are again. Stop being a toy, next her.


Master Don Juan
Jul 26, 2002
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Next her, and here's why...

You've caught feelings for her which prevents you from just fvcking her like the lying slvt she is. I can tell because, in part, you've written this huge post and you're pretending to give her the cold shoulder, etc.

Next her because she was hugely dishonest with you, disrespected you, and lacks integrity.

I don't need to explain WHY these things are ... read you're own post and you will see why. What is important for you to know is that she was able to hook you in all the while lying to you in your face about numerous things and then to next you at the drop of a hat. In addition, she was dishonest with and disrespected her previous (current?) boyfriend. Can you imagine this poor schmuck who she has been telling everyone he's gay???? It appears that this lying, lack of respect, and lack of integrity is her modus operandi.

She continues to evidence it even in visiting your parents telling them that she is your girlfriend. It is part of her ... it is what she IS. Examine things she's done and said and I believe you will find that they are consistent with her being dishonest, disrespectful, and lacking integrity.

Imagine her telling everyone else that YOU are gay just so she can slink around lying. That's gotta burn your ass.

A very weak, dishonest, lack of integrity biotch. Get rid of her dude.


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2003
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Yea man this girl is a nut.

2 questions

If this guy is gay, why is he so attached to her? and also if he is gay, why are you worried about him?

are they dating ? or is it some type of codependant relationship?

also how long were you 2 dating?


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2002
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Echo the above.

And I really don't want to be screwing a girl that is screwing a gay guy. HIV and the grossed-out part of it and all.


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2003
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Wine Country, Ca
I get a picture of this girl with a huge red and yellow neon sign over her head flashing DRAMA QUEEN!

This girl has no life, no hobbies, few friends (if any) and she loves romance novels and soap operas. (Am I right?)

Her only source of amusement is to make her life a soap opera/romance novel she's living some freaked out fantasy and you are getting written in as the sometimes hero. Dump this girl, dump her hardm mean and final. Refuse ALL contact from her. She will drive you insane.


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2003
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IN my opinion, I dont think this guy is gay or tried to kill himself

these sound like 2 VERY EXTREME excuses this girl is using to play the field.

#1 He is gay. Is he ? Why is he so hard up for this girl? By telling you he is gay(even tho you swear he acts gay) she has just given herself a free pass to see this guy whenever she wants without you worrying.

#2 he tried to kill himself? another extreme excuse to fly out and see him , to try and make the situation seem of the utmost life/death situation

How old is this girl? These antics remind me of the "my dog ate my homework" type excuses

Get rid of her, she is an immature brat


Don Juan
Feb 8, 2004
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Salt Lake City, Utah
DUDE. RUN, JUST FUKCING RUN. Dont talk to her, dont meet her for drinks dont fukcing look at her if you happen to run into her. Don't think about her. Completly forget about her. I was in a very similar situation with a girl that loved to pull my chain anytime I started getting to far away, so I fukcing cut the rope and ran. I am much happier now. She isnt worth it.
Nov 6, 2003
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Wisconsin. USA
You have the highest tolerance for games and drama then should be expected from a man!!

It is the 'great sex' that is blinding you!!!! Cut your penis off (figuratively speaking, of course) and tell me how you see her now?

If you get back with her, your future will be blealk and chaotic!

Prosemont summed it up quite well.


New Member
Apr 4, 2004
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Just wanted to thank everyone for the advice. Its has been helpful, and has confirmed pretty much what I have been thinking

My Preacher stamp goes to watertiger.

Hit the nail on the head dude. Spot on. Even brought a smile to my face.


New Member
Apr 4, 2004
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Originally posted by ManOMan
IN my opinion, I dont think this guy is gay or tried to kill himself

these sound like 2 VERY EXTREME excuses this girl is using to play the field.

#1 He is gay. Is he ? Why is he so hard up for this girl? By telling you he is gay(even tho you swear he acts gay) she has just given herself a free pass to see this guy whenever she wants without you worrying.

#2 he tried to kill himself? another extreme excuse to fly out and see him , to try and make the situation seem of the utmost life/death situation

How old is this girl? These antics remind me of the "my dog ate my homework" type excuses

Get rid of her, she is an immature brat

Like I said dude, met him once. He is as gay as they come. He did wear bracelets that covered his wrists (not joking) to hide his "scars".

Shes 24, but you would not say it the ways things have gone. We were only together for about 7-8 months

Hehehehe. The funny thing is that it was owed to me. All those times playing the field, telling the ladies what they wanted to hear. I fell pretty hard, and got a bit of my own medicine. Now I think its time to just get back out there and meet another woman. Or three :D :D


Mar 4, 2004
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Hooker head-case. Get rid of her quickly she will only make you miserable.