One thing I have noticed in my recent dating history, not one girl reminds me of a previous one. What I am experiencing is that each new girl has qualities I desire that the previous had not. Slowly the new ones start to add up to the qualities combined of the previous that you liked, but they didnt have. My current plate seems to have all of the qualities of the previous 4, plus several none had before.
My first car: Bad ass muscle car coupe (AMC Hurst S/C Rambler)
Other cars: utility, nice colors, sedans (bunch of different ones, a few coupes, all crap)
Recent car: power, styling, handling, color, coupe (got rusty tho) (BMW E36 M/Sport)
To buy: power, styling, handling, color, coupe, AWD, no rust (Audi A3 3.2 Quattro)
not one reminds me of the previous ones...