Master Don Juan
I was never very good at meeting new people. Once I got to know them, things typically are good. But Today was my first day at college, and yeah i talked to some DUDES, but no cute girls. I'm not going to lie, i'm intimidated as hell. These girls are much better looking than the girls back in Highschool. It's also a big deal to mention that im basically starting fresh with very little friends, with different schedules, so now i want to MEET people. I actually spent the first time ever eating by myself today. IT SUCKED!!!!!!!I decided now would be the perfect time to start cold approaching
Approach One
I made one cold approach. I basically saw this blonde white, somewhat chubby girl ( Id rate like a 6) sitting by herself on the couch texting her friends or something. I figured I could just try and open up to her and see how that goes. I figured Id try a direct approach. What I thought of saying was " Hey I gotta get going now, but I just wanted to come over and say hi... blah blah blah "
Turned into : " Hey, I just had to come over and say hi.... I think you're really cute. But I have to get going now" It was a little awkward, but she smiled and said thank you. There was this dude sitting around her, and he was looking at me the whole time. He kinda opened up his eyes and gave me a shocked look like either " wow you're weird." or " holy sh1t i cant believe he said that".
I personally don't care, but I just wanted to just give it a shot since i've always wanted to use a direct approach. I forgot to mention i was nervous as hell, the minute i started to walk towards her, i felt my heart almost burst out of my chest. I had a rush for the next 10 minutes, no matter how lame that sounds, It was almost the epitome of when you go down a big vert ramp for the first time or jump into a lake and you're unsure if there are alligators in there.
I will get better at this... I know it
Approach One
I made one cold approach. I basically saw this blonde white, somewhat chubby girl ( Id rate like a 6) sitting by herself on the couch texting her friends or something. I figured I could just try and open up to her and see how that goes. I figured Id try a direct approach. What I thought of saying was " Hey I gotta get going now, but I just wanted to come over and say hi... blah blah blah "
Turned into : " Hey, I just had to come over and say hi.... I think you're really cute. But I have to get going now" It was a little awkward, but she smiled and said thank you. There was this dude sitting around her, and he was looking at me the whole time. He kinda opened up his eyes and gave me a shocked look like either " wow you're weird." or " holy sh1t i cant believe he said that".
I personally don't care, but I just wanted to just give it a shot since i've always wanted to use a direct approach. I forgot to mention i was nervous as hell, the minute i started to walk towards her, i felt my heart almost burst out of my chest. I had a rush for the next 10 minutes, no matter how lame that sounds, It was almost the epitome of when you go down a big vert ramp for the first time or jump into a lake and you're unsure if there are alligators in there.
I will get better at this... I know it