My breaking point has been reached


Master Don Juan
Oct 2, 2008
Reaction score
Too many places at once
6 years into your relationship and you both don't have a functional method to resolve conflicts. You ought to lay aside the issue of who was wrong and who was right and figure out why you can't talk to each other openly. That is a much better reason to walk out of a relationship than some kind of murky disagreement over $60 and you might actually learn something.

If you were both always incapable of communication -- which requires honesty, not stupid and misdirected stunts such as your GF pulled -- your relationship was always doomed. Giving in on petty arguments and sacrificing your boundaries (apologize for things you don't feel responsible for?) is just a way of delaying the inevitable crash, which finally occurred. She no doubt has problems, but you do as well, since you lived in this pattern instead of breaking it.

I guarantee you this is about how much power she feels she exerts in the relationship and how much respect she feels you actually give her. Money is incidental. She either can't talk to you because she's not self-aware, she's too insecure to expose herself, or because you're incapable of listening when she's tried. People have issues that go far beyond surface conflict. Better communication is not a magic bullet, but then at least you will not be asking advice from know-everything posters with a political axe to grind.

I mean... has anyone here figured out what she actually feels, or even asked? Your account of this fight, added to hers, would probably amount to 40% of the whole story.

Go deeper man.


Don Juan
Mar 27, 2008
Reaction score
London, UK
DonS said:
You taught me about quality. 15 years of low quality trash and you start to think drama and crisis is normal. My last LTR was with a stunning hottie, but she acted like a child. She had NO standards in her life. She grew up so beautiful that she became spoiled rotten -daddy's little girl. After my eyes were opened, I realized how ugly she really was. The same day she was fired from her low-level wannabe corporate job, I dumped her.

I lucked out and went to the very top of the quality ladder with a self-made wealthy couger these past 2 months. It is the most fun I've ever had with a woman. Every single facet of her life is held to a high standard and it is a huge turn-on. I'm even raising my standards because I can see how cool it is.

The OP was accepting damage goods as "good enough" for 6 years. He's now on the move up.
Right on. I was seeing this coke fiend ex model recently - beneath it all she was dead and selfish and twisted - and another thing - looks dont last forever - its downhill from 30 for most women especially if they drink heavily or do drugs. The sex kitten becomes the cat.