You got it.
2 years of dating is enough to ensnare you ,trust me.
In my story I was totally into this girl in ........I would guess a year......totally powerles.
I tried to break it off to no avail,I had to come back and that fed her compulsion to re-seduce me besides I travelled once a year for a month(without her) so big time rekindling there.
Stay busy and get a goal,whatever it is and focus......the only way I know out of this.If you can get yourself some poon do it but I also know that this state of mind affects your libido whether you want it or not.
Ultimately we have to own ourselves again.
I have seen glimpses of the light bro,I have seen women that I go "SHE could make me forget" so you know what,my memories are not THAT sacred anymore,there was a time that I would've forsaken any other,"not no mo".
Keep you eye on the light at the end of the tunnel,whether is your wife or a new life or getting you girl back,but I believe that that goal will ultimately help us out of the bog even if the prize you set for yourself is no longer relevant when you are done,meaning we have trully moved on.
My NC went on valiantly for 10 months (phone calls) and 2 months for emails.My satisfaction is that during those 10 months she was trying desperately to contact me,phone and emails...
She tricked my father by lying whom she was and I talked to her on the phone 4 days ago which sent me for a loop of jonesing for her and general sadness, melancholy and memories flashback.
But came here(I had joined in 2008 whe the breakup but stopped participating after one or two posts) and decided to tell my story get help and support like we are doing.
Did you read the Book of Pook?,long read and good self help,will give you a sense of MAN identity that the years and women have taken from you,me and you are almost the same age so ........I know .